What a monstrous country

What a monstrous country.

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>POG thinks he kills innocent people


Ugh. Did he have to do that in uniform? That's just terrible.

Are you guys milfags? How much trouble is this cringe lord going to be in for this?

Also, chekt

What is he talking about exactly?

probably the endless bombing/interference in the middle east.
I don't blame him.

At the very least, he's out of he service

Probably the fact that America and it's allies bomb innocent civilians who dont know what is happening, and this breeds the terrorists they are sent to fight. Have people really forgotten that USA is responsible for most violence in the world?

you kids really have never seen this pic before? it's old as fuck

is this kind of shit even allowed in the military
it's not like he got drafted either

891. Art. 91. Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer

Any warrant officer or enlisted member who- (1) strikes or assaults a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer, while that officer is in the execution of his office; (2) willfully disobeys the lawful order of a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer; or (3) treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer, while that officer is in the execution of his office;
shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
� 892. Art. 92. Failure to obey order or regulation

Any person subject to this chapter who- (1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation; (2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces, which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or (3) is derelict in the performance of his duties;
shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

>desecrating flag = assaulting warrant officer

Shoo shoo fat larper

I don't disagree with his sentiment entirely, but his delivery and presentation is just awful.

Infantry here, fuck savages.

Implying your islamo country doesn't do the same, on a larger scale, lie to outsiders, and disrespect other cultures

Fuck off hypocritical shit

What an edgy contrarian. Not like most veterans who oppose our involvement in the Middle East can maintain a healthy sense of patriotism and not desecrate the flag.

>Fighting to keep the burgouise safe and spread imperialism

>sandnigger mooslems

>Showing blatant disrespect to officers appointed above him

Ya dingus, it's not about having it on the flag. There are officers positioned above this scrub that his message on the flag is disrespecting.

If charged it would most likely go NJP and he'd do 14 days of extra duty

But muh freedumbs


the dirty dorito strikes again

This is in regards to a general order about political protest in uniform, no?
What does that order state?

917. Art. 117. Provoking speeches or gestures

Any person subject to this chapter who uses provoking or reproachful words or gestures towards any other person subject to this chapter shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

934. Art. 134. General article

Though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special, or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.

91 is super fucking flexible, like a lot of the UCMJ. Since not every UCMJ charge even goes to Courts Martial the Commander can just slap you with it. The only recourse is demanding that it goes to Courts Martial where you will sit in a kangaroo court and get charged.

>who don't know what is happening

You can't be this nieve

He should use BBC vernacular like based to relate to use

>this is what brainwashed Americans actually believe

>Americans genuinely believe there are countries who are more imperialistic and bloodthirsty than themselves

The American mentality is legitimately shocking to me. I dont know if its because of Hollywood but Americans seem to think they are in a movie and conduct themselves accordingly. Not once in over a decade here have I seen an American own up to his countries warmongering and terror inflicted on the world, almost every single time they deflect the accusations onto other countries. A weapon on par with a nukes destructive capability is a population who supports their governments tyranny while proclaiming to be paragons of peace.

Lack of BBC vernacular detected. Use based at least and then move on to nigga so us nonwhites can indentfy each other

I legitimately hope this is a joke and your not so far gone that you believe America isnt killing innocents in the middle east

You see my goat humping friend is that Americans, and the west in general, really doesnt give a fucking shit about your worthless sandboxes. I take great pride in being in a nation that has waged nearly unlimited war against backwards moon worshipers for over a decade with absolute impunity.

You might be right about our government being an all encompassing and growing oligarchy but at the end of the day we are, and will continue to be, superior.

That photo is more than a decade old. It was taken as part of a military police report detailing the detainment of some protester who was getting violent outside of a National Guard recruitment center.

>Imgur filename
Right. Quality post, Reddit.

aw babby wants out of the service via dishon discharge

Bait & sage

As much as I want to believe this is bait I know this is what Americans believe deep down. What a horrible country and people

Says the guy with a communist flag

>a communist
>calling something monstrous

Choose one shill


You mean the other one
>it's a Sup Forumsshevik thread

America is the World Police and Jews Rule America


Keked hardily

Horrible? Its just the natural state. Us versus you and so far we've been winning pretty fucking handily. Now Europe is a ticking timebomb but when whites chimp out its pretty violent. I literally feel nothing about the death of Muslims and I hope and pray that your blight of a religion is wiped out. You had your reformation and instead of progressing forward you turned to Wahhabism and Salafism. You deserve it.

Im a white Australian. You accost Muslims for not "reforming" and leaving violence behind whole at the same time being proud of inflicting violence on others


Shouldn't you be fucking a goat or blowing up shia or something?

Probably wants a dishonorable discharge.

Just a cuck that infiltrated our ranks.

If that guy was in my unit....I'd shove an e-tool up his ass