How do you explain this? Republican dominant states take in more relative Federal funding than democratic states...

How do you explain this? Republican dominant states take in more relative Federal funding than democratic states. Aren't conservatives supposed to be more fiscally responsible?

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>leftists vote for progressive taxation and welfare benefits

He. Funny thing, in Germany, all social democrat countries are poor and stupid, all CDU are rich and better educated.

What's RFS?

It's odd because liberal benefit programs are mostly used by those who want them gone

>blacks want liberal benefit programs gone

it's called niggers

So this gave more funding to red States?

You really want to know why the south takes a lot of welfare? I give you a hint B*****

>Farm subsidies

The real red pill here is that we have to pay farmers not to grow too many crops, otherwise there would be more food for the poor. It's been a low key bipartisan position for decades because even the most cucked politicians know that we shouldn't help poor people in any real capacity. Farming has just become too efficient

The south is full of welfare niggers. Everywhere else is farmers making use of government subsidies.

That makes since. I know a guy in Cali with 500 acres, he gets paid by the state to not use half of it.

low poulation states with large tracts of fed land / mil bases.

Pretty easy to figure out why this is a dumb measure since the money allocated is spent mostly in Washington (studies, contracts, weapons, etc) and not in those states.

Nice confirmation bias.

Doesn't this just show that larger states that produce a lot of money get that money taken away, and its given to poor states?

This is wealth distribution in action, why libs suddenly getting mad gov is doing this? it's what they always want.

I think it's more they are trying to claim conservatives as hypocrites. At least that's how the Bernie bro who starting telling me this was saying.

If a program exists you might as well use it and abuse it.

So the general consensus I'm getting is

>Farm subsidies
>Federal land
>Military bases

Is there anything else that would be biased towards red States more?

>OR MT Republican states

federal funds go to red states because red states are home to a majority of military facilities


Then he's a hypocrite for complaining.
"boy it sure sucks that your money is going to someone else, doesn't it, Mr. Democratic Socialist?"

Figured it was odd that empty as fuck states had lots of 'government funding' to support federal institutions already there

poor choice of words, as it assumes the states need the federal aid
my state is a deep red one, and we actually have a surplus in the treasury
Republican states are almost guaranteed to be deeper shades of red because they have lower taxes and thus don't generate as much tax revenue

The reason is that red states are shitty and rural and blue states are packed with urbanites and invaders

- farm subsidies to keep blue states fed
- lots of federally owned land there.
- federal aid to states gets
- there rural states require less money to operate

25.5% of Kansas's revenue is federal but that could only be 20 million dollars.

26% California's revenue comes from the feds but that could be 20 billion dollars.

Which states soak up most Federal dollars?


The southeast is full of niggers taking welfare benefits. The southwest is full of illegal spics taking welfare benefits. The other states are getting money for farming. Kill yourself faggot.

Good points guys, thank you. When I was trying to figure out this shit i couod only find liberal as fuck sites.

Wow, what a racist chart. They simply ranked each state by the percentage of blacks and said it had to do with taxes.



Nevada is largely fed land.

That being said, states like Cali just have crazy state taxes and revenue sources. Hardly means they run some fiscally sound operation. A lot of other factors to be considered, l

Don't state's get charged federal income and then the money is redistributed? Wouldn't these states minimally have to take in federal aid if there was no federal tax?

It seems like a meme where federal aid is coined in place of subsidies and fed taxed that shouldn't even need to be paid.

I damn sure know that Illinois is in way worse shape than it's surrounding state's (in which they are doing well and not going bankrupt) esp. Indiana.

We need a solution to the nigger problem. I suggest drowning them since niggers can't swim.

California proabably absorbs more federal funds than most red states combined just because of population and the numbers of federal reps it has.

Percentage of "state revenue." Blue states spend more money, are more socialist, require more money to operate.

It's like feeding a blue whale. A red state would be like feeding an otter.

You have 10 tons of krill. You give the blue whale 9 tons but that's only 20% of its diet. You give the otter 8 ounches but that's 50% of its diet.

Blue whale claims the amount of krill it gets from the Feds is a lower percentage than what the otter gets.

Another factor -

Indian Reservations.

Many Fed $$$ are spent on "sorry, here's some beer money red man"

Also, this.

OP is a faggot.

Red states are more rural.
So maintaining roads will probably cost a bit more per capita.
Higher earnings = lower federal funding.

Niggers and also in the case of South Carolina nuclear power plants. And in the case of West Virginia and Kentucky its white trash hicks.
And that correlation isn't even that good, New York, Maine, Oregon, Maryland and Rhode Island are all pretty high.


Farmers are subsidised in that way so that they don't outstrip demand with overproduction. This is necessary to stabilise markets and protect farmers because they cannot communicate or manage net production without some form of centralised control. It has nothing to do with starving poor people and everything to do with keeping farmers from fucking themselves over.

Case in point: even when farmers are paid not to grow wheat, there is still way too much wheat. This shit gets bought and BURNT by the government for the same reason of not destroying the economic base. Still we export obscene tonnage to Africa. This is done to fuck their economy over and keep them non competitive.

Lrn2foreignaid, faggot.

blue states have more paved roads. Look at a city like LA, Chicago, or New York. Look at the state they are in.

There is more paved road in highly populated areas.

Red states have less roads, cheaper workforces, cheaper material. Maintaining roads in rural states is probably cheaper and easier.

Blue states often suffer from bad infrastructure maintenance, highly bureaucratized and unionized road workers.

"% of state generated revenue"

I wonder if Nevada generates any revenue.

What in Nevada might generate revenue? I wonder - can anyone think of any thing or any place in Nevada that generates revenue for the denominator for this stupid assed, meaningless graph?


You are officially an idiot.

Print yourself a certificate.

I don't think you understand how roads work, user.

What does federal aid even mean in this context? Because I am noticing that the ones higher up have two things in common:

1.) Large amounts of niggers

2.) Small local government.

Which only leads me to one conclusion: the call federal aid any money the federal government gives to people regardless of its status as a state program or not.

Aka, ancapistan would be number one here because the federal government would be 100 percent of their revenue, as they have none of their own.

Bullshit graph is bullshit.

Financial support to food growers to keep food prices down for large cities.

I'm pretty sure the south are big statists. Just cause they wanted to secede from the north doesn't mean they are anti-government, welfare, or whatever.

Is this aid purely to state budget? Does it include aid to cities and universities?

Such red states as NY, ME, and OR

Another faggot who doesn't understand roads.

Ever lived in a blue state? They have shitty roads, particularly inside cities.

Fixing them costs an arm and a leg.

How do you explain Oregon, ultra liberal (due to Portland) yet # 10 on the deadbeat list

That's fucking stupid. If the market is oversaturated, then we need either less farmers or farming for non-food ends, like making fuel out of corn or similar.

The above would happen in a free market, but instead the gov't is paying farmers to not make food. That is absurd, we should stop.

true that, look at the dinduvilles in Cali, New York Chicago etc

Isn't this the case because you can write off state income tax as a deductible for federal income tax? The state income tax would go straight to the state's coffers, and then the remainder goes to the federal government. This would make states without income tax to be more dependent on federal aid, though their residents are paying more to the federal government, and states with income taxes need less federal aid while paying less tax money to the federal government.

any of these yellow states not in the midwest have massive defense spending budgets

their economies are pretty much subsidized through DoD spending

Good point. Some of those states only have the populations of like 3 cities in California.

its odd that they specify that the data omits liquor store revenue. maybe because there is very high liquor store revenue in low GDP high bl*ck population states, but that would make the red states look better. Also
>utility revenue omitted
trash for states like Texas, Louisiana, South Dakota, etc

They are. In all states, Republican AND Democrat, Republicans pay the taxes, and Dems get the government checks. Quite obviously the reason why the Dems shriek so loudly when there is any talk of tax and spending CUTS. Proven, of course, by the fact that Trump won voters making more than $50 k, and Hillary won those making less. LEftists are absolutely hilarious, with the childish and stupid logical contortions which fool absolutely no one.

Repub states have lower state taxes

Do you REALLY believe this? And you also believe that leftists want to pay more taxes to support the deplorables they hate? Damn, you leftists sure use some powerful, mind altering drugs.

Where there is spics, there is more aid. States don't want to pay for them anymore.



1) All those old Democrats who voted in Kennedy, Carter and Clinton want their big government social programs.

2) Minorities. Besides the immigrants who initially go North only to come South, blacks have more children and have more subsidies to branch out and take big government mentality to small government areas.

>>She was about five minutes late, which annoyed the shit out of me
>I want to punch this motherfucker starting from the first sentence.
Fed Gov gets money regardless. It is the reps job to get as much of their constituent's money back as possible.

What you're seeing is that Rpublicans are doing a better job per their constituency, where Dems don't give much of a damn.

It's a downward spiral, though. Until the tax system is address, it'll be nothing but fighting over scraps one pork barrel at a time.

Liberal states consume more fucking goods fro red states and they pay us gibs because we actually know how to civilization and make shit rather than starbucks coffee

Los Angeles metro alone would be worth as many electoral votes as Illinois, around 20, more than Ohio or Michigan which are populous midwest states.

Is there a map with federal aid per capita?

Lol on Mississippi winning, by far the most blacked state.

How do you think farmers tend to decide what to grow? By assessing the needs if the market vs the needs and capabilities if all their neighbor farmers (competitors), or by growing the best cash crop their land can produce?

They recognized themselves that this was a problem. Some of the earliest forms of collective government come from agrarian societies. Central planning just happens to be more efficient. In russia it was state party dictation, in the US it is state manipulation of financial incentive, but the main idea is the same.

If you leave it to individuals, they eventually fuck it up. Farming is too risky already and too low margins to take those chances.

>that entire paragraph explaining how they came up with those numbers
Fucking lmao. Retards really don't know how this shit works do they? At least my state runs in the black, but you couldn't gather that based upon that shitty picture.

They won't show the total amount of money because it's probably a god-awful figure that would defeat their propaganda.

Jesus you people are stupid.

Red states have more poor and uneducated people. They take from the government more than they provide.

To sum it up. People that live in red states are fucking retards like you all.

We know that there are retards in red states, they're called niggers.
But overall, democrats are the parasites of the country.