Having a girl

/pol, I'm having a daughter...
How am I gonna tell her she can only date white people without her going behind my back and resenting me?
How am I gonna tell her it's her duty to reproduce white offspring to continue my half of the perfect white genes with my high IQ?

Just drive around a black neighborhood once and a while and explain how welfare and food stamps work when shes too young to form her own opinions

Either this is bait or you're seriously getting parenting advice from a Cantonese dog cooking board.

Not a parent yet fuck stick.
Trying to get an idea of how to shape a mind so the child doesn't become a feminazi.
It takes a village to raise a child right?

>I'm having a daughter
You fucked up.

Tell me about it...
Probably the damn estrogen in the water fucked me.

Homeschool her and imprint your ideals at a young age.

Just be there for her and treat her good. Worst thing you can do is abandon her. Every coal burner I have ever know all have one thing in common. No father in their lives.

You be there for her and she will do as you say.

just move to a majority white country like norway if youre that worried.
otherwise just make more white offspring and shift that gene pool if you really want to do your part.

This. My cousin paid the toll because of her precarious family situation, but my sister turned out fine because my dad made sure she was taken care of and felt secure.

You're fucked. The moment she picks up on your "muh white race" bullshit she'll start getting pounded and creamed by niggers.

Good point!
They all become strippers with daddy issues.

Whatever you force her to not do, she will do as a reaction.

Whatever you tell her not to do will make her curious why.

The only way to save her is to have her understand everything and all the counterarguments so that she can know why she is doing what she is doing.

Then you must worry about boyfriends changing that to something much worse. Make her guy friends meet you before they fuck her. At least man to man you can still intimidate a boy for trying to fuck your daughter and likely have a judge side with you.

She's going to rebel against whatever you try to push on her so make sure to tell her she belongs to strong, intelligent black men.

Be a strong father figure. Give her an inch and she'll take a mile; squeeze too tight and she'll slip through your fingers. It's s balancing act

A boyfriend doesnt always corrupt a girl, he just has a chance to because of how deep inside her he gets

>letting your daughter date at all
It's like you want her to be a slut.
If you're a responsible father you'd arrange your daughters matches soon after they're born, like I've done.

You shouldn't have to ask, you are already doomed imo

I've given this a lot of thought since I recently decided i want kids

>be the best father you can be
>create positive associations, love, fun and laughter through family and white culture oriented activities
>This one is debatable: graciously show her shit cultures in a dispassionate way, like through church soup kitchens to put her in a place of uncomfortability and loud dark people

she will associate white and goodness with her mate, and also have a strong father.

thereby you avoid the biggest problem - no father figure, and create a space where she will seek love in the familiar.

The only precarious thing is don't push too hard. Once you get to the teenage rebellion phase she may want to ride the carousel. As with my family, this wasn't a problem really because we didn't have rebellion phases with my siblings. Good balance of: Good neighborhood and by extension surroundings, and enough carrot and stick.

Talk to other parents in your church about how to manage the rebellion phase. Seek the families with good children in their 20-30's who turned out okay and probe them on their methods.

Notice how I assume you will be going to church. If you don't go to church start going.

>It takes a village to raise a child right?
thats what liberals think

Don't worry about it op. By the time she's an adult the white race will be doomed already.

Just don't allow any dating at all. Raise her to resent criminals and thugs.

also, private school. Or at least a good (white) neighborhood with decent public system. You will have to supplement her education though. Get their humanities book list to see what they're being indoctrinated with to be prepared to counter them, but as the poster above said: if you force anything she will do the opposite. Your coercion has to go unnoticed. More like guiding than commanding.

Found a dad right here. This guy knows.

You tell her this

"I don't care if you ever marry a man from another race. But know this: western/white men are the most laid back and easy going. Other races and cultures expect strict obedience from their wives"

Girls shouldn't be anywhere near schools.

Live in some rural bumfuck place and don't get cable

Sup Forums is a parenting board, fuckwit


just hope she's intelligent and observant and train her to question the narrative. If she's dumb well then have another kid until you get it right

You're focusing too much on race

You are building up the black male as some feral beast

When she meets a decent looking confident No-Nigger black guy, she will get so wet she fucks him right there on the spot. You need to redpill her on why racemixing is bad without tricking her or else when the trick wears off, the reaction will be inevitable

That's funny, because I've already been talking to the wife, "What church we going to?"

Gently impress upon her a deep respect for you. Never show approval for anyone but whites, while also demonstrating tacit disapproval of others. She will get the drift.

If you are ever explicit, she will do exactly as you fear.

Is your wife black ? If not so why r u so fucked up about this controversial racism ? Its your daughter 's choice , she will be the one in charge , you should be a good parent and nurture her well

Don't flat out tell her to only date white men, because if she doesn't like you, she'll fuck a big black buck just to get back at you.

Just raise her right and be subtle about it. If she loves you, she'll want to marry and have kids with someone like you.

>When she meets a decent looking confident No-Nigger black guy

if or when? That's partially white dudes who have gotten softs fault.

But you're right. I haven't figured that out yet so I figured for now err on the side of not pushing a particular angle. If you can figure out how to go that step further in practical terms, report back

Not good. The marxist standard is to indoctrinate aversion to stricture from white men only - knowing that "our type" give this kind of advice, they will be careful to frame this as weakness from early on, so that niggers become her main association with stability instead of even you. Your country is now moving into the conquest stage of the infestation; unless you homeschool (and ideally live in a gated community on top of that), every visible influence of yours your kids display will be weaponised against your family life.

Tell her the family's history so that she cares.
Her mother better be good.

Pretty god damned simply. Don't raise her in an urban area where drinking 40s and welfare checks are cool. Fuck it, teach her "some" racism. Not real fucking hard to figure out dude.

Don't say it, just point out how bad black guys seem to act and rapey they are, then mexicans, and muslims and rinse and repeat but never straight out say it. just heavily imply it.

Don't be overly authoritarian. Don't try to directly tell her she can't do X. You need to focus on developing a personal bond with her from young age. Play with her all the time, talk to her, sleep with her skin-to-skin. By doing this she will have an extremely good relationship with you when she grows up, which consequently means she will respect your opinions and will look for men who look and act like you ie not niggers.

If you try to directly control her and say no niggers and she dislikes you she will go out of her way to fuck them.

Just redpill her from the start on how extremely disgusting blacks are. Remind her every day that the have awful hygiene habits and are basically animals.

>my high IQ?

If your IQ was that high you wouldn't need to ask Sup Forums for advice.

3/10 troll harder newfag.

ask her if she wants to have her kids look like her its the best argument

Well I'm assuming you're Christian, I would recommend joining the Mormon church. It has great people that care about family values, modesty, etc

t. Mormon

Having a daughter is cuckoldry. You already fucking lost.

It'll be fun to teach her about her heritage, history lessons on the family tree!

that won't work.

You will become the "evil white dad" so quick your head will be spinning like a fucking dredel, literally an hour after telling her that she will be making posts on twitter about how shitty white men are.

The proper path here is not mouthing off about them, but.........keeping her away from that garbage, know who her friends are etc
don't be a lame, or she will think you are a loser.......and never respect you, don't be naggy etc.

every white dad who has tried to pull the "aint no nagger.." nonsense has a black grandchild

And for boys it's obviously much easier, you just have to make sure they're raised masculine. Men raised to be masculine have way more self confidence, which means they're about 10x as likely to be right wing and swallow redpills.

I'm a white female. That's what my dad did and it worked on me

Tits or GTFO

That only works if you have exclusively white friends and connections and you respect your father. Girl with a negroid friend who is entitled and hates her father for not buying her everything will become a coal burner purely out of spite.

Just be the best dad you can be. Love your daughter, give her affection. If you are a good dad, she will want somebody like you. Then even if she goes outside the tribe, she'll find somebody good or at least know rotten right away and not hitch to it.

if you're as dumb as an appalachian hick about it.

if you can deliver it right i think it has its place. No need to always be meek. To just start going off on them is ridiculous, but my straight edge dad would throw out a "oh, black again? that figures" in regards to a news story about a murder/rape. Got me noticing who was the perp most of the time. I get that you shouldn't more than you should if especially if you can't apply it, but I don't think its totally off the table.

if your daughter doesn't respect you.....you fucking lost.....you are a grown man who can't get a female child to respect you.

Make sure to have your wife stay at home while you go to work, it is important for your wife to stay and raise the kids. Now, for your daughter, you need to be around her and you need to be a proper father figure, a role model, a strong fisher figure, not a cuck. Teach her about modesty, teach her to dress modest and not like a whore who uses booty shorts, yoga pants, skin tight clothing, crop tops, clothes that show cleavage, very short dresses, etc. Make sure to attend church with your family, instill into your daughter, the importance of God and religion, instill into your daughter the importance of gender roles, traditional values, the importance of patriarchy. Have family evenings where you study bible scriptures with your family. Make sure to homeschool your daughter, never ever send her to public schools, public schools are filled with degenerates who will influence your daughter to rebel. Private school is good too but homeschooling is preferred. Your daughter does not need to go to college to become a (((career woman))), career women are depressed and you don't want your daughter to be depressed now don't you OP?

I think we all know you shouldn't have kids if you browse Sup Forums much less raise them...

Correct, though it is important to understand that it is often due to outside influences that you failed to control and you trying too hard to control her directly. You need to get her to love you, a lot of pollacks would seriously try just telling her "don't touch niggers" when 90% of the modern culture surrounding her says everyone who says that is evil and racist.

While it's true that I didn't really have any black friends, I tend to think it's because I was taught at an early age how disgusting they really were. I never had the desire to associate with them for that reason. The thought of kissing a black guy makes me literally sick

What? Told you they were disrespectful and would leave you as a single mother?
That type of stuff?
I do feel like I might get too oppressive like my father did to me.
I screwed up college because he was so overbearing, had to make up my lost years quick and be a productive citizen after I knew I screwed up.

Also, and the mother should be teaching her about this, but she needs to know the importance of femininity. The mother will teach her how to cook, do household chores. OP, women are happy being housewives, and being a mother is the most important job a woman can do and it's rewarding.


Mormons are becoming more and more blacked/riced/beaned (outside of a small group of identitarians)

this. I don't know about other anons but if you were schooled between 1996ish and today the programming is fucking heavy.

I'm in the same boat as you. Here's my advice: if you haven't, first you and your wife need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior. Find a conservative church and attend regularly. Start reading the Bible, and begin with the book of John, then Galatians and Romans. Pray for the salvation of your child's soul in this degenerate world. Good luck and God bless you, user.

He gave me real world examples of how filthy they are. It turned my stomach and I can assure you I never even thought of dating one

Go to youtube, show her videos of niggers nigging. She will get it.

this, how on board is your wife?

Also, avoid any fucking pansy ass protestant church, they're cringy as fuck. Get a more "orthodox" (not necessarily orthodox) church taht isn't pants on head retarded.

When they're that young, you're main job is to be an example and provide. Take care of yourself and don't be a degenerate around them, or invite your degenerate friends around the family. Be the strong man and hero to the best of your ability.

Bring her hiking with you and take the family on camping trips throughout those years. Work out and lift with her. Anything that will stifle the princess mentality.

The teenage years is where you're really going to shine because it's when you can begin having intellectual conversations with them. That's when the red pill process takes off. It helps to keep them as busy as possible during that time, too. Bored teenagers = degeneracy.

A difficult question. Women never think for themselves or go against the group, so never actually bring up race. Instead, just tell her values are important and show by example. If she does bring someone home when you think she's ready you can justify that they are a decent person from a good family. If she brings back a nog 9/10 he's from a broken home and 1/10 he's a loser, nerd. Either are good justifications not to have him date her.

This, never push too hard. Never let her see your fear and anxiety.


*spits out drink* ahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahqahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahaqhahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahaahaahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahqahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahaqhahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahaahaahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahqahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahaqhahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahaahaahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahqahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahaqhahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahaahaahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahqahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahaqhahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahaahaahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahqahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahaqhahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahaahaahaahahha

Nice try next time Shlomo.

Nigger culture is the new rock and roll.

I have 4 kids. All of them listen to retarded shit music and act ghetto despite me providing them with opulence and luxury few people experience, even in our area.

I own multiple tenant properties, a liquor store, laundromat and 2 Subway franchises. At 40 I've accomplished every goal I set for myself.

I spend time with my family, go to little league, ballet and school trips. I do a lot for my children and have done the best i could, yet despite this pic related happens when we go on a family trip to our capital.

I didn't even notice it until my brother pointed it out to me. This is America in the 21st century, where little skinny white teenagers throw up gang signs and speak in ebonics despite being born with a diamond crusted platinum spoon in their mouths.

Funny, the wife is Greek Orthodox...

You already know what you have to do

Put her in catholic school.
She will be among whites. While she is growing take her around bad parts of the town while explaining it's the niggers,spics, and any other non-white race is the reason why these areas are bad. Complete isolation from them will prevent her getting curious and viewing niggers like an alien. My family did it to myself, brother, 2 sisters and non of us like niggers.


Bet that's a great network.

You're fucking right.

We need a purge. I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of not being able to play any music around anyone I know without being called a faggot because it isn't some buck toothed nigger spitting out words about hoes over some generic trap beat. I'm sick of everyone worshiping blacks like gods when they haven't accomplished shit, are dumb as fuck, and murder and kill like no one else. I'm tried of no one wanting to respect or think about their incredible history and heritage. I'm so fucking sick of it. Are we really so outnumbered?

It's more soft white males fault than women's or black males

There just aren't any real white men left for women to choose, so they're forced to cry for help by fucking niggers for Jewish money in front of a camera.

You did nothing wrong user.
God bless.

Honestly, move to a predominantly white area (mid-west, rural New England or north central Texas) and send her to a private school.

Did that for my kids. "Underprivileged" kids get scholarships and are shipped in from surrounding areas to make up diversity quotas. The uniforms also promote bad dressing habits for young women.

You did your best user.

just be a great father. she will seek out somebody similar, and that means white.

>tell her to date black guys
>teenagers always do the opposite of what you tell them

Teach her history as bedtime stories with pictures. 100% serious. Make fun of shitskins with their goofy features and faggot barbarian countries. Show her lord of the rings, conan the barbarian, old movies with handsome honorable white men and noble women who know their places in society. Show her pictures of how the country used to look like and compare it to the chink owned bullshit it is now. Never get her smart phones or laptops until she's past her teenage years, all shes gonna do is follow the herd as girls do and start listening to nigger bullshit, twerking, virtue signalling. Instead give her fantasy and science books, give her metal, rock, and classical, teach her evolution. Actively be there for her and it's okay to tell her to only date whites if she isn't rebellious after you showed her how superior our culture and race is.

I went to a catholic school near a nigger hood but out of 1200 students 1 was a nigger.

Purge yourself honeypot nigger

Not honeypot, just venting. If you don't understand how angry this can make someone you're a faggot who doesn't know who doesn't know or understand what we're talking about.

Give her a Bible. Early. Teach her about Maria, about Adam and Eve.

An ethnically homogeneous village, preferably comprising only my extended family.
Also known as a tribe; the basic form of human organization which children evolved to be raised within.

This is exactly how to create a rebel.. Do you not see the people who areba product of this are mostly retarded boomers and Gen x or y whatever 30 year olds are called. They are prevalently atheist unless their degenerate lifestyle made them feel sufficiently guilty to change

Entirely your fault for not introducing your kids to classical, patrician music at a young age.

Your first mistake was sending them to public school in america. All that money should've been invested in a private school or move to a whiter country. Your second was giving them access to social media.

Raise her like an Eastern European mom would. My mother has ingrained hatred into my sisters for minorities. Now granted, they are in highschool and they try and act "progressive" etc. But my mom succeeded hard core. One of my sisters happened to like this one super white looking kid named "Juan" and my mom belittled and shat on her life for now going on over a year. She still does it. Threatened to kick her out for bringing shame to our household for liking a guy. And it was a crush for like a month and she still doesn't hear the end of it.

Turn your anger towards something productive, not nigger tier racewar purge fantasies you fuckin child.

Train with a gun and get self sufficient is as many ways as possible. That's a difficult enough job as it is given all the shit they put in our chemical products, food and water

this could work. Just from a point of concern.

"i know this sounds bad, but they were charged with blank this many times as a % of crime and in one case blah blah blah"

CIA niggers are not welcome on Sup Forums.


This and homeschooling
DO NOT allow her to go to a public school
Those establishments are hives of degeneracy

You realize girls like to spite their dads right? If you say no blacks that means yes black to get back at dad

imagine how big her poops are... holy shit.

t. Habsburg