Is Zen Buddhism redpilled?

Is Zen Buddhism redpilled?

>Practice is centered on clearing the mind of delusion, which we all know is just code for the Jew
>Scientific studies have shown there's a benefit to regular meditation practice
>Soto Zen is almost completely responsible for Japan being what it so today
>Not a religion per se, so you can practice Zen and still follow Christ with an even purer heart

Other urls found in this thread: Platform Sutra Yampolsky translation

Yes, but you are not suited for it because you are an edgelord who prefers thinking in memes. You also have to give up trying to better the world on a large-scale by realizing how the endeavors are insufficient. Stick to Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR), fag, since the tradition of Zen is beyond your capacity. Continue shit-posting with your monkey mind.

>Just sit around and do nothing goy.

Almost forgot
>Hitler gave it the seal of Aryan approval
That's better.

But it's realizing the endeavor is insufficient that the world becomes better. By burning ourselves completely like a good bonfire in the effortless focus of each moment, we free ourselves from much unneeded suffering and can best help others. Coupled with the truth of Christ, we can make the world better and have enough time left over to shitpost

Modern Soto Zen is pure shit, and it seems to be appropriate for your pathetic generation. Dogen is a great mind, but I doubt you'd be able to understand him, since you're too retarded to sit down and read. Also, I bet you'd obsess more over crap like "proper lotus posture" rather than the fundamental points.

>2 posts by this ID

Wow user, you sure know a lot about Buddhism. Tell us more?

Buddhism is philosophical suicide, clamoring for peace and forgoing earthly possessions does not a strong community make

Zen is degenerate and promotes a backward way of thinking. Stick to the faith of your forefathers, the ones that invented everything the world takes for granted.

The fundamental Ch'an/Zen text is The Platform Sutra by Hui Neng. The Yampolsky translation is best. Just buy and read that. Memorize and repeat some of the passages everyday, contemplating over them deeply in solitude without giving any analytic/theoretical response. Do this a lot and then decide whether or not Ch'an/Zen is for you. The Platform Sutra is more important than any other text in Ch'an/Zen tradition imo.

Zen Buddhist here.

No, Zen is not redpilled. Zen teaches you that there ARE no red pills.

The whole point of Zen is to get past all the artificial categories that we insist on dividing the world into. That includes race, religion, sex, etc.

Zen is about as far from a red pill as you can get. And if you can't see that, then you need to do a lot more Zen.

Can someone tell me about Buddist terrorism?

>Yampolsky translation Platform Sutra Yampolsky translation

Did I find it?

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. Zen is showing the inseparability of the unreal with the real and blurs them. One doesn't completely undermine the conventional realm for the Absolute in Zen; rather, they have a quasi-border.

Not an expert but it probably shouldn't be labeled as terrorism as the purpose wasn't to instill terror.
Anyway its happening in Myanmar and from the pittance I've read its being carried out against Muslims by the Myanmar government.

This one is better:

You can kind of need to read this before approaching Dogen or practice Shikantaza. Study it hard, and you might even be awakened while reading it, as many were. If you find it resonates with you, then seek out a Soto teacher, but honestly, don't listen to the stuff about proper lotus posture. A chair is just as good.

Thank you for demonstrating my point.

The first fundamental truth of buddhism is a misunderstanding. Suffering isn't inherent to life. Yes, trials and tribulations are manadotry, but the suffering is optional. You must choose to suffer.

Thank you. I currently use an ottoman with a pillow on top. has been working out great for me. Otherwise I just sit the most comfortable which turns out to be half lotus posture with my wrists resting on my knees and fingers making the lotus symbol (symbolism really helps me). Honestly my biggest hurdle atm is establishing a consistent practice along side my work schedule. But hey all the tid bits of knowledge and resources I find on various corners of the internet help so thank you.

A lot of Westerners get knee damage from sitting in lotus posture. In East Asian culture, it's normal for people to sit in the lotus posture, since childhood, for long periods. In my sangha, I knew lots of people who got knee damage. Just a bit of a warning... I find a chair is just as fine, really.

Except in the post enlightenment dialectic there are literslly no material objects. You reduce away materialism itself, as in the ideology of uniformitarian materialism. There are no separate people to save, no people to be saviors. There are no computers, trees, cars, people, planets, not even separate Nouns. This may be called Buddha's paradox, he knows nothing, has nothing to teach, not because of some mumbo jumbo but because there are no fucking people to be taught, no teacher to teach, no facts.

Anything you can define in phoenetic language is a lie in the post enlightenment dialectic. This is where you get into riddles that are actually the zen master just speaking the truth.

What about the shobogenzo?

Benefits to meditation, you say? You might be on to something.


this guy clearly dosnt JBP, go clean your room faggot

Way to rebutt the argument. You sure told me.

Not very common, but it does exist.

WHY are so many people like you, who call themselves Buddhists, such cancerous pieces of moldy shit? Seriously, I've run into obnoxious asswipes like you before, and you're ruder than any Muslim I've ever met, which is saying a lot. One of them was so bad I had to spend some time in jail after taking a shovel to the back of his head.

In closing, get fucked you rotten son of a bitch.

Because we are on a shitposting right-wing board with violent skin-heads like you. I had to ascertain if he was serious about Buddhism or not. I mean, Sup Forums is not really place to ask about Buddhist practice sincerely. Also, the fact you attacked a man makes you far worse than people who shit talk online. You go get fucked, you stupid piece of shit. You want everyone to be super polite to you when you're an asshole yourself.

The insight given by Zen can be aligned with mystical traditions of Christianity, like Meister Eckhart, but it cannot really be aligned with Sup Forums's obsessions. Asking about Zen here is just so bizarre and weird.

Was the Buddha white?

>sinicised Zen Buddhism
>not true Aryan Greco-Buddhism



Buddha had attributes that were no attributes.


No. Reserach where it came from (heretic Buddhist sect). Meditation orignally was just prayer. All this nonsense about no-mind will make you neurotic.

>ah done took a shovel to that there boo-dist

i honestly think hes of asian decent, he was very cheerful and had a permanent smile, shiva is something else, the most powerful, he had flame swords and sheit, they are besties

No, the goal of Buddhism is annihilation of the self

Is there anything at all they won't fake?

Let us sit down, do nothing and look cool then we may not have to work in rice fields.
-Zen Master Ayo Hol Upp

Advaita Vedanta (Hindu Philosophy) is better.
