Is this the dream?

is this the dream?

Other urls found in this thread:

yes and this is the reality



Some people's dream
Others' not.
The problem is Sup Forums projecting their own failure to get what they want onto society.

>is this the dream?

No. This is the dream.

Was the dream. Now we're supposed to love darkies and queers. Sad


its so balanced, and well measured, that is easy to push it and fall

The police are on their way

>No asian qt's
>the dream


I regret nothing.

LMAO what the fuck do contrails have anything to do with it?? xD

I wish I could have 7 kids

How many children can you have before it becomes degenerate? There is definitely a cap.

Having 7 children is ideal. I don't understand why people don't want children.

You haven't heard?

Just get on welfare

>You haven't heard?

>third from left isn't asian

Where's american black bull?!

7 kids is the reality of alot of poor people. you want to become like them?

lmao is that boogie

the only people who don't want this are selfish genetic failures

don't remind me

Yes, and this is the reality induced by the liberal left.

Fuck this people so fucking much
