Why didn't Arabs conquer all of Europe?

Why didn't Arabs conquer all of Europe?

Did they fear the white warrior?

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How about passing 9th grade history instead of asking dumb questions, dimwit?

have you heard of something called "CRUSADERS" or "TAKE BACK THE HOLY LAND" or "THE FUCKING MEME OF DEUS VULT"

the hammer stopped them

They couldnt get passed spain byzantines and france.

I dont know why you post this map, its pretty bullshit, by 754 leon, galicia snd pactically half the peninsula was unocupied, and moors never were born north of toledo, too dangerous/never conquered.

France wasn't worth conquering

Then why did you waste a hundred years trying?

Rightful inheritance, but in the end it wasn't worth the faff

Those weren't Arab conquests they were islamic conquests. The prophet's first companions included muslims from all over the place, including Persia, Egypt, and the Levant.
They started by conquering the Arabian Pagan cities of Mecca and Medina, and eventually conquered the middle east, north africa, and parts of asia.

They certainly haven't quit.

This is the frontier for most of moorish occupation.

We waited till your women grew beautiful instead of being fat hogs. Now is the time to rape them

too cold


Nope. We stopped them.

Because they had no interest in a buncha lazy, amoral pink devils crawling around in caves.

>Because in may of 722, a crack commando unit hid in the mountains of Asturias to defend the christianity. These men promptly defeat a muslim horde who was sent to subjugate them. Today, still wanted by the ISIS caliphate they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The R (reconquista)-Team."

pretty killed the Moors offensive abilities.
Byzantine Empire stalled the Arab expansion in eastern Europe.
Crusades, Mongols, Turks and Spanish reconquista came about 5 centuries later.
Read more, get /fit, be ready.

>Arab expansion in eastern Eu
For the same reason every other large empire stops expanding. To much territory to effectively govern.

Byzantine and Cossacks curbstomped the Turks so bad that the Russians had to bail out the Turks twice.

Muslims then tried to come up through Macedonia only to meet a large christian army who wiped them out. They did not return for 200 years.

Won the first crusade with a sneak attack hidden under a refugee crisis. Within 30 years the Europeans led a Crusade and nearly wiped out the entire Turkic Sunni Caliphate.

The first time a Muslim kills a oligarch or a major popular politician, expect Dus Vult 1 year later

we don't like cold weather it is for peasants and retarded whites it is your punishment by allah to live there not us



>Burger education

Military choke-points held at the Spanish and Turkish straits along with poor seamanship.

yes, but



This must be bait. Fucking leaf


Spanish reconquest happened practicslly immidiately.

See here, muslims recognized Alfonso as King.

>Why didn't Arabs conquer all of Europe?

no goats over the 45th parallel.

You ain't gonna get me on no plane, Hannibal!

hot weather is for niggers and insects

Long live the Great City, buffer of every inbred subhuman for 1000 years