Why are house prices so low in America?

Why are house prices so low in America?

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google.com/maps/place/18935 Edgefield St, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236/@42.4226001,-82.9266588,3a,75y,285.09h,84.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sB6pIPfAgnIpMrMkl_N26KA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x8824d612ee9959b5:0x18f149d731495a50!8m2!3d42.4226471!4d-82.9268576

You're looking in bad neighborhoods.

Fuck you that's 14 grand, I outright refuse to believe that.


Dude. It's in Detroit.

economy has long been dead in the midwest, most places around here the city will give you free property if you just pay the back taxes

Michigan, probably abandoned with 100k of tax leans on it.

Tons of open land. I live in IL suburbs, drive 20 mins in any direction and all there is is cornfields. Go out west and it's crazy...no people for hundreds of miles.

Most of America is undeveloped.

It's in detroit's deadzone. No water, electricity, massive bill for unpaid water, electricity and property tax attached to the property.

Well fuck me, then. And fuck you, too, we're full.

>Tons of open land.

It's the same shit here but houses are MINIMUM 250k, everywhere, even in bumfuck nowhere.


>3 Beds, 1 bath home in Grosse Pointe, MI. Home needs a furnace, hot water tank, and plumbing needs to be replaced. Other repairs may be needed. Has great potential once repairs are completed. Perfect starter home

You can basically get a house for free in Detroit if you're willing to live next to crackhead Tyrone.

I think you might have a more serious case of them there judens than we might've previously thought. We're in the process of developing a spray for them, look for Zyklon C on the shelves this fall.

That's 10k worth of renovations. So the house is only $25k.

Most of the super-cheap houses in the Detroit area have been pillaged by post-apocalyptic raiders.

It looks okay on the outside, but the furnace, wiring, and pipes are probably gone. You'll have to put tens of thousands into it just to repair the damage.

Because it's condemned. Plus, even if you GAVE $14,000 to a lot of people, they wouldn't want to live in Detroit.

Fuck man, I wouldn't even consider DRIVING through Detroit, let alone buying a condemned piece of property there.

>buy a house
>also buy the 15 years of unpaid water bills attached to the previous owner
literally why is this a thing?

not for long, in about 5 years there will be another housing crash. Screencap this

Same here Bruce.

Fucking Chinese.

>plumbing needs to be replaced.
Thank you crackheads.

>tfw people start posting those GOAT Texas ones on acres of land for $100k

>massive bill for unpaid water

What the fuck America? Why are bills attached to the property and not the individual? What a stupid fucking law, no wonder your houses are worthless.

Why would ANYONE buy a house if you also buy the unpaid bills along with it?

Let me tell you about cultural enrichment and contributions of Blacks to society
1- cheap houses in black neighborhood
2- a well developed drug distribution network
3- free music + free entertainment in form of chimp outs + hoes + murder + baby mama drama
4- free bullets... if you dare to disrespect
5- gay + handicap + elderly removal... all free (they kill them and laugh hysterically while doing it... it's a black thing)
6- free supersize sex for you wife, daughter, son or yourself in for of rape

all sort of fun stuff.... and that's why the houses are cheap

82% black

Even black people don't want to live in Detroit.

Literally a 3rd World shithole.

So poor white people are forced to live around niggers?

You don't really have a nigger problem, as we do.

Doesn't look all that bad. Of course all the nignogs must be sleeping.

google.com/maps/place/18935 Edgefield St, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236/@42.4226001,-82.9266588,3a,75y,285.09h,84.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sB6pIPfAgnIpMrMkl_N26KA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x8824d612ee9959b5:0x18f149d731495a50!8m2!3d42.4226471!4d-82.9268576

Black water

I wonder what those 10k houses are assessed at for property taxes.


Nobody's responded because theres no reasonable answer

Super cheap properties usually have issues with them or are in rural areas with limited economic opportunities. Nevertheless, there are some good bargains around if you're willing to relocate and arrange your life to conform with the local culture.

Here's a cabin with land that went for $15k. Catch is it was part of a larger development that failed during the recession but didn't have any liens on it. You just needed a good truck since the road in was to be maintained by the developer and then turned over to an HOA, neither of which existed after bankruptcy.


>Why would ANYONE buy a house if you also buy the unpaid bills along with it?
Because people can file bankruptcy.
Houses can't.

Yes. I learned this the hard way myself
> planned move to new city
> found the cheapest place, didn't know any better, pre-arranged
> oops! poor people like cheap places too
> black people are poor
> tear hair out at bad black and Mexican neighbors
Seriously, it wasn't non-stop, but some of the blackest behavior. Banging on doors, crying, ambulance came once, played TV all night through thin floor / ceiling.
> No longer get the cheapest apartment when I move to a new place

You can't enter into a legal contract with a house.

can detroit be saved? brought back to life, made great again?

Property taxes are on the property itself not the owner of the property. Not sure why water bills can have a lien assigned to the property as I've never heard of other utilities such as electric or cable being able to attach a lien nut maybe it's because most, but not all, water utilities are government services.

When niggers start contributing to society.

So never.

Yes, all it needs is the Hiroshima treatment.

you should check out oklahoma houses and see what you can get for under 25grand

how can people be allowed to not pay their water bill for x years? "put it on my tab?"


First house I ever bought in rural GA cost me $7k back in 2010. It was in shit condition but it was owned by me, and still is.

It's my fallback place.

a $14,000 house plus a few thousand in water bills is still pretty damn cheap

These wastelands are all Democrat-run cities where niggers elect other niggers into office. They make it so utility companies can never turn off your utilities no matter how behind you are because all nine of Tyquandalishaniquas babies would die if they be no water to mix up that Kool-Aid. Expecting payment be rayciss cause white folk own all dat watur they stole from Afrika.

>Property taxes are on the property itself not the owner of the property.
The property can't agree to or pay a tax, only the owner can.

no really, there are a ton of houses there. Can millennials take it over? Can like half the standing army walk through hand in hand and everyone on welfare and quick everyone who doesnt belong there out, and clean it up as they go? But just tell me a bit before this happens so I can buy some homes?

Water is necessary for life and sewage is a public health issue so most municipalities are very reluctant to shut off water but they actually will after the bills are large enough. How large varies greatly by area. We had our water turned off several time for being two months past due but that was when I was a kid in a small southern town that was mostly white. In urban centers filled by blacks, years of warnings tends to be issued before water is actually turned off.

Realistically it would only be like 50k to do a full renovation and you can probably make a deal with the city to remove all the bullshit leins/bills.

It's only a matter of time before young whites start the gentrification process.

We're the richest country to ever exist on the face of the planet with the smartest people ever that's why
>inb4 muh cardboard houses

The owner can't agree either. The government decrees it and therefore it is so. Only the government has a choice in the situation.

Nothing stopping you from continuing to not pay the bill.

If that was the case, you could just transfer the property to a relative and declare bankruptcy.

stuff like that would be good if you worked from home

The owner implicitly agrees by purchasing the property.

Living the dream. It's great how the world changes when you've got a little money.

Literally niggers. That area has been infested by apes.

I understand areas of it are starting to be gentrified, by young whites.

Has anyone said niggers yet?
I'd read this thread about house prices but I'm trying to decrease my boredom.

That's cute. Your average age is like 47

Yes, and if it transfers to someone else, they implicitly agree too, making the taxes essentially attached to the property, not the person as it passes owner to owner through the ownership of the property.

Not here in Aus. Your bankruptcy is different. Here, your debts follow you through it and every cent earned for 7 years goes to servicing them.

It's been a slow day for Sup Forums, hasn't it?

>They make it so utility companies can never turn off your utilities no matter how behind you are
Then what's the problem with buying a house with this debt?

Obviously a nation of criminals would be a bit more cautious about not letting anyone scam their way out of debts. How many of your original settlers were sent their from debtors prison?

Taken off the market,

>Nothing stopping you from continuing to not pay the bill.
During the crash of 2008 I could have bought 2 or 3 houses worth 125,000 for around at auction for a thousand dollars.
Reason: back taxes
Now I wish I would have.

That is the middle of niggerville, plus repair costs, plus tax liens

How the hell did the water bill get to 15k??? Do they just let niggers keep the water on after not paying the bill in Michigan?

that cribs in a war zone where you barricade doors and sleep with a full auto weapon

It trashes your credit rating. Niggers don't give a shit about that but for most people it makes a difference in other aspects of their lives.

Outside of West and South Australia about 95%. The other 5% were the redcoats who had to keep them in check.

>Grosse Pointe Farms.

Everyone is say it's Detroit, but it's a suburb and has less Muslims than Dearborn.

I'm going to go look at it tomorrow. This would make an excellent rental.

Areas of extremely high crime. The only way to raise the price of them would be for an investor to pretty much buy the whole town and fix it up and slowly start repopulating it.

Government workers don't want to leave their offices to turn off the water at a house filled with niggers who are likely violent and willing to kill you for shutting off the water.

You can make he theme of the place John Cusack, y'know, cause of the moviezb

What's credit rating?

Because it's an abandoned house in Detroit.

You'll spend $50,000 on renovations to make it live-able and then have to live around literal savages who will constantly attack you.

>The racial makeup of the city was 95.4% White, 1.8% African American, 0.2% Native American, 1.3% Asian, 0.4% from other races, and 1.0% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.0% of the population

Doesn't sound too bad. Give it a look.

Niggers. We went over this already.
Foreigners have absolutely no understanding of just how bad the American Nigger is. Even motherfuckers from goddamn Africa can't stand our niggers. Nigger is not a meme. Everything you've seen here? That doesn't even touch how bad the nigger really is. It's all real, and reality is even worse than that.

You're also on the hook for all back taxes plus penalties, often for decades. The city doesn't want the ghettos to be rebuilt so they refuse to allow the sales without all liens paid. That $5,000 can have $50K-100K in back taxes and accumulated penalties, utility bills, penalties from the utiliy companies, unpaid federal taxes, fines from criminal offences, etc... all tied to the properties too.

So you've spent $50,000++ for a condemmed house which you have to pay to tear down, pay to have the meth lab cleaned up, pay all the taxes, and rebuild it... only to still be stuck with a house absolutely no one wants to buy or live in because it's surrounded by the most vile niggers in America.

If these properties had ANY value at all investors would be buying them. The Dems don't want them sold because they need niggers to be in ghettos to secure their votes. This has been their strategy since LBJ.

20 niggers were killed in that back yard last week in a gang war.

They can't. Lots of larpers in this thread

Buy up all plots around it for dirt cheap, bulldoze the houses, turn it into a gated community. Hire mercenaries to kill blacks on sight

>renting a $13,000 house

In the US there is a service that tracks how well you pay your bills and how well you handle credit. They assign you a score based on the history of these activities. A low score means you're risky to lend money to so you either can't get loans and credit cards or are charged high interest rates to compensate for your high level of risk. A high credit score means you're not a risk so you get lots of offers for loans and credit cards at low rates.

Some insurance companies will factor in your credit score into the premium you pay. Also in states where it is legal to do so, some employers will check your credit score when deciding if they will offer you a job.

>that cribs in a war zone where you barricade doors and sleep with a full auto weapon
So why is our military all over the world, spending billions, when there are warzones in America? and cheap property in dead cities we can live in and potentially enliven?


And Kikes were LBJ's kind of people!




>That $5,000 can have $50K-100K in back taxes and accumulated penalties, utility bills, penalties from the utiliy companies, unpaid federal taxes, fines from criminal offences, etc... all tied to the properties too.
I don't understand how a "fine from criminal offences" can be tied to the property, all these other things maybe, but this? How the hell.

I live downtown. cheapest cebter of a major metro area you'll ever see, and all the cops stay right here, cause they dont care about where all the poor people live. pretty comfy desu

gated community?

Build a fucking castle and get medieval on the apes.

how much is average rent

As someone who grew up white trash, our water was shut off for non payment several times but that was in a rural community. In urban areas going years without paying actually happens. Google Atlanta and United Water to see why even privatized water couldn't get inner city apes to pay their bills.

Yeah but , America is a bad neighbourhood.

>Why are bills attached to the property and not the individual?
Because niggers don't pay their bills.

>Why would ANYONE buy a house if you also buy the unpaid bills along with it?
They don't, that's why they're so cheap.


That sounds extremely creepy, like the Chinese Sesame system. Why don't you just live off the money that you actually have?

I'm sure they have something like that here too, but who the fuck takes loans, it's the stupidest thing you can do.

Everyone who took a loan to buy an apartment/house/whatever in the early 00s is literally starving to death now because the banks swindled them by somehow tying it to the value of the Swiss franc, so suddenly no one could repay anything anymore and they repossessed (and are still repossessing) massive amounts of property. Basically the bank evicts the people, and then lets the property sit without doing anything with it, or it sells it for peanuts to another company owned by the same bank, which offers people the chance to live in it for huge rent, while the debt still accumulates. It's a complete scam.

Thank fuck all our neighbours are just poor Polish and Romanians. They don't cause trouble. Literally out working 16 hours a day so pretty quiet most of them.