Does Sup Forums ever think about poverty?

So here I am about to go to bed enjoying some coffee and biscuits and it strikes me that according to the world bank, literally half of the world's population are considered "poor" (less than $2USD oer day).

Just think about that for a sec. The US has only 320 million people. That's the most populus "well off" country. Apparently the world bank also lifted 200 million people out of poverty in five years.

Just think about that. In your life you had 1/2 a chance to be born eating shit for lunch and the other half to be "not poor" even less percentage to be middle class and better. From our comfy first world countries it all looks so rosy and nice but it tears me apart that for the vast majority of people on this planet, life is shit full of struggles and there is often no way out. If aliens analysed our planet it would literally read "50% impoverished"

Now before you think I'm a pussy I am completely apathetic about solving poverty. There are just too many fucking people on earth and it's impossible to help everyone. I'm in favour of letting nature sort itself out but it rips me to shreds seeing it happen. Is ignorence really bliss?

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The truth is it's all luck.

I'm with ya, ideally I wish there was a certain minimum standard of living that could be enjoyed by everyone, but sadly we aren't there yet, and communism/socialism isn't the answer.

If china didn't open up in the 80s, There would be almost another billion added to the "less that 2 bucks per day" statistic. India is the only other billion strong country to lift itself but it's happening way more slowly than what china or even south korea did. Africa will never change.

what is this 1/2 a chance horseshit?

I had a 100% chance of being born into this life because were it not both of my parents conceiving of me it would not be me, it would be some other faggot with a completely different set of memories.

And yeah, it's definitely no fun to live in a shithole but look at our suicide rates. Something about being poor as fuck and starving your whole life must be absolutely grand compared to our meaningless easy mode lives because we are offing ourselves like it's going out of style.

yeah, being alive at all is negligibly possible

Religion/morals say life is a right, but then when you're born you are handed nothing and it's up to the environment to decide if it really is worth living

What I mean by half chance is you had half a chance of being born poor and the other half of being not poor.

As for suicide believe it or not you can decide that. Poverty cannot be decided and idk if this can relate to poverty

m80, not a hundred years ago people in rural areas of Europe would start making small coffins for their kids when they contracted a bit more serious fevers.

Such a bourgie sentiment of you.

I know a century ago the poverty rate was probably 80%. I'm just trying to express my sorrow that for the vast majority of human history, most people lived like shit

M8 I'm in the Phils visiting extended family, they're closer to middle class (I'm born in Aus). Even from my hotel room I see widespread poverty. Corruption has plagued this country for many years.
Makes me really appreciate what I have at home.

You want to help but you then realize you'll only make it worse by fuelling the cycle.

>coffee before bed

Get a piece of this nigger

There are lots of overseas filipinos. What I understand from my filo friends is that actual Philipines is almost shit tier and raided with poverty. So does that mean all the ones that managed to leave are grateful/well off/lucky?

Unless your entire family is unemployed and/or sick, you will usually be alright

I don't waste time thinking arbitrary things which I could not influence (my birth) and cannot influence (fix poverty).

I can sleep no problem. Coffee/tea doesn't affect me or at least I think it doesn't.


That is true. I could have just wasted my time thinking about these things but it's weird how if you express this is how you feel you are likely to be called a monster

>I'm just trying to express my sorrow that for the vast majority of human history, most people lived like shit
Yet they still ate like pigs when they could, fucked, took huge dumps and often treated their neighbor like shit.

Marcus Aurelius said that what is a part of life in this world is neither good nor bad in itself. Before him, his people wrote and enjoyed tragedies which were in a way a big step "forward", as through them they learned to accept that the world is as it is. That is the beginning of wisdom.

As for you, you're just tired. It is as usual will to power in the morning and a need for something to rely on in the evening. If that is lacking you often feel sorrow for yourself, and thus the world. It's just your brain getting tired. Time to sleep I guess.

The fallacy in your statement is when you equate their income to $2USD per day, because the natural extrapolation is to think of that in terms of what that's worth in your home nation (whichever that may be). In some (not all) of the cases you mention, that's enough to meet their needs, though not extravagant living by any means. We've been through eras in the not-distant past in the US where a large portion of the nation sustained their lives on food they grew or hunted for themselves, and had little use for currency. It's not accurate to equate one's welfare to currency generation alone.

The travesty that you could shine a light on, however, is the western world's definition of "poverty," an obese female talking on her smartphone watching as a teenager loads her EBT-purchased junk food into the trunk of her Lexus.

hey, my ac is out, it's gonna be a sauna this evening. so i'm suffering too.

Hmmm yeah I did not consider that the living costs of poorer countries are much lower than here. These statistics probably generalise too much and sonce happiness is subjective, who knows maybe most of these people are "happy" and have no need for fancy things i don't know

>there are just too many fucking people on earth
Got that right, Hehu. Not much longer until (((uncurable))) viruses start sweeping the lands and culling poor countries.

I'm also very grateful to be born into the upper middle class (30%), in Germany (1%), in the late 20th century (>0,01%)

Crazy when you think about it

all the numbers are bullshit


Also consider that 1/3 of the global population "lives" either in Africa or in India

These places are the explanation for most of the poverty in the World

I come from an extremely impoverished family.
I live somewhat comfortably now.
Poverty is as follows:

If you are born into it, it takes a combination of luck and long, hard working hours to get out of it as well as a willingness to fuck yourself over in the short term.

If you are not born into it and are in the first world then you have to be a lazy retard to end up in it.
There are that many programs and help available to people with a bit of cash or a good school that it's insane that there are NEETs anymore who aren't NEETs out of choice.

Same user. On mobile.
Pretty much. Many filos that live in Aus that I know (even other hapas like me) generally do have a better life here. One said he would be willing to expat to Davao and I thought he was insane for wanting to. He's younger than me so I hope he comes to his senses.

>people zipping around in billion dollar boats and sniffing cocaine out of a models ass
>half of the world is eating stale bread tonight
Humanity had such promise. Sad thing is people put too much faith in the government. If a debt free system was incorporated and the economic gain put back into education/science/free energy we would have colonized planets by now. But no. But greed corrupted the greatest of us all. God damn its a shame to think about what could have been.

Philippines GDP per capita: $2500
India GDP per capita: $2100

Now go figure whether the Philippines are a nice place

If we brought everyone living in poverty up to a first world standard of living, it would utterly destroy the environment. I care about whites not being in poverty, and then living sustainably, but a billion africans? No.

Actually is statistics say most are poor then it's more like 60/40 or 70/30.

How about pouring the production cost of useless consumer shit into agriculture,housing and energy. Boom poverty solved. Next step is education. And just like that the world changes in five years time.