Should we Let the Hypocritical Bully Sarkeesian get away with this?

Sarkeesian's hate mob is being left to run rampant just because Boogie2988 called out what she did to him in the most polite way possible.

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>boogie2988 video
Use hooktube, it's like for youtube

Norbot, you are my hero.


LOL. What did this bitch do? Say she changed her mind about universal healthcare so wouldn't have to waste her tax dollars enabling this lardfag's disgusting habits. HAHAHAHAHHAHA

Where's that fat fuck's fedora?

Why is Sarkeesian still relevant

I love this bot.

Hank and John are actually retarded and invited her to vidcon even if she is universally vilified.

I don't want to sit through 13 minutes of that fat literally who, can I get the basic gestalt?

I too need a quick rundown.

I like the idea of Boogie and Skeezy in some sort of youtube war.

But I still don't want to watch moving images of either of them.

She yelled at him.

>can I get the basic gestalt?
Anita Sarkeesian is a fuckin' bitch and she made some fat bitch tits faggot cry or some shit.

Did he try to put his benis in her bagoo?

Because beta males are still terrified of being called sexist

Anita and Boogie were in the same panel for internet harassment and other memes. Boogie at the en just stated that everyone can be victim of it and not just women or niggers. It was at the end of the panle and people clapped a lot so anita got triggered and start calling Boogie shit things. Boogie is a massive autists and got all paranoid and worked up, but at the end everyone shat on anita.

A fat cuck was afraid and nervous that he would upset a feminist, then he ended up upsetting the feminist she was mean to him and the the fat cuck cowered to the feminists anger and tried to make not angry at him. After they finished talking and he thought they made up he asked her for a selfie and she denied him.

Basically a fat cuck was afraid he would be bullied by a feminist, was bullied by the feminist, and then defended the feminist for bullying him.

sad but true

9:05 what did he mean by that?

She's not.

If anything Anita probably helped lay the foundation for Donald Trumps road to the presidency by going after videogames.

She's been losing popularity ever since she tried latching on to GG but it died off. You can tell she was trying to start shit again by pointing out Sargon, trying to claim that him just being in the crowd was harassment that got her a small surge with beta journalist tweeting about it.

Notice how nobody is reporting on what she said during the panel or something interesting/informative, just that she started to REEEEE when she spotted Sargon.