Trump redpilling nigs slowly


Read the comments in this famous nig Instagram. 50% of the are "Muuuh presidential" but the other 50% are "Oh shiiiet Donnie lit af"

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69D chess

Before the election they all loved him.
He a baller pimp boss yo

If you are ok with the president acting like a 13 year old girl. Than you are part of the reason why america is so shit.

6000000D Chess

Why you jealous though?

One of the few voices of reason.

I wish Trudeau would do stuff like this

Is your head in your ass? Your country is doing amazing since that nigger got out.

>Sup Forums still doesn't realize the pussytapes got him the black vote

what a childish thing to say.

Who cares what the president does as long as he's delivering in the economy and security. If people are safe and live a good life nobody gives a fuck about the president trolling the media.

>13 year old girl
weak, low energy post.

LMAO keep dreaming

Ha Yea Trump childish? The demorats have been whining and crying like a spoiled 5 year old since November cause Hillary shoulda won its not fair it was her turn trumps a meanie


>tfw when trump will never be your president
why even live


If you attack your enemy, they win

Proofs that it ain't?

Black people loved Trump before the election and he loved them. Just look at Up like Donald Trump and all the times he hung out with people like Snoop Dogg.

He's an ostentatious narcissist who flaunts his money. He's one of them.

I'm waiting for Trudeau to be on trailer park boys, only because of how far that show has fallen from grace.

I have a black friend who didn't vote but he said a lot of blacks who voted for Trump is because

>the bling-bling
>Trump is alpha male


DNC is literally dead. Nigs won't even show up to vote against Trump because of memes kek

Niggers have always loved Donald Trump

this tbqhwyfam

I choked laughing

He pulled a higher percentage of all minorities than Romney or McCain. People try to pretend like this didn't happen since it doesn't fit the Narrative.

this one too

If there is one thing niggers understand it's banter.

>my little daughter ivanka loves your stuff

Start a movement to make Brazil become a US state, you might get it done in time to see Barron Trump take charge


I slowly start to believe this crap!

Minorities overwhelmingly voted for Hillary.
The only group that voted in majority for Trump was white people (men & women)

I knew this would happen. With Trump + Memes niggers like/movement to make them feel free from democratic slavery. Trump/Republicans could take 25% of their voting base thus gutting the democrats even more.

Knowing you people im 100% sure that he would make a movie of him sucking a Muslim Dick or being GangBanged by Refugee.

50 Cent is the realest nigga

>The demorats have been whining and crying like a spoiled 5 year old since November cause Hillary
Of course they have, they're retards.
Trump is giving them the best rating they've had in nearly a decade though. They were almost obsolete, and now they're back, just as strong as before.

>adding a new detroit to america
i would be happy if the south would join uruguay to create a new nation tbqh

>yfw don wins over the dependocratic voters with memes

Trump just says things i. A way liberals can understand. You should actually be more triggered than you are if you know how we look at you people like brainless children lacking even a spec of intellect.
Trump is the perfect potus. The more liberals cry about silly/petty shit, the more you get exposed for the idiotic, mentally sick group who secretly loves getting an ally raped. Because Thats you

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

fuck off, kike.


Mexican lucha libre best lucha libre

>shareblue damage control
what are demokikes gonna do when the pedopurge starts?


It's funny, but in a simple-minded WWE sense.
As the largest nation on the globe, you'd think Trump could give them less airtime.

It's something we lost from the British, "being proper".

90% voted for Hillary, kuk

Many of these white people voted for Obama twice, so what??

>soul sistah #1 ass

Not gonna lie when I saw the tweet I chuckled and rolled my eyes. However the way journos are reacting to it as "inciting violence against journalists", etc. is 1000000x more cringey. Holy shit.

>lose 4 special elections
>just as strong as before
They're just children crying loudly.

>being proper
>let Achmed fuck your daughter. You don't want to be improper now, do you?

No, fuck that. We're Americans and all you bilbefag cuckservatives and nu-male "open minded" limpwristed libcucks can go fuck off to Canada.

>Hillary won

Good think I'm not a democrate or voted for Hillary. Seriously do you guys have a play book or something. Does it say on page one if somebody criticizes Trump bring up Hillary won.

Trump hasn't really passed anything. Every economic thing that Trump is taking credit for happens because of that nigger.

He makes us seem weak to the outside world.

White married women*
He likely lost among all single women.

30% of hispanic males voted trump, they don't want unfiltered mexico in the US either else they'd still live there. Rest want gibs though

>your soul sister #1 ass

>rich alpha obsessed with status, gold, symbols of wealth and attractive women
a lot of blacks have always liked trump. just not the ones that vote. unfortunately he will probably always resonate with a large black demographic that will never vote


The fuck is your point?
"Based black man" isn't a thing.
Minorities vote for our destruction.
White people don't.

>let Achmed fuck your daughter.
is that what you would do?
Of course you don't let that happen, faggot. You destroy the man, and police somehow "overlook "it.

You don't tweet maymays about how evil they are.

>It's something we lost from the British, "being proper".

you are a fucking faggot lmao

What is consumer confidence faggot? Have you seen the stock market lately? He's passed 41 bills and countless Executive Orders but you're too busy jerking off to shareblue to know anything.

Nobody outside of the US sees the us as week, with Trump we're more unpredictable then ever. That's why North Korea and Syria are keeping their head down because they got cucked.

And you're a simple kludge.

Yeah, but of what? Him beating up Alberta?

>The fuck is your point?
White people aren't really racist.

I thought you were saying that White people mostly voted for Trump because of racism.

The video was on worldstar and the comments were mixed too, was nice to see blacks telling other blacks that Trump is a real one, he a real g who gon ride for America, he the realest President ever and a total savage, black folks wake up the democrats hate us and at least Trump actually fucks with us and is gangsta

>White people aren't really racist.
How the fuck are you inferring that from what I said?

It was quite simple.
Minorities are not our allies.
We've only got ourselves.

yeah. better to be ok with pedophiles and terrorism. The war couldn't come soon enough

Niggers respect violence
This has always been known
Having a president who "beats" someone who "disses" him gets him huge approval by the horde

Lmao ur actually just stupid.

"Trump hasn't done anything"

Can't believe a fucking leaf knows more about your country than you.

> Trump is taking credit for happens because of that nigger.

Can the absence of an object be used as the excuse for events???

Can some ppl upload more videos with Trump and blacks?

>Trump hasn't really passed anything. Every economic thing that Trump is taking credit for happens because of that nigger.
Not true, he's been making decent advances.
The issue is that we're always distracted by things like this tweet to ever remember what good he's doing.

I love Trump for giving it hard to the one-sided, Democrat controlled press as hard as they give it to him.

Finally, a Republican president who isn't a beta who takes it up the ass from the MSM and then kisses their ass after.

Notice how acts of violence is what sways the nigger.

Yeah everything after (((Netflix))) took them on is contrived, forced joke recycling and the boys look like shit. I wonder why...

Holy shit kill yourself you limey larper

The weak should fear the strong


Our niggas

Did reddit or 4chins make this?

Is that the Star spangled banner in the background?



>Knowing you people im 100% sure that he would make a movie of him sucking a Muslim Dick or being GangBanged by Refugee.

Maybe… if you made a Brazilian Pres movie it would be interracial, monkey faced transexuals ass licking .. porn...

This shit is really gonna backfire on the left because it just illustrates how far out of touch they are with today's youth in general. They can't deal with actual memes and bants, and their attempts at them are immediately noticeable as robotic and manipulative and pathetic. "Pokemon Go to the polls!"

The nigs are ours now

Deal with it

I bet after the infrastructure thing, he can get 30 percent of all black voters. A working nigga ain't violent.

I love 13 year old girls, what's your problem?

Depends on if you are treating "acts of violence" as a singular term or acts of violence as individual things made plural.

Fuck off nigger

I know this is bait, but a lot of liberals and kikes believe this bullshit.

The reason why I actually like him continuing to use his twitter is because it tells us, the people that voted for him, that he hasn't become some talking head with somebody else's hand up his ass (DURR WHAT ABOUT PUTIN, HES PUTINS PUPPET RIGHT LMAO). I don't want him to act "presidential" because as far back as I can remember acting presidential has meant saying one thing in public and then acting a totally different way in private.

He's acting exactly like he did on the campaign trail, he's acting exactly how he has his entire life. The only people ass blasted that he hasn't 180ed completely and started acting the exact opposite are people that despise him, his supporters, his entire agenda, and they've lied about him for over two years now. So no, I don't care that he doesn't act "presidential" and the fact that he isn't acting that way sends a clear message to me and everyone else that actually likes him that he hasn't succumb to the pressure to become just another doublespeaking politician that speaks in platitudes and has zero personality or life in him.

fuck you