Has Canada completely lost its mind?

>Canada to pay $10.5m to youngest >Guantanamo inmate, convicted of killing US >soldier



Both of you are larping faggots

Neat. I hope they'll start accepting gypsy refugees too again. We evil racists sure hurt them a lot, and they really a need a nice, safe place to live.

I thought that was obvious? Anyways, normies who don't follow politics actually seem mad at this here and have heard about it. It makes me hopeful.

We would give him more, but he only managed to get 1 kill

US should have killed him on the battlefield or left him to die. Once they made him their prisoner, he was subject to certain unalienable rights. They denied him those rights and it ended up costing us. Fuck Neocon bullshit.

This should be considered an act of war by Canada against the United States.

What the fuck does Canada owe him, even assuming his story isn't complete bullshit.

Shouldn't the US be paying him?

There were some shady shit going on in Canada before this, definetely.

But come on, paying a terrorist $10mio is some new level of retardness, thought not to be achievable...

Good for Canada.

US shouldn't have involved itself in these bullshit wars for Israel.

Enjoy forking more tax money to sand niggers for you prime leaf in chief


So much butthurt anus aching.

Wouldn't even be any issues if America didn't torture people. But they do and this means we can't believe a goddamn thing they say. I'd say I was the Emir of China if you pinched the right circuit.

As a Canadian citizen and child at the time of the offense who's rights were being violated, it was our duty to pursue extradition. Our retarded PM didn't. He shirked protocol to score political points with his Neocon master and cost the taxpayers money. Lesson learned.

>gets tortured in an extrajudicial prison
>his guilty plea is somehow relevant
God you burgers are retarded. Also if a 15 y/o can take out your soldiers I really don't know why you're spending trillions on your military.

What can I say, Americans have a right to be pissed off. I'm pissed too, Trump should put sanctions on us and shut our liberal governments smug fucking face.

Sweden gives their woman and out of jail cards for their criminal behavior. Pirates roam the streets like they own it.


He was a soldier who defended his home country. All he got for it was torture

Godspeed to him

He's an admitted Islamist murderer. Protocol dictates his rights should be catered to? He was an enemy combatant in plain clothes. Fucker belonged in Guantanamo.

When the fuck are you idiots gonna learn, terrorists DONT deserve equal rights. They signed those rights away the moment they took an innocent life on purpose.

Even the most heinous murderer deserves a fair trial fellow leaf

How can you know he's a terrorist?

Except he wasn't just a murderer was he? He was an enemy combatant and child soldier who killed an American military Sgt. Subtle difference.

He was imprisoned for throwing a grenade during the firefight that resulted in the death of an American soldier. At the time, he was 15 years old and had been brought to Afghanistan by his father, who was affiliated with an extreme religious group.

He pleaded guilty to murder and several war crimes in October 2010 at a hearing by a United States military commission

His confession was made under duress as a child without council or parents and he was not told his rights.
He was the only person in modern history to be tried in front of a military tribunal for crimes he committed as a child.
Geneva convention states a child soldier needs to be extradited and tried in their home country.
The confession has no legal merit. Like I said he should have been killed on the battlefield or left to die.
We can't change our entire charter of human rights because we don't like him.

>"I told them I killed him, but I was totally stressed out when I told them. So it doesn't count lmao"

>US still hasn't annexed Canada

While the US does not afford rights to enemy combatants, we still do, doubly so because he is a Canadian citizen


This is where my tax dollars are going? Fuck

>gets severely wounded during a firefight
>gets sent to Guantanamo afterwards
>probably gets tortured
>admits his guilt after the torture
>his admission is the only proof there is
The guilty plea doesn't really count if it was made after being tortured. Until they can prove his guilt some other way I don't intend on believing this story.

>His confession was made under duress as a child without council or parents and he was not told his rights.
Cop out. Terrorists are generally under duress when they get captured. He had no parents because they abandoned him in a fucking war zone with weapons and intent to kill American soldiers as a religious zealot.
>He was the only person in modern history to be tried in front of a military tribunal for crimes he committed as a child.
Yes and his his prosecution and imprisonment was condemned by the (((United Nations))), which has taken up the issue of child soldiers. It was highly politicized. Your right it hadn't been done, but it was first done to him by legal precedent in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld that detainees are entitled to limited rights of due process. Consequently, the Department of Defense instituted "Combatant Status Review Tribunals". It was legal, by US law. Would you rather we risk an international incecent for a fucking terrorist? He had MANY trials to sort this out that were fair. Enemy combatants who hide among the local populace in plain clothes are already violating the Geneva convention. I feel no sympathy for this piece of shit terrorist murderer and I don't feel like our government failed a citizen, rather it failed a terrorist who was handled appropriately.

If you don't pay them they win.

>probably gets tortured

You dont belive his plea, but you belive he might've gotten tortured.

Hey if you guys declassified the reports from Guantanamo I could be sure. Until then I'll continue to assume everyone there gets tortured.

Don't forget he was blind in both eyes at the time of the confession. He lost his right eye and had shrapnel in his left. He was found next to anoth dead child. It is just as likely that the other guy did it.
Like I said leaving him there or killing him at the scene would have been more justified. Stripping Canadians of their civil liberties is not cool under any circumstance. You can just declare someone a terrorist without due process and due process means rights.
Let's face it, if he had council he wouldn't have made that confession.
And if it was murder, he wouldn't have got an 8 year sentence. It was a mistake and we are paying for it.
Pic related is him at time of detainment.

>We do
Since somalia, we're a bunch of cucks in that department. We should let this fucker get crucified, let alone buy him out for a $10 million dollar press event where we pat our selves on the back moment of absolute stupidity and virtue signaling sympathy for a terrorist retardation.
>probably gets tortured
>Admits his guilt after the torture
Make up your mind. He plead guilty, and in multiple trials and it was legal. Case closed.

>Canada actively funding terrorism

>hurr durr my extrajudicial prison isn't on American soil so torture is lawful and legal there

but the family of the dead soldier sued this shit nigger for 300 mil and won,this cockbar worshiper wont see a penny......right?

You can trivialize things with "hurr durr" but it was legal on their behalf.

>It was legal, by US law
This is relevant, everything ISIS does is legal by ISIS rules.
The Us is a signatory to the geneva convention and international laws. They were in violation. The US doesn't unilaterally make international law.

Just so you know I am on your guys side during the day of the rake.

Just because it's legal doesn't mean anything. He's not an American citizen so they don't have any business prosecuting him anyway. Since he's not an American citizen he wasn't entitled to legal representation or have any rights. America can say it was legal all it wants but it has no right to prosecute foreign nationals without granting them any rights.

The family has filed to have the ruling legal in Canada. At present it isn't. I don't think it will be tbqh. The frivolous legal proceedings were the basis for the decision and our current government doesn't recognize them, hence the payout.

Why would they sue him?

Yeah and then combatant status review tribunals, as established by the United States department of defense, were procedurally flawed and unconstitutional, and did not provide protections under the Geneva Conventions. So they then gave him habeas corpus. Still plead guilty.


and then the part that sabotogued him was as a Canadian citizen pining for his rights he was an enemy combatant who fought in plain clothes, he was in violation of the Geneva Conventions himself

this is the only compensation that shit deserves

Doesn't hold water. Half of Guatanamo is being held without any charges at all. Knowing this he was told the only way he would see the light of day was to confess.
You can't make any aspect of it legitimate. It simply wasn't.
I personally don't think a government should be able to arbitrarily classify someone as a terrorist and use it as a means to circumvent all laws and international conventions. It sets a dangerous precedence.

but bozgor u are the gypsy

they're choosing the wrong side

Canada will only be a speed bump on the way to helping patriots stuck under the EU

He was attacked by american soldiers in a building, hit by grenade shrapnel and "somehow" supposedly threw one back.
It was justified because they got him before he had a chance to put a uniform on ? C'mon that's ridiculous.


you mean by Islamic rules, by allah ill hit you with my shoe

You know he was interrogated by CSIS don't you? They knew he was terrorist as fuck, hence why we talked for years about how we didn't want to repatriate him. It was hardly arbitrary. Though I admit he should have had habeas corpus from the begging. Still, fuck him, I'd be fine with the precedent.

So the Americans fucked up some sandnigger kid? Why are my tax dollars going to him again?

you don't pay tax nigger don't even try to lie

>He was attacked by american soldiers in a building, hit by grenade shrapnel and "somehow" supposedly threw one back.
Play with fire and you get burned terrorist apologist. Yeah, it's so hard to throw a grenade. It's not like zelots do it all the time over there.
>It was justified because they got him before he had a chance to put a uniform on
That's what make terrorist so fucking hard to fight compared to conventional armies for obvious reasons. It's also outlawed by the Geneva Conventions. By definition he's a war criminal.

He was a Canadian citizen. It's your tax dollars because your country is too cucked to ask USA for compensation for illegally incarcerating a citizen of your country for 10 years.

Aren't you that gypsy country Next to Italy and the Balkans that's committed a bunch of war crimes in your day?

It's easier to kill someone invading your home than it is to let them live, and sue you with the help of an ambulance chasing personal injury lawyer.

I mean we threw a few Italians into a few holes. And killed a few nazi collaborators. That was in our commie days though. We've been pretty clean since WW2.

>Wouldn't even be any issues if America didn't torture people. But they do and this means we can't believe a goddamn thing they say.

Some sand niggers need torturing so the rest know what is waiting for them if they fuck with us.

It's worth a few canadian cuck bucks to have this piece of shit jetting around making liberal faggots cry over how mean and brutal the evil Americans are.

The Italian thing was pretty messed up if I remember correctly 2bh


Like I said, I would have rather seen him dead on the battlefield or left to die. The rights we have sometimes are used as protections for the worst type of scum, they are also in place to offer us protection from arbitrary arrest and detainment. The right to a fair trial is non-negotiable otherwise it is simply too much power for a government to have over it's people.
In this case, they didn't have enough for a conviction. The ONLY evidence they had was a confession. It puts the confession into serious question, if he had council, he obviously wouldn't have made it.
Your rights and civil liberties are the only protections you have against tyrannical government. You shouldn't be willing to give them up because of a few bad guys.

great movie

Trump should drone strike him as he's leaving a Tim Hortans in downtown Toronto!

You win, I'm too lazy to keep replying in a long posting exchange. What are your opinions on paying this dunecoon 10 mill.

>fucking leafs

it's hard to say what is more pathetic, canada or their president cuckdeau

>His flag has stars on them
Real original, looks like a kindergardener threw a bunch of glitter on your flag there pal

we reach for the stars
you reach for your dog


Do any of you virtue signaling fags realize he'd tuck any females in your house and if your head off for white and giggles? You are so rekt.

Terrorist gets 10 milkio dollars can gaurentee that 10million going to the jihad

Don't lump me in burger nigger

I feel bad for the few good leafs.

>"I told them he raped me, but i was totally stressed out when i told them. He didnt really rape me." Lmao

It's about what we would pay anyone else for an illegal incarceration. Stephen truscott got $6.5M for 10 years. Guy paul morin got $1.25M for 3 years.

I guess it is in the ball park, adjusted for inflation. I think it sucks and could have been avoided if things were handled properly but it's a mistake we need to pay for.
To me it just says, our rights as citizens are non-negotiable.

>"I told them he raped me, but i was totally stressed out when i told them because meanwhile I was a terrorist on a battlefield killing American soldiers." Lmao

His """"citizenship"""" should have been made void as soon as he was engaged in hostilities against our allies.
I don't care that his mother shit him out of her rotten cunt on our soil, he's not and never will be a Canadian. Apologists ought to be hanged with him.

It was a more than stress
>short shackled – wrists and ankles tied together and the cuffs bolted to the floor;
>his hands tied above a door frame for hours;
>had cold water thrown on him;
>had a bag placed over his head and was threatened with military dogs;
>forced to carry 5-gallon pails of water to aggravate his shoulder wound
>kept in solitary confinement for a month at ‘refrigerator’ temperatures, (referred to
in Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s memorandum as ‘manipulation of the
>forced to perform painful exercises while short shackled;
>threatened with forced nakedness;
>forced to urinate on himself while in stress positions;
>detained illegally and illegally held incommunicado, except for the November 2004
visit from a lawyer;
>kept in solitary confinement;
>forced into stress positions for periods of hours,
>e.g. forced to lie on his stomach
with hands and feet cuffed together behind his back
>forced to provide involuntary statements;
>forced to sit, during interrogations, on an extremely cold floor;
>had his body dragged back and forth, while short shackled, through the urine and
pine oil in order to clean the floor with his body
>repeatedly lifted and dropped while short shackled as a punishment for ‘poor
>threatened with rape/sexual violence
refused the opportunity to say prayers;
>held in a cell that is ‘freezing cold’ 24 hours a day that Omar says is causing him
shortness of breath and the sensation of not being able to get enough oxygen;
>exposed to continuous electric light in his cell;
>he has found partially dissolved tablets and/or powder at the bottom of a glass
given to him by his captors. He says the pills produce various effects such as
sleepiness, dizziness, alertness.
being denied adequate medical treatment
>left bound in uncomfortable stress positions until he soiled himself;

> betray country
> join terrorists
> kill allies in war
> commit war crimes
> muh human rights
Nah, the only thing this faggot deserved was a firing squad. I am unimpressed by a claim that we are obliged to adhere to the rules of civilized behaviour when dealing with a person who betrayed us, abandoned them and killed in the name of their destruction.

This is why we need a "kill all sandniggers regardless of age, sex, or creed" clause in all Western military doctrine. Especially in homefront bases and their surrounding cities.

Uk did the exact same shit and the guys went to syria with the money.
I hate the common wealth so hard.

guess we will find him shot as soon as some yankee will spot his location.

(it will be rally funny if he will date some local canadian/american girl)

You are a cuck. It's not about apologizing for anyone. It's about defending YOUR rights. The government should not have the power to revoke the citizenship of a natural born citizen. Why would you want to live under a totalitarian regime. That is submissive as fuck. Why don't you move to NK ?

Not gonna lie.Reading that and imagining it happening to a Leaf sandnigger that hates America was orgasmic. Please give me more comfy stories like that.

The rule of law, human rights, and civil liberites is what makes us better than terrorists. If you give that up, there is nothing left to defend.

You're the one that's cucking for the sandnigger jihadists.

Being white and not following a jihadist ideology is what makes us better than them.

Hopefully Canada gives him even more money.

A fool and his money are soon parted, as the saying goes.

>The government should not have the power to revoke the citizenship of a natural born citizen.

Sand niggers shouldn't get into the country in the first place. They belong in their own sand niggerstan.

>an Arab
>ever being a citizen

They don't consider themselves British/us/Canadian why should we?

rumors are saying that the u.s wanted to give him 12u.s mil but he took 10 mil canadian instead.

>torture a 15 year old until he confessed and plead
>butthurt when foreign government compensates him

Still waiting for Shaun Hannity to get waterboarded for charity because it isn't torture, but why are you even butthurt,


He's literally getting an apology with his $10mil cheque you faggot cuck. We need to clamp down on Paki shits like his family that do nothing but treat this country like a hotel or country club. We're ripe for conquering because of faggot weaklings like you.