El General

What are your thoughts on Pinochet?
Do you agree or disagree with his way of molding the country to capitalism?


Completely agree.
Pinochet's hard line stance on not just communists but socialists as well, is just what we need to fix the western world.

The most beneficent dictator of all time. He should be revered as a hero.

*tips Stahlhelm*

He was a CIA puppet and privaticed our resources
he at least saved us from that Freemason Socialist jew Salvador Allende

His end goal may have been worth it and reforming the banks was a great move but he worked/was friends/protected known pedophiles

Pinochet and the boys from Chicago murdered thousands in the name of Capitalism. Disgusting.

the best leader one could hope for

yes, that includes hitler


I'm more of a Fascist than a Capitalist, but I have an open mind. Every country has different people and culture, can't all be run identically. He was very cool, even beyond the helicopter meme.

He let Jewish economists take over his country to practice their usury. Peron was better and his economic policies were much more consistent with Catholic social teaching.

Saved us from Jewish Communism
Plunged us into Jewish Capitalism

Should never have stepped down. If Piñera doesn't win, Military needs to step up again. Throughout our history they've been the only ones to save us from corrupt useless civilian government.

Piñera needs to go full nationalist. Not just a little. All the way.

t. gender studies major

I miss him.
>Heart bleeding patriot.
>BTFO communism out of the country for 2 decades.
>Land mined the borders with 100.000 landmines.
>Free market Gadsden.
>Turned a piss poor country into a somewhat decent one
>Strong religious values

Go fuck a kangaroo you dimwit ignorant fuck

Praise the Lord brother

Who is this fucktard who thinks "Peron was better"....

Peron overtaxed and socialized anything that had value until Argentina was reduced to grinding poverty and food riots. It was worse than Venezuela is today.

Anyone who thinks Peron was "consistent with Catholic teaching" is a leftist ShariaBlue shill.

Pinochet was a true hero. He knew the communists wanted to starve or kill millions to force their unworkable dream, so he killed about 2700 of them to stop their revolution.

Don't take any pro-leftist lies for granted. Peron was an evil monster.

I don't want him back, but I want someone with those positive qualities and strenght

All this negative shit about Peron is a complete lie.

Don't believe the Clantons and Alinskys.

Pinochet was a saint for killing leftists.

i think he did wonders for the Chilean economy, but larping asides I don't agree with his methods, I'm actually not for the killing of people, especially when the reason is that they were "communists"

He didn't kill enough Gommies.

He should have went to Videla levels, but I guess it worked out since Argentina is still a shithole filled with Peronistas.

it's actually true
when their mineral resources run out they'll be in serious problems again

>murdered thousands

They didn't kill any humans. Only communist scum.

If we anex Argentina and possibly Bolivia, there will be no more resource problem

Pinochet saved his country, then retired and gave the government back to the people. Like Cincinnatus. Pinochet was so loved by his people that they still celebrate him to this day, despite all the propaganda against him. All you have to do is look at starving Venezuela to see that Pinochet was completely right about everything.

I stopped believing in arguing with leftists when I grew up and became redpilled.

Sup Forums loved him for like 6 years in the past. Now most Pinochet posts are met by calling him a kike-controlled capitalist for killing communists and not wishing death on America. It's really sad how niggerized Sup Forums has gotten in 2017.

>more consistent with Catholic social teaching

Like raping young boys.

>starving people eating animals
>animals are starving

>Q: Which is sadder?

A: Leftists still thinking their ideas are good for a country after seeing all that.