Is piracy stealing?

Is piracy stealing?

Well I usually only pirate to try games out, then I buy them if I like them enough, so its not stealing for me.


I don't want to pay (((them)))

Does the 'property' becomes unavailable to it's original owner?

are copies piracy?

You can't steal immaterial stuff.

No, stealing implies you take something from someone and leave them with nothing. Online piracy is merely copying something and leaving the original data intact.

But someone had to put in their time and skill to create the original data. (Writing the code, creating gameobjects, etc)



Just steal from libturds like Marvel. Their stars don't deserve another penny.

>Does the 'property' becomes unavailable to it's original owner?

I assume you are opposed to DRM as well. so in your paradise, I spend 100 million making a movie, and one day after it's online, in your paradise anyone can copy it and put it on their server and show it to the whole world for free.

DRM and anti-piracy methods suck, but they suck because people suck.

This, if you pay for your games or movies, you're no better than (((them))).

>pay 80 dollars for a half finished game
>Have to pay another 50 for all the dlc (which is shit that should have been in the original game)

Oyyyy veyyyy don't pirate goy!!!

should've created something worth spending money on then.

>should've created something worth spending money on then.

there's no logic in that argument. people pirate stuff because they want it, not because it's garbage.

Is copying something stealing it? Loli, did you copy Timmy's homework? That's considered stealing in my class, you get an F for today. But if you see me after class so I can give you some "extra credit" to make up for it. I'll also need to teach you how to be a good girl for teacher. Hey can you just come by tomorrow instead? Wear that one hello Kitty shirt you have if you don't mind.

Intellectual property and copyright law are a spook.

>so in your paradise-
Who is making utopian claims?
>one day after its online-
On the internet? You mean the virtual place where all information uploaded to it is obtainable from anywhere due to net neutrality? Why would you ever willingly upload something online that took you so much time and resources if you wanted to monetize it? Okay then, why not run your own private server separate from this world wide web?

It's unlikely that I would have bought most of the stuff that I pirate.

If I do pirate a game that I really enjoy I will buy it on Steam though.

> you're opposed to DRM as well
Can't give a shit, to be honest. As you said 'People suck' - all people.

> 100 million dollars for cheap entertainment
I have no simpathy for you. Much greater cultural value can be created by much less. Just because it's high cost, doesn't mean it's high quality.
Also, pirating is prevalent, because honesty is no longer affordable - the real wages of middle-class US have not increased since the 70's.

Legit open seas piracy: yes.

Internet piracy: no.

>Why would you ever willingly upload so

I mean that all the idiots in this thread are saying that once they have a copy, from netflix or a ripped DVD then they should be able to share it unlimited because the original creator is not losing any physical item.

just becouse i have been shitting on a pile of money for a long time it doesn't mean it's worth anything

anyway, piracy isn't stealing cuz owner do not lose anything. But it's still immoral to use something that you like for a long time without paying the owner

You're trying to have it both ways. You want to pirate what you think is valuable, but when I defend the owner's rights, you start waffling about shit you don't want.

my original post still stands and none of you can actually refute it.

>is stealing game files and putting them on your hard drive stealing?

You cant steal something that doesnt have a physical form.


What in Davy Jones' locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I'll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I've led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o' swag. I'll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o' pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o' monsoon that'll wipe ye off the map. You're sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o'er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o' the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I'll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o' the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn't, ye didn't, and now ye'll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I'll shit fury all over ye and ye'll drown in the depths o' it. You're fish food now, lad.

If I copy paste shit around on my computer am I stealing from myself?

that's where you're wrong kiddo.

I pirate to try out something and check if it's garbage or not. If i like the thing i buy it, if i do not i delete and forget about it.

Yes, the same way that looking at something and remembering it is stealing. By only watching a movie once, you're denying the producers their rightful wage.

I still don't understand the Libertarian perspective on software. Why would anybody make software or vidya if you can just take their product and sell it?

I guess I know plenty of libertarians who believe in intellectual property, but it's still a hotly debated topic I notice

The current US Patent and Copy Right systems are unconstitutional perversions of the original models they were founded upon

Therefore violating those laws is ethical

value =/= monetary value

Culture is not like bread, trying to use the same value system on an object and a set of information pattern is hilariously misguided and extremely destructive.

Your original post was a question, and a fairly misconceptualized one.

>I stole from you by typing into my keyboard

Legally, no. You can be sued for a breach of copyright (a legal right to produce copies that someone other than you has), provided you have made a copy (eg downloaded a movie), but it's a chose in action because what you have done infringes against some other person's exclusive right to make copies.

Watching a movie online by stream where the video is not stored locally in a viewable format is impossible to deal with.

No copy, no copyright breach.

>Is piracy stealing?

There I just pirated your post. Did I "steal" your post from you and am I now a criminal?

No that is untrue, there have been movies in the past that i knew wouldn't be worth paying but i felt like watching just to stay in the loop of things.

Meant for OP.

Pirating all Hollyjew content is my daily little anti-semitism, of which I am very proud.

justified stealing of jewish property

If you tell a friend about the movie you just saw and quote one line of dialogue or describe one plot element without expressed written consent of the filmmaker, you've denied the company their rightful profit and are a theiving pirate.

Yes. Unless it's vaporware.

>Giving (((Bethesda))) money

This thing that I definitely don't do is amoral. Whether or not it's stealing is just a pointless game of semantics where the law seems pretty concise about it being a type of crime other than stealing.
If I "did" do this thing, it'd only be with certain types of foreign media that have their subbed streaming rights divided up among 3 different fucking services.

Worth is determined by a consensual transaction.

If piracy is not approved by the creator of the medium, the transaction (pirating a game) is not consensual therefore you cannot determine that the value is 0.

This basic economics.

Was he selling his post?

Oh wait you're retarded

It's like the FTP games model. Anyone can play it. If you like it enough, you invest in the game and support similar stuff being made; both by the same developers in the game who will make more content to grow their product and rival companies who will try to compete by making a game of the same genre. The game also makes money by people who want to save time actually playing the game and buy the rewards directly, parents who want to placate their children by giving them shiny digital stuff and people rich enough to just shower money to whatever they play.

I'm using videogames as an example since this model has hardly being applied to other forms of media, but the market will speak. Even if you make it free, you'll get revenue if your product is good enough and the public wants more of it.

No it's unauthorised use

That song that's played on the radio incessantly, to the point of it being stuck in your head, you know that song; the one on the radio at work that plays every 52 minutes five days a week from 8-5?

You need to pay me a dollar for that song stuck in your head. I have to cover the cost of paying clearchannel to shove it into your brain so you owe me.

I'm selling this post for 50 dollars. Don't copy it or else you're a thief.

It's intellectual property infringement, instead of theft. Both are illegal, but theft is a criminal offence, maybe because it's commonly linked to violence and needs a different apparatus to be dealt with. Depending on how you define stealing, it's probably a different offence.

Because that explanation needs more than one sentence, this thread will be 332 replies omitted.

Legally, yes.
Though to me it doesn't seem much different than sharing a game or movie with a friend, only difference being that they also get to have a copy for themselves while I keep mine.

consider this kind of "basic economics"

if i can't test something i will not buy it, so probability that owner will profit is 0.
if i can test something the same probability is non zero and it depends on quality of product.

I know a lot of ppl who acts like that, if product is good it will defend itself. Look at witcher 3 / witcher 2 which was DRM free since first day and i've bought both and dlc.

Anti-piracy laws are juice scheme to sell over advertised, low amount of content and low quality products for high price. You would call it smart advertisement or (((economics))), i'll call it deceit.

Who fucking cares,same rules as irl if the cops dont care about it steal as much as possible,if they care just dont get caught.
Live by the gypsy creed and the money of the people around you will become yours.

>I'm selling this post for 50 dollars.


>I'm selling this post for 50 dollars. Don't copy it or else you're a thief.

>I know a lot of ppl who acts like that,


Anybody making an argument that has appeared before in another thread or in print has committed theft of intellectual property and should just pay up now.

We should be paying royalties to the first people to use language, man.

Why did you steal some of my post?

You gave it to me for free.

I never gave you the right to copy my post. Even if I let you see it. You're a thief.

Don't care about "stealing" from the Jews desu

If you publicly post, you automatically give me the right.

All posts are owned by the poster.

Says it at the bottom.

So you agree I can copy any book or dvd in a library or barnes and nobles since they let me see them for free?

DRM actively makes the piracy problem worse. The more shitty and inaccessable your DRM makes playing your game the more people you will see saying fuck it and figuring out how to crack the game. People did this for watchdogs exclusively because uplay is such a shitpile to use, and a big part of steams success is that while it is DRM it is unobtrusive and easy to use, people bought games on steam because it was easier then pirating them

>I never gave you the right to copy my post

Check Sup Forums's terms and conditions. I'll bet that you assigned those rights to Hiro and co (consideration was you being able to use the website).


But it is copyright infringement, which is just as bad.
