German clichés

What does pol/ think of us ? Are we considered like even straighter and more rigorous than japanese ?

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I don't think about Muslims

You Jerries were once a proud people, but like us you've become a nation of Muslims and cucks.

When I think about Germany, all I can picture is niggers and Arabs raping your women, and replacing your culture.

I've always thought of Germans as a bunch of Red Army Faction wannabes.

I read the heading too fast and thought you were asking about German chicks, they are OK.I didn't see too many "new German" chicks while there, either because refugees are mostly men, or because their women are kept indoors while the men go out harassing the white girls.

Answer to the questions guys, I asked if you think we were (not anymore because of Achmed) more rigorous than Japanese.

I used to respect Germans for their work ethics, now there are only muslims there and you know how Serbs feel about those.

hardworking, kind of autistic, no humor

t. 50,6%


For me, Germany used to be:
>angry hausfrau with giant tits
>awesome cars
>clinical efficiency

Now just migrants, rape, and apologetics.

The only Sup Forums cliché about Germans these days is that we are getting raped by Muslims every day.

Should we talk about Sweden and France ? Germany is certainly not the most cucked country, but anyway, that's not the point.


It's not a cheche if it's true hamed

t. 50,512%

t. 50,435%


I think you mean 3.694%.

t. white spic who think he could pass as north european

I think of germany as a fallen people with little self respect or pride. I think of Merkel shilling to globalism in a sad attempt to delete history while importing degeneracy to mantain power and secure votes via gibs.

i'd laugh at this but it might anger the government

Germans are the best people!

Nice to hear it ! Keep it in mind : americans are basically aryans, German immigrants, so we better stay confident in Germany.

You where. Now you are the cucked destroyer of Europe.

I think you're the scum of Europe and the white race. Fuck off you filthy kraut.

>straighter and more rigorous Than
Fucking hell NO

It's pointless, most burgers here have never been to Europe, let alone Germany. They have no idea what it's like here and get all their info from Sup Forums memes. Not that I blame them too much, I talk shit about Sweden too despite never having been there. France is truly a lost case, though.

No let's talk but Germany and how fucked it is.
Have a photo!

Sad reverse image story time photo.

Jean-Michel, tu t'expliques ou tu fermes ta gueule.

It will be used to bomb wrong-thinkers.

Hue boy here who lived four years in Germany.

Here is my opinion: you guys are so or more righteous than the japanese, but not racist as they are.

I was astonished how candid you guys are, and then I realized how this can be your ruin.

>tfw life is still awesome in my 99% white upper middle class neighbourhood
>b-but your country is lost

you're more rigorous in ruining your identity. I feel sorry for kraut women.

hard working, no humor, brainwashed due to mass guilt.

I love you, brother.

You're the Canada of Europe.

Except more effeminate.

And nobody trusts you.

You're new to Sup Forums, aren't you? Asking such a question without knowing that Sup Forums will shit on you for migrant crisis.

You guys are the laughing stock of the world (minus cucks ofc).

Every. Single. Fucking. Western. Country. Is. Fucked. America is fine because Hassan only takes plane to destroy towers, but it will change. Thank you, most constructive answer !

You're not innovating anymore like you used to when you were united as a people and working toward your future. Back in the day you were figuring out spaceflight and jet engines, nowadays you're content to work toward nothing because I feel you no longer believe in your future, you lost your optimism.

Absolute blind retards. Fucking completely ignorant until you see the black flags marching down your shopping centre and demanding shitria law. Then it's "Ah mein gott, das ist Merkel's Germany". Don't feel sorry for you anymore. You've doomed Europe.

>upper middle class
That'd be why jack-off.
You're pretending shit's fine because it's anecdotally good for you.
But you're not the common German

>Are we considered like even straighter and more rigorous than japanese ?
i thought you're mostly a shade of queer.
then again i meet mostly bi gerries so idk

Humorless, pretentious crypto-nazis who think they know better than anyone, regardless of proof or ability. Who are heavily into scat and other weird shit.

idiot central.

You're living in a Sup Forums bubble

English is a germanic language, that's why it can rule the world. Fight together !

I always considered you more debased, a shameless.

For most people in France japanese quality > german quality : motorcycles, denim, watches, cars, robotic, etc. Japan has a sense of design that germany doesn't have. Japan respects traditions and craftmanship, germany doesn't.
Germany is overrated now.

Also I find your brand of patriotism strange. It's like some form of anti-patriotism where, you know Merkel fucked up, you know you have a huge problem with migrants, but you'll still defend Merkel and pretend like everyone criticizing you is lower than you. With Americans, we have this too but it's more of a joke because everybody calls us fat and ignorant, and we're proud of that. But you guys aren't ignorant, so your holier-than-thou attitude doesn't make you look funny or harmless like Americans, but sad and repressed.

Germans are Brainwashed, self-hating pussies who would rather give their nation to invaders in fear of being called a racist. Sad!