
Wondering what your opinions are and how i should respond

veganism being better for the planet is a meme

This doesnt help me shutdown the hoe

You're not a bad person for eating meat, I eat meat.

However vegetarianism is a good cause, simply because animals should not be exploited ot the lengths they are today.

The perfect solution would be to ban cruel farming methods such as battery farming, and only eat meat 1/2 times a week.

If everyone were vegan society would starve, because we cannot farm that much plant material.
Not all meat is bad for environment anyway. Killing deer or hogs (animal weeds) is not bad for the environment. Keeping your own small farm of chickens + whatever else isnt bad for the environment, but actually good for the soil.

Big agra hurts the environment through crop farming as much as they do through livestock farming. The real redpilled answer isn't only veganism or vegetarianism, but growing/raising your own food/eating food raised/grown locally and in a small natural set-up.

>If everyone were vegan society would starve, because we cannot farm that much plant material.
Think about what you're saying here. What do you think animals eat?

A single cow eats 200lbs worth of food a fucking day and they only produce food every couple of years. It is a lot more efficient if the plant goes directly to humans, not through animals at 0.01% efficiency.

Due to my gym routine, it helps me to go full vegan 1-2 days a week.

I can't lie, those days I don't eat meat I feel fresh and woke AF.

My opinion is that veganism ends up being healthier but society makes it that much difficult for people who want to go full vegan.

In the end, it's all about your preferences and willpower.

people who think veganism is a bipartisan issue need to fuck off. leftists who think they own veganism can suck the shit out of my asshole. i've been mostly vegan for ten years, if anyone has a problem with that they can suck my fucking dick. people who go vegan because of muh animal feels or muh planet are retarded though, if you do it for any other reason than for your personal health then you can go ahead and commit suicide.

>it's a lot more efficient if humans eat 200lbs of plant matter per day
vegan logic

I admire people who have the integrity to go great lengths to stay true to their moral principles. Couldn't do it myself, though

That's not what I meant you fucking shithead. It means that it would actually require significantly less plant farming to feed humans if there are less need for meat.

fuck off

Mayne, the health part is correct, but why wouldn't you want to stop or at least minimize the mistreatment of animals?

I wonder why lions don't eat grass but hunt for meat.

Also livestock feed farming can be repurposed to creation of biofuels instead, reducing the reliance on big oil.

Seriously fuck meat, grow a pair and try vegan. You don't have to switch and quit cold turkey, just gradually reduce meat consumption and you'll have a better time adapting.

>I wonder why lions don't eat grass but hunt for meat.

If this isn't a bant it's a non argument of presentation of proof in any possible scenario.

How many lions have you eaten, Hans?

eating meat is bluepilled
>heart disease
>erectile dysfunction
why even LARP as if eating meat is good for you?

no it wouldn't you fucking retard
it's a full time job being a herbivore because there's so little calories in it
on a calorie by calorie breakdown meat is better for the environment
proper herd rotation can actually turn desert into grassland

>Majority of developed world is overweight
>Having a diet where it's harder to overeat is a bad thing

Let's say you have 1500 kcal worth of corn. if you feed it to an animal, the animal will use only a fraction of that energy for fat synthesis and the rest of the energy will be wasted on basic metabolic rate, roaming the pasture and so on. However, If you eat the corn straight away you are absorbing exactly 1500 kcal.

>it's a full time job being a herbivore because there's so little calories in it

Have you ever tried let's say Lentil patties or falafel wraps?

vegans are the ultimate betas

>woke AF

Kill yourself nigger. You're not welcome here.

>not mistreating animals is retarded

I'm not even a vegan, or vegetarian, but come on lol. Factory farming is pretty fucking messed up and cruel.

>that profile pic
Are you a woman, OP?

you're fucking obnoxious get it together

and that's why we don't eat our own kind. we inflict the horror on our food slaves, and we will do the same to our robo slaves in the future until some liberal lefty cretin build a self-aware AI and dooms everybody to death

Vegetarian since I was 7. 28 now.
Wasn't my parents fault, they explained it all to me and I chose myself.
>maximum autism
anyway, nobody gives a fuck about me being vegetarian because I don't force it on anyone.

I have dealt with faggots like you. Youtube-tier complainers who don't actually have any argument, but JUST HAVE to press the issue anyway, because
>muh right-wing hurr
>fuck hippies hurr durr

You are nasty. There is no point to what you do.
Best of all, your 'opponent' is laughing at you behind their screen.

Best thing you could do is leave others to do what they want, especially seeing as their interests do not conflict with yours in any way, and improve yourself. Find a woman, have children, murder a few mudslimes, whatever makes you happy.

sage, but remember what I've said.

op is so autistic it hurts
i can't believe that woman is tolerating you

you should reply: ok, you're probably right, i'm going to read a bit about the topic.

Take a typical American meal:
Extra large soda with extra large fries and a Grand Mac
If you take out the only nonvegan part (the grand mac) the diet suddenly becomes less healthy.
Seriously, meat is probably one of the healthiest things Americans eat