JESUS He's fast

Hey Jim. Good video, gave it a thumbs up. Hope you go into it with more detail in the future once this unfolds.


Wait, is that actually Jim?

It's someone on the metokur site he used to use.

Hi Jim! Great video!

Dunno. Someone challenged him to post his picture so he posted that so that the other guy would have to do whatever.
So probably not but that's the best Jim picture we've got so far.

The reddit user had to issue apology so CNN wouldnt doxx him.

I assume some glorious user is already preparing the doxx for every single employee of the counterfeit news network?

Jim, I love you. You are the only good youtube e-celeb.
Keep doing you.

this cuck called GMS "black" hebrew isrealites and also made fun of based terry davis

the guys a hack

>some glorious user is already preparing the doxx for every single employee of the counterfeit news network

that would be GLORIOUS

Jim post nudes faggot

This feels very familiar lads. Is this CNNgate??

If Anonymous was worth a damn, they'd go after CNN and make their lives a living hell.

truly the god that cannot be doxxed

>If Anonymous was worth a damn, they'd go after CNN and make their lives a living hell.

Didin't this board eventually bankrupt Gawker by spamming their advertisers for months with complaints?? Then when Hulk Hogan sued them, they couldn't afford to pay him.

The Terry Davis and We Wuz Kangz videos are the best fucking things on the entire internet, you glow in the dark CIA nigger.

He'll always be 18th century Ed Harris to me.

we already got one

The Gawker bankruptcy was one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed

I miss that.

is it packaged into a portable meme?

Sup Forums didn't do shit, it was all 8ch and to lesser extent plebbit after mootikins and his mods shitcanned all gamergate discussion.

It's a dude named Habermann. it's not Jim. Jim just uses his face to troll him. Dude is a "reformed troll". Look up Metokur on ED sometime.

Of course not. I bet you think that Jim is his real name, too.