Thoughts Sup Forums ?

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everyone should watch this

also traps are super gay

wow what a racist

That guy is really racist.

Respect to that dindu. Separate is beautiful, mixed is ugly.

that guy pretty woke.

v woke

pot meet kettle

> blacks should only date blacks
> cuz only blacks understand being black
> "blacks have PTSD from victimizing themselves"

Blacks suffer from an echo-chamber of victimization. I hope they all realize the only way out is mass suicide.
It has to be exhausting being this fucking retarded

What is it with black people and their constant whining about their "struggle"?

Go take a look in western Africa where your ancestors are from, now that's struggle.

I do agree with the rest of his rhetoric though.

Blacks are slowly reverting themselves back to the "separate but equal" days.

Turns out pre-1960s whitey had the right idea all along.

Is it possible to get more people to understand and adopt this kind of thinking without seeing it as restrictive or evil racism?

>What is it with black people and their constant whining about their "struggle"?
its the ONLY thing they have.
They have no identity outside of it.
As a result, nearly all blacks are bi-polar because of this duality conflict. Any effort required (to succeed in society) is interpreted as something they should resist because of "muh struggle".
I don't hate blacks. I married a black woman in the 90s (divorced) and have a son who's now 20. I hate the toxic idiocy of what blacks adopted as their "culture"

Yes: have anyone other than white people propagate it.

Muhammad Ali famously said shit like "it ain't wrong for me to want my kids to look like me", and "black coffee beats coffee & cream".
And this was in the middle of the whole "civil rights" bullshit.

>Is it possible to get more people to understand and adopt this kind of thinking
its ALWAYS been around.
Every decade has had cries within the black community to not go outside the race with the call for "black pride" / muh africa. This is nothing new.
It all stems from dysfunctional self-esteem/identity. You know how when you're 13 are you look for affirmation in groups of peers only to realize as an adult its all bullshit and you mature into your own person? Yeah, blacks never grow out of that. They are so fucking predictable, 1-level checkers thinking groids

>its ALWAYS been around.
I should qualify that....
Because of being emotionally stunted and devoid of any real identity, they LOVE to LARP about being masculine.
They love dressing up like militants or intellectuals, but are never around when it comes time to DOING anything.
The love talking about some We-Wu Art Bell-level conspiracy, but can barely read.

no fucking clue how you find it but this nigger is just saying what most people around here says just change black for white.

there is literally nothing wrong with what he said.

Because their identity revolves around being a "oppressed" class. They cant break free of that identity because they love to embrace it.

>They cant break free of that identity because they love to embrace it.
that's precisely the point.
They embrace it because if they don't, they have nothing and would actually have to prove their worth.
Why improve myself or be accountable when I can just cry, "victim"

fuckin' CB4