Where are the youtubers?

#CNNBlackmale is exploding and the YouTube regulars are sleeping or sick or AWOL or something.
Styxhexenhammer666, Mark Dice, Stefan Molyneux, Black Pigeon Speaks, etc, etc, WAKE UP AND MAKE A DAMNED VIDEO. SPREAD THE WORD.
Ugh, Styx is probably still sitting there trying to figure out how to adjust the volume for his microphone.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck you crack head, its late, wait for tomorrow

They're lying low for some reason, I don't get it, Stefan specifically gave the heat up order and then he lies low as well? His last few videos were from his talk show.

Only sargon is actively fighting harder than last year.

yeah, it's been like an hour dude.

Styx tweeted about it at least.

nice larp Styx

Metokur already talked about it


Sargoy is sleeping probably

Some kid made a vid

He'll probably drop a video soon.

Alex Jones is out too

Why do you give a shit?
>sees flag
that explains it.

is phil the definition of a centrist?

its late here, the videos will be out by morning, and im sure articles are being written ready for the ok by editors for morning. wait till about 8-9am east coast us time.

there's this T least:

Damn, Jim sounded pissed

to no real surprise, Gorilla (((Cernovich))) has been tweeting and periscoping this shit nonstop, trying to take credit for this well in advance. The usual "With my third eye, i saw these events weeks ago, and i tweeted it among all my other insane bullshit, and clearly this was the one i meant to come to fruition"

Other than that, just the usual Twitter-blogs are going crazy about this, Sup Forums network news 6, Jack prosbiec, etc


Styx doesn't release a new video until mornings (I live in Pacific eastern time) and he occasionally release more in the afternoon.
He rarely ever uploads something late at night.

Sargon has passed out on the couch nursing a bottle of jim bean, muttering about that Anita cow.

he does if it's important.
that proves this isn't important

Styx tweeted about it like a dozen times, video coming in the morning.

what if the planet explodes before then?

Yeah styx is on it already

also get the fuck in here


get in here, we need to orgy this out.

Styx must have a very good reason for not making a video in his bathrobe at midnight EDT, since he's done it before....

Its the am in the eastern states you ninny

1791L already has a video.

Woah, will watch, thanks for notifying me before my subscription feed did

he is very close to a centrist but you can see his sneaking lefty side more than whatever right side he might have

styx never makes videos past like 11pm or before 9am retard

i swear Styx gets it. That fucking Satanist is gonna be a millionaire

Styx can't sleep through the fireworks anyway unless Vermont is truly a disloyal rogue blue state.

[email protected]
just in case you missed it

Dude it's a holiday night. Expect videos to be rolling out for the next few days up to a week.

>Styx is probably still sitting there trying to figure out how to adjust the volume for his microphone.
kek maybe he just forgot to eat and died of starvation

Wtf flag??! Awsome


Dice is out there on the front lines faggot

Also, how many Tweets does #CNNBlackmail have? I only see like 2000 but so many more are popping up. is Twitter supressing tis?

We've softened them up with the Twitter shitposting, now when these fags wake up in the morning they'll send in the troops and this whole thing will escalate. Textbook strategy.

I think Sup Forums has already doxxed everybody at CNN by now, starting with the Jews but including the janitors.

It's fucking nothing. Get some sleep like your idols and the article will be down in the morning.

Mark Dice is tweeting all over #CNNBlackmail

Everyone is sleepy after BBQ and drinking on 4th.

To think that some faggot kid from reddit has become the archduke assassination that started anudda meme war

where have you been

Someone made a fake sanassholesolo twitter account lmao

mark dice believed bush did 9/11

Reminder that Styx's patreon produces $3.2k per month -- he's managed to live the neet dream, working in his garden while making a few 10min videos. Seems like a nice life.

You again!
You didn't answer me before, are you guys hiring? What are the hours and pay?

Jelly fun numbers
Maybe I'll call him and interview him. Be a reporter for the board. Stay tuned, more news at 8.

We missed you user


stefan just posted his video

is that Anderson Cooper in the background?

Jim (Mistermetokur)made a shortvideo about it,the others are probably recovering/resting from the festivities.

Styx has managed to make $3.2k/mo because everyday he produces 3-4 good 10-min videos with 0 jump cuts.

Wow, it's almost like it's a national holiday so these people are spending time with their families and whatnot. It's also 3am so they'd be sleeping by now. Have 12 hours of patience FFS.

I didn't imply anything otherwise, I merely proclaimed this existence he's managed to carve out for himself is idyllic.

Thanks Molyneux!
(he called us Paul again)


Dude, It's like sleeping time for most youtubers rn. Wait till noon tomorrow to get huffy. And with that I'm off to bed.

Why is he using his left eye?

Mister Metokur posted 4 hours ago.



Stefan posted a vid

>#CNNBlackmale is exploding

Here's the truth as to why nobody cares:
Nobody knows what the hell you're talking about

CNN is autistic by design, they're meant to point out specific points that favor their views and at the same time leave out everything else, on purpose

You fags are autistic by birth, you do the same exact thing without realizing it

And quite frankly, I don't give a flying fuck about any of it.



Vernaculis posted 2 hours ago.


Kek, it's like the big dumb pieces are in motion - it's going to be like this for 5 years at least

Since the Trump tweet this has felt a lot like GamerGate - this reminds me of when the "gamers are dead" articles started to hit (right along with the details about their private chat room narrative structuring)


Styx et al were probably drunk off of too much freedom today

"On Monday, KFile attempted to contact the man by email and phone but he did not respond. On Tuesday, "HanA**holeSolo" posted his apology on the subreddit /The_Donald and deleted all of his other posts."

I thought he was saying hi to PJW. He has a hard on for him

Operation: Autism Storm is a go

Molyneux has already posted, Styx is asleep and BPS always do videos after an event is over, to get all the facts straight.

#CNNBlackmail won't end soon, this will still be trending in 24 hours, especially since Philip DeFranco will do a show on it in 16 hours.


I put your mail in your room. Also I ate your sandwich in the fridge, it was going to go bad sorry, good to see you again.

>faggot flag
>refreshing Jewtube, soiling yourself for new Styx video


Only one I've seen talk about it so far.

Sargon is so incredibly fucking assblasted over what happened with Anita, that's why he's doing so.

It's kind of annoying that he doesn't just call her and ask to sit across the table with her, bring a hidden camera and just film her either going full SJW/assaulting him or breaking down and crying, or both.


I can't wait to hear his 20 minutes worth of tangential preachings in the morning.