Direct democracy is the ultimate redpill

Direct democracy is the ultimate redpill.

Prove me wrong

How much do you know about running a state?

Naw senpai, National Capitalism is.

Also direct democracy works in the favor of blue pilled SJW fags

And having the gold reserves of several empires.

what the fuck, i wrote senpai, it changed to senpai, fucking auto correct

fuck stop turning into senpai! I Wrote

>What is mob rule

Democracy, direct or indirect is a form of communism.

There is nothing "redpilled" about mob rule when the mob is brainwashed by jewish propaganda.

It's alright assuming you have an extremely high-quality probably white populace who are competent and know their shit. In most circumstances a meritocratic technocratic oligarchy is probably better.

direct democracy is what normies usually bring up, when they don't like things how they are going, because they are stupid masses, who can't even think outside of democracy, because muh democracy, muh freedom while they are rotting in the gulag of europa.

If 2016 has proven anything, it's that MSM propaganda doesn't work anymore.

51% votes to kill the other 49% fuck you idiot wouldn't expect anything else from a christ cuck the strong should lead the weak, but not with hatred with love

>A meritocratic technocratic oligarchy is probably better

go back to your reddit echo chamber idiot

Constitutional dictatorship

It still works perfectly fine in Europe where the populace historically are conditioned to obey authority (e.g. a monarch or the church) unquestionably.

Direct democracy only works in city-states or tiny countries.
In countries with huge populations, multiple provinces, and uneven distribution of economic purchase, direct democracy would be a total disaster that would inevitably lead to a situation like France in the 1780s, or Tsarist Russia during WWI.

should be exactly 983 482 places apart when typing, to avoid any possible harm to your mental capability

>Iceland: 99% White country
>Switzerland: Right to carry weapons, military service
>Liecthenstein: Conservative as fuck

If anything, the idea that "masses" are stupid, don't know they own good and should be lead by a self-righteous elite (aka Enlightened Despotism) is the epitome of Jewry.

Leftists are the ones who always speak about "reeducation" and "common good".

You see the Swiss flag? Switzerland has a direct democracy, 400 years of peace and higher standards of living than the US, despite it being just a small, difficult-to-farm mountain range. If that's "mob rule," then "mob rule" is objectively the most prosperous, stable and peaceful form of government

How do you like your fellow albanians in switzerland.


Except we have the internet now.
Referendums and votes could be held regularly, on a daily basis.

I anything it will turn people more responsible. They'll start to learn seriously about politics instead of blaming a third.

moron. it only works because they are white, loaded with jew gold, small, and irrelevant.

Democracy is putting your faith into someone you elected based on his word, unable too peek in his true intentions or intentions of those that have interest to see that man in position of power.

Democracy is crippling the capability of society to take long term changes and reforms. To evolve. You are basically standing in front of casino machine and pulling the lever every 4-5 years in hopes of becoming the millionaire. What is worse in most cases those long term changes are developed and propagated behind the scenes behind the curtains of those that are "apparently" holding the power given to them by the people.

Democracy is the opposite of meritocracy. And should be preserved only as a low level (city, town, region) governmental representation of people in front of true Monarchical reign

also i forgot to add. Taking into account that more than 80% of people fall below the "high" IQ range (above 115). One has to ask him self.
Who is actualy electing and making decisions

You perfectly described REPRESENTATIVE democracy, which exists right now in Bosnia, America, France and pretty much every country in the world.

I am speaking of DIRECT democracy, like in Switzerland or Liecthenstein (and even there its not completely direct).

but on that point i will forward you to my P.S.

Those things all go together. Its the politicians and elites who want high immigration, multiculturalism, wars and national debts. Answer me honestly, do you think the (((Iraq War))) would have won a national referendum in the U.S.? How about the (((bank bailouts)))? Do you think a majority of Americans want more illegal immigration, H1B visas etc? The majority is on your side on those issues, it is CONGRESS that is against you

Democracy in itself doesn't work.

Let me give you the basic run down. There's more stupid people in the world than there is smart. If the collective made decisions on a whole, which then most tend to be inspired by their peers, then we wouldn't be able to organise control, it would ensue chaos.

However, the guise of Democracy can work, under the supervision and control of a select few on who we'd refer to as abnormally smart.

You should learn to play the game OP.

For a western nation, yeah I agree. The real redpill is that there isn't one ultimate form of government for all the races and cultures on the earth.

Africans for example would probably benefit most from classic monarchy.

Democracy doesnt work because people are smart, it works because people are selfish and have their own interests at heart, whether they are smart or stupid. The problem with "representative" democracy is that it isnt actually representative of the majority's will or interests

>The real redpill is that there isn't one ultimate form of government for all the races and cultures on the earth.
I agree, Universalism was a mistake

That's why Capitalism was invented, to help aid democracy.

>The problem with "representative" democracy is that it isnt actually representative of the majority's will or interests
Which is why it should be replaced with Direct democracy