Alright, us Polers/4channers are pretty well known for operations that are, usually, successful. Hell, we even managed to elect the fucking president. Today, I propose that we take it upon ourselves to get Trump impeached. We built him, so if anybody can take him down, it is us. This Comey testimony is proof that Trump is a shady liar, and unfit and untrustworthy, and just all around can't be president. He's a cringeworthy cuck and we must do all we can to get him impeached. He obstructed justice, intimidated the fucking FBI director, and as patriots, we must acknowledge and take action to get this man out of office.

Push for his impeachment, don't make your voice silent. Make sure House Republicans know that they must vote to impeach, in the interest of their party.

TWEET #ImpeachTheOrange

This might be the most important thing we've ever done, do not let this opportunity slip. It is a good chance for us Polers to redeem ourselves after the horrific mistake of electing the worst president in our nation's history.

Make your voice heard.

Count me in.

Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

Indeed, count me as one of the fellow 'dank memers' who regretted deeply voting for this orange gorilla. His racist and sexist policies are indeed hurting the nation. As a proud member of the dank 'alt-right', I think that impeaching him and giving control to the 'dank'-er Democrat party would be in our best interests. As a fellow rural, uneducated white male voter who enjoys making 'dank' memes, I certainly will participate in the typical Sup Forums-style, naturally-develped, grassroots hashtag campaign. Young people like us need to make our voices heard and vote for 'hip' candidates like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders!

Indeed, count me as one of the fellow 'dank memers' who regretted deeply voting for this orange gorilla. His racist and sexist policies are indeed hurting the nation. As a proud member of the dank 'alt-right', I think that impeaching him and giving control to the 'dank'-er Democrat party would be in our best interests. As a fellow rural, uneducated white male voter who enjoys making 'dank' memes, I certainly will participate in the typical Sup Forums-style, naturally-develped, grassroots hashtag campaign. Young people like us need to make our voices heard and vote for 'hip' candidates like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders!

remember to put that four letter word in the options box for faggots like OP


Is it SAGE

>what are ids


Too bad we're busy preparing for 20. MAGA!!!

you can't stump the trump, faggot


Hell yeah you have my BBC vernacular. I won't stop using BBC vernacular until he is out. Who is with me? Post BBC vernacular in all threads like based and nigga. Haha you're out numbered this time

>This Comey testimony is proof that Trump is a shady liar, and unfit and untrustworthy



Ok Toothpaste bro, let's #ImpeachTheOrange
Sup Forumslaks like yourself may as well vote for the Democratic Party if Trump isn't going to do ANYTHINg he promised


Count me in.

Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

I'm in

Hilary go to bed.

Indeed, count me as one of the fellow 'dank memers' who regretted deeply voting for this orange gorilla. His racist and sexist policies are indeed hurting the nation. As a proud member of the dank 'alt-right', I think that impeaching him and giving control to the 'dank'-er Democrat party would be in our best interests. As a fellow rural, uneducated white male voter who enjoys making 'dank' memes, I certainly will participate in the typical Sup Forums-style, naturally-develped, grassroots hashtag campaign. Young people like us need to make our voices heard and vote for 'hip' candidates like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders!

Fuck off shariablue.

>Not Sup Forumsack

so many retards falling for this advanced bait

Im In lets go

Sup Forumsack
Not Sup Forumstards

nigger stop what are you doing?

Hilarious that ShareBlue thinks the herd mindset works here

>Sexist policies
Call him a sexist all you want but his policies have never been sexist. I dare you to find one that is, not a tweet he made or something sexist he said, I want you to find a POLICY of his that his sexist. Have fun

Indeed, count me as one of the fellow 'dank memers' who regretted deeply voting for this orange gorilla. His racist and sexist policies are indeed hurting the nation. As a proud member of the dank 'alt-right', I think that impeaching him and giving control to the 'dank'-er Democrat party would be in our best interests. As a fellow rural, uneducated white male voter who enjoys making 'dank' memes, I certainly will participate in the typical Sup Forums-style, naturally-develped, grassroots hashtag campaign. Young people like us need to make our voices heard and vote for 'hip' candidates like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders!

>Push for his impeachment,

You realize that impeachment means bringing him up on criminal charges right? We can't just say "IMPEACH HIM!" and hope he can be voted out of office. Learn how the procedure works you stupid faggot.

>us Polers/4channers
shill thread

time to derail


Can't tell if shill or memethread

you realize we all can see your samefagging right? how embarassing.



I'm going to wait for Mueller to finish first. Trump is an embarrassment and a disgrace to our country but we need more ammo.

Rollerino. Better not get the darkie.

>Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years.
>500 years

I don't like this one. I'm rerolling


Goddammit I got the fucking darkie.

This is some old copy pasta


2 3 6 7 or TRIPS pls kek

Op is this you

I used to be what they called a "caterpillar" over on your sister site reddit.org. I fully supported Dr. Trump, until I discovered that he did a racism in the current year. Now I want him out out out!

My god liberals still haven't accepted that Trump will be president for the next EIGHT years?

i can tell you've been on Sup Forums for 10 minutes and are trying to start a shitty movement that wont work

Yes, let's impeach trump to put Pence in...


>All same post IDs
Shareblue faggots need to be cleansed from our race. The IQ would trend upwards so hard. Mankind requires it.


i'll repeat myself: this is bait that has been posted several times in the last three months, and all people posting in this thread are all certified newfags

fuck that reroll

Fuck off, toothpaste.
Your women are cute but your ideas are stupid. I'd hate find myself turning against you folks.

roll Tide roll baybee

TRIPS PLS (a 7 would aslo be nice)

Indeed, count me as one of the fellow 'dank memers' who regretted deeply voting for this orange gorilla. His racist and sexist policies are indeed hurting the nation. As a proud member of the dank 'alt-right', I think that impeaching him and giving control to the 'dank'-er Democrat party would be in our best interests. As a fellow rural, uneducated white male voter who enjoys making 'dank' memes, I certainly will participate in the typical Sup Forums-style, naturally-develped, grassroots hashtag campaign. Young people like us need to make our voices heard and vote for 'hip' candidates like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders!

Just NO.

i want 0 desu

lol NO gimme a reroll.

Eh, I'll take it.

i don't want that starving hoe

>shill thread

>time to derail

Well done.
You don't have to go back.

Bait thread. Leftys at it again.

Is this the famous sageblue thread?

I suppose first you need to find some wrongdoing worthy of impeachment. Not releasing your taxes is not an impeachable offence faggot. You must go back to plebbit.

>Alright, us Polers/4channers

stop replying to the derail post
roll for waifu instead

(like right now)

Truly one of the worst shill attempts I have ever seen. Ever.

Exactly, a hashtag won't do diddly squat to impeach him


nice roll, barbosa

I don't know what you're doing, but you've earned a few (you)s and a screencap.


Advanced bait? He didn't even change with ID, AGAIN.

Indeed, count me as one of the fellow 'dank memers' who regretted deeply voting for this orange gorilla. His racist and sexist policies are indeed hurting the nation. As a proud member of the dank 'alt-right', I think that impeaching him and giving control to the 'dank'-er Democrat party would be in our best interests. As a fellow rural, uneducated white male voter who enjoys making 'dank' memes, I certainly will participate in the typical Sup Forums-style, naturally-develped, grassroots hashtag campaign. Young people like us need to make our voices heard and vote for 'hip' candidates like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders!

the fact that you fuckers all fell for the bait is proof that it's advanced enough to point out a thread full of newfags

>didn't sage while complaining of newfags replying to a bait thread
>calling others newfags

Trump is the greatest president in history! Better than Washington! Better than Lincoln! Better than kennedy!

Trump is the greatest!

All hail!

nice try reddit



That's part of the bait, which you clearly took.


Roll... please gimme G

this has to stop and hopefully madam president will take over


I'll keep this one!

Fuck off.

Sage, toothpaste edition

Oh shit, me too.

Fuck this guy!

This is some libtard posting here. No one buys it.

Wtf i hate trump now
Btw, mark the time, Its about that time of the day that op stops sucking dicks to shill/shitpost.

I'll try



Sage this

Stfu and gtfo. fag.

Listen, Dutch user. You aren't American, so stay the hell out of our politics.


Unless you voted illegally, you didn't vote for either.