8 values thread
post em faggots
8 values thread
I'm not a fucking liberal.
You stupid fuck that's a doxing honey pot.
Wew buddy
No link to the quiz?
Fuck it, found it
I got fucking Neoliberal. Thats like the opposite of what I actually am.
I got it because I said I was OK with war, so they took that has meaning I want to support Islamist groups to overthrow secular leaders in order to get oil
About to get rammed from both sides.
A strong state is key.
who else here /cosmopolite/?
I choose markets, liberty, nation, and progress.
These questions fucking suck.
Just because I don't want to be oppressed by a corporation, doesn't mean I'm okay with a government doing it. It's like getting asked how I want someone to ass rape me.
>what is neutral/unsure?
honestly its your fault for being retarded
yep, and they go hand-in-hand according to milton friedman. Big government leads to big corporations because only they can afford to bribe politicians and pay for lobbyists and influence industry regulations. Stupid, stupid test.
Did you mean me? I'm not a commie. Just a centralist.
lol, you moron. you don't deserve the flag of the noblest blood of the 20th century.
It's just a prank bro. I'm glad you support the military, I find that to be the most important.
Anyone below 65 percent on nationalism is a FAGGOT.
>being this retarded.
also big goverment doesnt lead to big corporations. this only happens in the democratic nations.
I believe the Military is likely one of our greatest tools temporarily. However, in the future, I think our nation would gain more from uniting with each other, not only in a superior culture, but in a superior market.
But that's wishful thinking. That'll likely never come true. So as it is, supporting our military is a more realistic use of our time and money.
We got almost the same results but it says yours is right wing populism and mine is fascism
Really makes u think
>needing a BuzzFeed tier quiz to determine what political ideology you are
Nu-pol pls
its just for shits and giggles, im natsoc and some test wont really change that
Name some good examples of non-democratic countries with thriving local markets and a lack of corrupt national industries. Pro-tip, you can't. take down that flag until you've stopt dishonoring the blutfahne
nazi germany.
You fail to see that a corporation and a government are essentially identical in that they are just a means for individuals to obtain power over others. Who gives a shit what it's called if the result is the same?
It's not a way of finding out what political ideology we are, it's a way of socializing with others in a fascism echo-chamber where we think our similar political ideology unifies us.
At least, that's the vibe I'm getting.
Guess I'm a faggot...
the glorious reich didn't even exist long enough to serve as an example of economic performance. and you know it. the ethic and strength of an unshackled german people made the reich strong, not the other way around. look at the post-war boom. do you want to blame all that on the allied government?
BASED arabs am i right
This test is asscheeks
Uhhh.... Guess i'm Fascist-Lite
Do you think Republicans just woke up and wanted to be "neo-liberals"?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, anons. Rethink your ways.
>lack of corrupt national industries
Impossible question to answer just because of those two premises.
Name a modern country with a lack of corrupted national industries please.
heres mine
I meant national in the sense of nationalized, as in publicly/government owned and and not private
wtf does this even mean?
Am I an ayy?
Oh okay, sorry for misunderstanding.
The only BASED way to go
Means you're a fucking retard and need to off yourself ASAP
Mate you're Stalin
Progressive NatSoc?
Greetings, comrade.
Hello fellow centrist. A shame you're using the worst flag I've seen on this site since I last saw a Canadian flag.
I'm in the middle.
Data mining thread.
Means you're Marxist trash and need to physically remove yourself from existence
That's exactly why I'm using it
no, this is stalin
I'm 20% more liberty-loving than those authoritarian cucks
BTW De Leonism is a new result. I had mapped all results before, and he just added this
Can pol find out what new ideologies are there?
[helicopter noises in the distance]
Ohhh... So You're Leon Trotsky
apparently i'm a "mexican american" syndicalist faggot
wew lad, shittiest results I've ever had
*adjusts tinfoil hat*
right link
I win
Yeah these kinds of tests are bad
They're just for shits and giggles these days
Pretty much I guess
I came up "Neo-Conservatism"
rate this one pol
Got the same thing as OP. Kinda confused. How can someone believe in capitalism and be a Fascist?
How the fuck does this work? How can something be "neo" and conservative? It's paradoxal, makes no fucking sense
It feels so good knowing I'm better than ~95% of all people.
substitute "neo" for "anti"
neoconservatives are jews who changed from marxism to conservatism in the 1960s and 1970s. Thus they hold a lot of socialist and leftist policies and are warlike. Like jews always are, they're liars, evil, and not to be trusted. read the wikipedia page if you doubt me.
maybe you should do something positive like write a thoughtful essay or do activism instead of collecting little worthless internet trophies and bragging about them.
>fascist flag
um, ok
Writing essays is for faggots and kike journalists. I already participate in free speech rallies and antifa head busting.
You realize the faggots and jews only control intellectual culture because we were lazy for fifty years and neglected writing? Only in the last ten have we finally gotten our act together, with the help of the internet, and begun to turn the tide. Do not forsake the battle over words. This is our only chance to win.
well, maybe, but libertarianism seems really fucked nowadays, too ideological.
Essays are effective. Ropeculture redpills a lot of people
the 8 values test has a shit labeling system Compare mine to OPsI'm only a few points different and it gave me a label that isn't even close to similar.
We cant let the Kikes control Information, we need to retake the Academic World from the liberal cucks
You're way too capitalist, and you're not authoritarian or traditionalist enough. That's why it gave you that.
Oikeisdobobulisdi :DDD
It's the same trick leftists play on us down here with their shilled tests. They tell you that you're one of them (even if you tell that government is the problem and cultures are not equal in the slightest) and probably some of us trust them and start conforming.
>t. biggest zionist servant state :DDD
Deal with it
liberal master race. glad im actually fucking educated unlike the rest of you fucking hick retards.
why do all fags who are baiting for (you)s have the UN flag
>Cucks believing in the free market