Show me one incident

Show me one incident

Show me one fucking incident

where the nigger shuts the fuck up and calmly and deliberately does as told

every fucking video the cop repeats like 10x what to do while Jamal fumbles around his pants like hes looking for a set of keys and acts like he doesnt understand english

they deserve it every time and dont let them ever convince you different

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I'm sure it's happened OP. It's just extremely uncommon and not the narrative that most leftish push.

You can look at this as blue lives vs black lives or you can look at it as citizens vs the state.

Which do people choose? The stupid one.

>Jamal fumbles around his pants like hes looking for a set of keys and acts like he doesnt understand english
hahaha lost

>Hurr cops are just robots and don't have families or any need to protect their own safety when dealing with a race of violent thugs

Show you an incident where a nigger doesn't act like a nigger? If anyone actually has footage of black people acting courteous after getting stopped by the police and the whole exchange goes smoothly I'd like to see this. The nigger hate threads have taken a toll on my perception of blacks, I'd like to have it brought back a little.

I'm more likely to be killed by a nigger than a cop.


Just hearsay, but there's this guy:

But let's not kid ourselves, that's a one in a million traffic stop.

Thanks user, this is exactly the kind of video I was looking for

That's because black people who obey the rules and commands don't get shot, thus won't be broadcast on your nightly news.

However, it would be pretty hilarious is Jamals not getting blasted in the face (due to not acting like an actual ape) would become newsworthy material just because of how rare it is.

No worries, there's a few like him, but they really are far and few in between. It's best to just not relax.

You're describing someone else. You guys are so emotionally wrapped up in your hatred of "nigger mentality" that you go for the low-hanging fruit with these incidents. I never feel more certain that I'm sharing a board with teenagers than in these threads. These are like your soap operas.

You faggots are redpilled enough to see the corruption at national and international levels, yet you don't think twice about how these incidents have morphed into left vs right. The idea that cops have no business murdering citizens who pose no immediate lethal threat has absolutely nothing to do with touchy-feely sentiments or humanism or anything like that. It's about maintaining the power balance between the public and the government. They can hurt you, but you can't hurt them. It is in our collective interest to keep these things in check.

Maybe you need a run-in with some dirty cops to broaden your understanding a little bit.

I don't know, extremely rare events usually get pretty good news coverage

Black lives vs blue lives. Way to miss the point.

I know, it's pretty easy to tell the difference just by their gait and their appearance.
Also the comments on that video are pretty funny, they're ripping on him for acting like a normal person to a cop.

As someone who lives in the shithole of bessemer alabama with corrupt cops and nig nog hoodrats i could not agree more

>murdering citizens who pose no immediate lethal threat
That's not what were talking about.

It was an example and you don't speak for everyone I'm talking about.

just watch Dear White People on Netflix, it shows blacks going to college, successfully segregating themselves into blacks-only dorms, demanding a blacks-only common-area, peacefully protesting their oppression to the dean... who is also black... and then the protests actually are really violent... amd its because of a black-face party that they concocted and sent out for white students to go to so they could entrap them and get to play the almighty victim/race card....
on second thought that all seems pretty shitty I guess there really aren't any believable examples of selfless black action.

>why do videos of black men being shot by the police never end with the black men not being shot by the police?

white people logic

imagine being so cucked that you defend cops being able to shoot whoever they want if they make any sudden movements literally like advice for a bear attack


this one is pretty bad

>women cops

I've had so many run-ins with so many cops in so many jurisdictions in so many states you wouldn't believe me if I told you. I've been in 4 jails in 3 different states, if you don't act like a complete nigger nothing is going happen.
>left and right is a divide and conquer tactic were both the same!
There's nothing redeemable about the left, they can get fucked, nothing good comes of working with people left of center-right for any reason

hey, if a cop has drawn his gun, you fucking bet I'm gonna treat that situation as just as out-of-control as a bear attack and do whatever the hell is gonna defuse the situation right now
like doing what the officer says, for example

It's classic survivorship bias. The reason you never see anyone act properly in those videos is because if they do, then they don't get shot and it's a routine traffic stop like it happens millions of times every day and you're on your way 5 minutes later.

Obviously this also means no recording and no footage that makes it to any news of this event.
oscar grant.
handcuffed and face down then shot in the back

This. There are negros who are chill, there are cops who are retards, both exceptions to the rule.

I remember a video of a black dude on a bike getting pulled over for speeding slightly past limit.

The cops asked for id and papers, Guy told the cops that before that he is armed and the gun was around his waste on the back, calmly. Cop tells him that for Both their safeties he'll remove it and to put his hands up, Guy complies, guns removed papers checked and got off with a warning and his gun back.

>where the nigger shuts the fuck up and calmly and deliberately does as told

It happens every opposite day.

ding ding ding! you have to understand, most of these kids spend all day behind the computer and have had virtually no interaction with police (or really any extension of the government). with all the statist propaganda here you could easily be tricked into believing cops are the good guys.

>to shoot whoever they want if t
niggers are always the victim since we free them, jesus, u ppl cant live in peace in your own Niggerborhoods

What about that one where they had him on the floor, face down, with his hands behind his back. Then shot him dead as he was completely still.

Other than that, I agree with you.

its niggerhood fool, as in welcome to the niggerhood.

Why can't I look at it as a citizen that broke the law, failed to do as he was undoubtedly trained to do in CCW class, and got what was coming to him?

Why does it have to be "citizens vs the state"?

There's one on youtube where a black biker does this, even had a folding knife on him which he informed the officer of and showed him. Ended with a "have a nice day". If I was on the comp I could link it.

The problem is that you think murder is what he had coming to him. It almost seems like sheer intellectual laziness that lets you drop anchor on that attitude.

Who would want to commit a property crime in Bettyville, KY??

blacks will nationalize your mom, drunkie user.
didn't even read.

Police are subject to conditions that would make anyone shot at the first sign of danger.
That said there are thousands of police stops that don't end in violence, but when one does its a media circus especially if the perpetrator is black.
The police are here to enforce the laws and for a few exceptions that's how it plays out.
Respect given earns respect returned.

it's wealth disparity that causes crime

If our basic infantry soldiers can handle strict rules of engagement, why can't our cops? Like they do in other countries? If it's a matter of training, give our cops better training. I have a hard time finding excuses for why police in European countries can apprehend a suspect armed with a knife without killing him while US cops open fire center-mass like their life literally depends on it.

>Oh, you've taken your foot off the brake while I'm grabbing your arm. I better blow your fucking brains out.

Yeah, I saw that too. Black guys is calm and keeps his hands up, let's the cop take the gun and says he wants the cop to take the gun for the stop so there's no issues, cop tells him he's glad he's carrying while rising because there are bad people put there, gives his gun back and they shale hands.

Howdy reddit

>As someone who lives in the shithole of bessemer alabama with corrupt cops and nig nog hoodrats i could not agree more
My condolences. I've delivered near bham, downtown where there is a Michelin truck tire dealer, fuck That shit. Told dispatch, never again.

To be fair soldiers cant there are numerous accounts of soldiers killing surrendering troops or even civilians. Not to mention the number of PTSD accounts.
Humans are not infallible and its not truthful to think they are.
The number of arrests and convictions over the number killed would attest that most police are not blood thirsty monsters.


Privileged apes is more like it

There was one i saw back when I used jewbook and the was courteous and everything was fine. He even said it's how you should act afterwards and i think mentioned if its not legal or fair it needs to be fought in court not taken out on the officer. It wasn't sensationalist or pushing the evil cop narrative so it didnt get very far.

You think that's bad m8? 23rd street in Bessemer is virtually owned by drug dealers.