>consider my self right wing
>hate SJW's, feminists and Muslims
>okay with immigrants but they have to come legally
>races don't exist, science proved this, so people should stop thinking in terms of race, starting with the government stopping recording / dividing people by race in census / crime statistics, etc.
>global warming is real, but probably irreversible
>education and healthcare should be free like in europe
>free market is good, but there should be tariffs on foreign goods, and higher taxes on the rich, but lower taxes on the middle class
>welfare should be abolished
>national debt should be repaid with a special tax on the top earners
What's my ideology?
Other urls found in this thread:
I believe you are what is known as a "cuck". Specifically, a Cuckservative.
>races don't exist
Your ideology is retardation.
>What's my ideology?
Boomer Conservatism.
Now get off the web you dusty-boned dino-rider.
Don't you have to kids to bully about how you walked up hill both ways in 100 degree weather through snow?
>What's my ideology?
Idiot kekistani
I'd tell you to lurk moar but this board has gone to shit
After third point the bait became more and more retarded
Only a newfaggot would ask such a stupid question
>>races don't exist, science proved this, so people should stop thinking in terms of race, starting with the government stopping recording / dividing people by race in census / crime statistics, etc.
end your life as soon as possible
Science has absolutely, without any single doubt, proved race exists. It's a law at this point. We just don't talk about it because feelings.
>consider my self right wing
you aint
>hate SJW's, feminists and Muslims
everybody does
>okay with immigrants but they have to come legally
>races don't exist, science proved this, so people should stop thinking in terms of race, starting with the government stopping recording / dividing people by race in census / crime statistics, etc.
>global warming is real, but probably irreversible
>education and healthcare should be free like in europe
I agree, for our country
>free market is good, but there should be tariffs on foreign goods, and higher taxes on the rich, but lower taxes on the middle class
fair enough
>welfare should be abolished
>national debt should be repaid with a special tax on the top earners
You're a retarded civnat nigger.
You don't understand race so you deny it exists.
Kys you blind moron.
>races don't exist, science proves this
You just put that in there as bait didn't you? Science has always said the opposite!
this. Where the fuck do I flee to?
yes, we must take race out of crime statistics so no one will know that its the niggers committing most of the crimes.
All the scientists say that race doesn't exist.
>this board has gone to shit
"We" needed a back up plan, but no...
nigger jew faggot
>races don't exist, science proved this, so people should stop thinking in terms of race, starting with the government stopping recording / dividing people by race in census / crime statistics, etc.
Science literally proved the opposite.
>races dont exist
>fagistani flag
im getting baited arent i
Okay, I never heard about that. Source?
source in pic cia nigger
>hate SJW's, feminists and Muslims
yawn ok T_D
>okay with immigrants but they have to come legally
So if it was against the law to immigrate you would be against immigration and if there would be open borders you would support that too because it would be the law? You realize your stance on immigration is a non-stance. What should immigration law be?
>races don't exist
Ok what about human biodiversity?
>global warming is real, but probably irreversible
Literally what makes you qualified to have this opinion? Just admit you dont know jack shit about the environment. Stop pretending.
>free market is good, but there should be tariffs on foreign goods, and higher taxes on the rich, but lower taxes on the middle class
>welfare should be abolished
>national debt should be repaid with a special tax on the top earners
What economic literature have you read to substantiate any of these opinions?
Post a reputable source instead of a meme?
try getting a bone marrow transplant from a nigger you skin deep faggot
Go back to t_D you faggot.
It's written on the bottom. Do you cunts even read these before automatically typing "citation needed, shitlord"?
It literally gives you a source in the picture. Just read it, cunt.
>Reddit flag
Fuck off
Explain this shit then faggot.
If your grew up in a land owned by the Crown, you'd be a Tory
You're literally R/The_Donald
you have to go back
We all actually come from Africa, even you!
We are all human in the end.
>the guardian
I gave you a real source, user.
Nah, I was always here, amerinigger.
Okay, I read the pictures and I guarantee none of you are scientists, so chances are you are falling for a hoax
complete rubbish
your ideology is the bluepill itself, you should consider to kys
This has been disproved.
>The guardian is a reputable source
>No references to actual studies
>Kekistan flag
this has to be a joke
I know you baited me into posting this, user. But it's fine, I'm proud to be a kang.
>races don't exist
>scientific journals aren't proper sources either
You have a special form of retardation, maybe the people back at Reddit can help you.
>education and healthcare should be free like in europe
Congrats, now every illegal gets even more access to that shit because of your retarded idea. Unironically kys and a bunch of them while you're at it.
Are you the gleeful Bulgarian frog?
>races don't exist, science proved this, so people should stop thinking in terms of race, starting with the government stopping recording / dividing people by race in census / crime statistics, etc.
>education and healthcare should be free like in europe
You're a leaf and you have to go back
Would you like me to direct source the pictures for you, user?
thank you user. that photo is the only thing that's made me laugh today.
Youre a fucking faggot
Free education is working out real well for us master studied taxi drivers.
Don't forget tax payer costs educating me to a level I cant hope to ever give back into society. But fuck everyone else, right?
>consider my self right wing
>races don't exist
Your ideology is the definition of 'shill'.
And what the fuck are you exactly, posting the fucking guardian and claiming that it's scientific. Hang yourself with razor wire you dense fucker. I guarantee the world will be a better place afterwards
OP, you're not conservative. You're right leaning centrist in Europe, but just a centrist in the US
If you'd been living in the CW, you'd be loyal to a ruler wearing a crown, also known as a cuck, but just a cuckservative since you're in the US
You apparently aren't
Well, considering you completely ignored and shrugged off annotated and sourced material, it looks like this page filled with 700 different articles on the matter will be completely off-putting too.
I'd love to see you dispute all 700 sources as "hoaxes", but considering you believe all the other lies fed to you as truth, it looks like you're already properly brainwashed.
> education and healthcare should be free
> welfare should be abolished
>races don't exist, science proved this
An apparently blind 'cuckservative'.
this is pretty close to natsoc
I dont know if you are really there, but you are close to that than anything else.
I was improvising. Bulgaria is not one person.
>races don't exist, science proved this, so people should stop thinking in terms of race, starting with the government stopping recording / dividing people by race in census / crime statistics, etc.
>global warming is real, but probably irreversible
>education and healthcare should be free like in europe
You have to go back into your dad's scrotum.
Checks flag and newfag/r/bait.
>races don't exist, science proved this
>national debt should be repaid
Yeah you need to Lurk Moar I swear you people don't even know how your country functions
>races don't exist, science proved this, so people should stop thinking in terms of race, starting with the government stopping recording / dividing people by race in census / crime statistics, etc.
>national debt should be repaid with a special tax on the top earners
why ?
>hurr durr massive non white immigration is okay, as long as its legal !!
oh yeah can't be recording honest statistics anymore, the goyim might realize the truth
Because there is no link between race and crappy culture/religions
None at all
Or am I just too much of a newfag to figure out your sarcastic...
>asking for others to spoonfeed you on what you are
Fuck off newfag. Lurk moar and learn everything yourself.
I'm just here for statistics
nice kekistan flag but you'd probably have been better off to vote for hillary if that's the shit you believe
which is your favourite breed of dog?
>races don't exist, science proved this, so people should stop thinking in terms of race, starting with the government stopping recording / dividing people by race in census / crime statistics, etc.
You see there's the problem.
Taxonomically these aren't races. However everybody knows what you are thinking when you say "human of black race" so trying to then argue that blacks and whites aren't separate races(taxonomy says so!) is the equivalent of arguing semantics. Used only to stall the discussion without thinking of counterarguments.
1 post by this id. OP's a fucking leaf.