Who ends up being the "White Niggers" of a White ethnostate?

What groups of white people are willing to clean the toilets, do backbreaking work in agriculture etc?

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For starters, Richard Spencer is not White

Southern italians

People that need money the most, poor people. Rich people will mate with Rich people and divides will grow once more


slavs, wops and irish

its their name is literally slave

Nice try keke, nice try

He is, but he married a non-white "Russian" Turk-Georgian.

Don't trust me, see his DNA test. We have the technology to separate the pale White-LARPing shit from Europeans now

Cumskins (Nords and Anglos)

Negrobots, PoC could be completely automated by 2030 at the latest.

She's even more subhuman - literal negro genes and arabic traits

Teenagers and college kids. This is how we prevent another generation of millennials

People who are now the white supremacists.

Regular white people

I already live in a 100% white country and it's nothing shocking

They'll be robots, and even Sweden was headed in this direction before they reversed course just to give house chores to their new house niggers.

I love how you dumb niggers, shitskin and Medrats think cumskin is an actual insult and counter to the term shitskin

>cum: a substance responsible for creating life
>shit: absolutely useless dead waste

I know, it's weird to me.

Sup Forums idolizes Richard Spencer, while he is literally doing the very thing that is destroying the white race.

this board is cucked beyond belief

Your mom

Teenagers, drunks, and recent white immigrants. This is how it worked through most of the country's history.

Whiter than you are


Argentinians and us.

You will never get an ethnostate unless you go back to Europe.

Ones on the lower end of the bell curve. Those are the white people that are hurt the most from non-white immigration. Not only do they have less jobs they also have to live around niggers and spics. I don't think just because someone is poor they should be forced to live around niggers.

I WANT to build shit, and I can't in my cucked country where you need a permit from a state certified architect to build a swimming pool longer than your arm.

Poor leechers

The people at the lower end of the bell curve. Like you, dumbass.

>backbreaking work in agriculture

Is this the 1300s?

Macron will provide government funded cucksheds

What country?

The poor you fucking idiot just like always



Sister fucking rednecks.

People who live in council estates and other working class estates. Teenagers too

This guy sounded like an absolute moron in that video with Charles Barkley. Please tell me his "fans" on here are being ironic.

No such thing as "whiter", Saupreiß Ömgur Jurinovic. You are either 100% genetically European or not. There is no fucking middle ground

Did Richard Spencer marry shrek?

Why she look like shrek?

Whomever is the ethnic minority within that ethnic state. That's a "white ethno state" is just as unrealistic as a pure civic nationalist state; unrealistic for different reasons but unrealistic none the less.

>You are either 100% genetically European or not.
I love how you throw this shit around every time when we both know you don't have a clue about genetics and how you'd go about to measure "Europeanness".
Feel free to prove me wrong.


>That's a "white ethno state" is just as unrealistic as a pure civic nationalist state; unrealistic for different reasons but unrealistic none the less.

Why is a white ethnostate "unrealistic" ?

Jews have Israel, Africans have most of Africa, Asians have Asia.

poles or american trailer trash
I consider trailer trash niggers already

Watching it right now. What the fuck is he doing? "Life, liberty and happiness sounds faggy". Cringe!


nobody deserves that fate.

Not Meds

He said white user...

aren't Russians just nigger with the wrong skin pigment?

see, thanks for proving me right bavanigger, you are just illiterate and butthurt and cannot even define what you are talking about
so much for le white mustard rice you brag about so much

because "white" is not an ethnic group. If you have an ethno-state where everyone's skin color is white, you will have a group within that state that will be considered as "not white."

>Jews have Israel
there a plenty of Jews who have blue eyes, blonde hair, etc. but they aren't considered "white." EG: the rat faced whites that are non-christians are considered non-white.

shit is fertilizer and is necessary to grow crops

italians, slavs, and southerners; that's why we need white supremacy instead of white national nationalism, so every huwhite man can be on top

He's arguing like a middle schooler.
>Let me refute your point by repeating it in a stupid voice and scrunching up my face.

>ruskie thinking he can talk about whiteness
>when russians are the closest to white niggers
>when you spent almost half a century being a bunch of filty communists

pro-tip: when you see a russian flag bragging about racial purity and being extremely butthurt at meds, you have been visited by our local bavarian/albanian proxyfag

you are all white nigger because you blame others for your life failures like black niggers.

Our Country. We have children do the shit work to learn discipline and make some cash during breaks from school, and immigrants like the Irish do the back breaking shit.

Because automation is supposed make people with those kind of jobs unemployed, right?
Hahaha, conservatards BTFO!
But remember, we need to keep importing non-whites to fill these jobs anyway because white genocide.

tell me about it. He's an autist

Why are so many WN childless? Wouldn't bringing a bunch of white children into the world do more to stop white genocide than having rallies and posting on the internet?

Young people will do it, its what they did before the government fucked everything over. Plus there will be a lot more social cohesion in a homogeneous society so you won't have people fucking over other people. It's pretty simple really, also as for agriculture most of it can be done by machines and the only reason most farms aren't automated today is because illegal work is cheaper

She has layers

All the answers are already in israel

watch what the jews do. they have little farm communities with 0 crime where they live off the land and urban centers where they do the tech and scheming work

This, you can't grow into an adult(mentally) without working. Not to mention they can be cheap labor. It would also be a humbling experience.

Speaking for white issues is destroying the European race? Thanks Jew

Ding ding ding

Pigskin is more accurate and shows how abhorrent and sinful "white" "people" truly are.

ITT: a bunch of anglos who are so deeply indocrinated by multi-culti that they don't even understand the notion of ethnostate

Non-Western European descent mongrels.

Slavs, Dagoes and the Irish.



t. gen z irish immigrant


>Said the Asiatic

Sup Forums is pretty much split on Meme Spencer.

>"white" is not an ethnic group
It is in the context of America. The disparate immigrants from Europe essentially intermingled to the point where they became a distinct, homogeneous ethnic group.

>Kekistan flag.

GTFO mongrel cuck.

Literally all non-Anglos

Poor and stupid people, just like in every homogeneous country. But they will be able to have quiet and safe lives without nogs and beans robbing them, and will be able to save up money and send their kids to a good White school. Everyone would be better off, especially Whites who cannot now afford the nigger tax needed to escape 'diversity'.

(((You))) got a problem with that?

looks super edited.

Any work can be done as long as an image of respectability is maintained. Only the Jew-capitalist degenerate culture dictates you that you must despise the "low class" workers or be ashamed of cleaning a toilet. The subhuman Indian culture of constant psychological jungle-style oppression.

Automation, btw.

There is no such thing as being white, it's a social construct


Yes there is, it's called racemixing. Your country invented it

swamp people



>Automation, btw



How about people less than 70% desireable?

teenagers, duh

Whatever wop boy.

Germans. If we even let them join us.

nigs can't grow crops tho

>because "white" is not an ethnic group. If you have an ethno-state where everyone's skin color is white, you will have a group within that state that will be considered as "not white."

That's actually an element of that age-old Indian (subhuman) culture that sadly persists with us to this day. We can do away with this unnecessary Asiatic hierarchy. Societies based on artificial, prescribed hierarchy are sooo slant-eyed and smelly...