My country is dead

today im going to cover a bit of the controversy that surrounds my contry (basicaly a quick rundown)

imagine you are an american right. and you are a die hard lover of the constitution and suddenly the country falls into the hands of the liberals and then they change your constitution... and then they take your right to own guns, your right to have your private property.but thats not where it ends... then you`r country gets run over by communism and then it turns into a communist dystopia

thats basically maduros change in our constitution


that`s the thing user the only way our people are
''''''''''''''''''''''''fighting'''''''''''''''''''''' is by using protests
inb4 they honestly believe that by screaming and walking in the streets will destroy the communistic goverment (that`s how weak the people is)

>lol i don`t care what happens in your shit country

actually you should Beacuse at this rate you will soon have a new north korea in latin América and will be a matter of time untill we develop NUCLEAR WEAPONS and besides...

basically what this article is saying is that we are giving passaport`s to terrorists

if this are not enough reasons to invade us then i don`t know what you want

anyways most of us venezuelan anons will be most likely to die within the next 25 days so ask me anything

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Oddly specific amount of time, what happens in the next 25 days?

Also stay safe bro, wasn't your internet cut off for quite a while there?


>anyways most of us venezuelan anons will be most likely to die within the next 25 days so ask me anything
shit really? Is this related to the storming of the national assembly that just happened?

maduro will have full control on everything the venezuelans have. yes including what we buy and even eat

mainly if the constituyente (the replace of the constitution) will make the oposition to go even more to the streets and since the constituyente banned protesting. it means it will be an absolute shit show

>lol i don`t care what happens in your shit country

Actually, I do. Communism is like cancer and that shit needs to be destroyed before it can spread any further. When they took away gun rights, did they force everyone to turn them in? How many cooperated?

>anyways most of us venezuelan anons will be most likely to die within the next 25 days
Time to get comfy and enjoy the fireworks.

>e your right to own guns, your right to have your private property.but thats not where it ends.

This will fulfill the socialist dream, fuck private property in all means!

uuhhhh civilians over here barely didn`t had enough weapons as american civilians and the people who had them didn`t do anything

(mainly beacuse they only owned shotguns and pistols


You can come to India I can give you a job, not highly paying tho but atleast you can survive.

>at this rate you will soon have a new north korea in latin América
So you are saying that Venezuela is about to become ethnically homogeneous and have an army to be proud of?

Or are you really saying that Maduro is a liberal who wants to destroy Venezuelan genetics?

i actually prefer to go and live in your country but i can`t. mainly beacuse the goverment dosn`t want anybody outside the country to decribe the horrors of communism

and also maybe also beacuse this retarded italians wont give me my passaport

When somone suggested nationalizing oil wells owned by Amercians 401k you shouldve shot them.

Stay safe

are you trying to make north korea sound nice?

Why don't you gtfo to Colombia or some shit? Let commies stay and die. It's not light it should be prohibitively expensive to leave, and what have you got to stay for? Some misplaced sense of patriotism?

I'd say come to Canada but your experience would risk Trudeau's plan of crashing this country with no survivors.

>are you trying to make north korea sound nice?
Racially pure, it invests in its military first.

NK has done more for its gook race than any white country since 1994.

North Korea is the most redpilled country on race and army.

Liberal faggots hate their race and army, why do you hate race and army?

Are you tried one day to understand why your cou
ntry can't live of oil anymore?

Holy shit man, this is heavy. Either your country revolts, or it turns into a living hellhole.

I will pray for you brother.

Please never give up hope.

waht this article is saying is that the frontier btween colombia and venezuela is closed and i want to gtfo of here believe me

Where is the armed resistance?

So it's literally so closed that you can sneak across somewhere? Jesus, that sucks.

How can a burger help you?

Seconding this, can we get a boat of weapons to you?

praying will help my soul but it will not help the situation the situation of my country and even though if you were to donate money,medicine,food it will most likely to fall in the hands of the communist and then they will sell them at a higher price and the worst part is that they will look like heroes to the people they brainwashed

here is what happened to it
1) it died
2)it was just a prank to distract the opposition

OP is CIA shill begging for upp votes in Sup Forums. What a joke move to colomiba faggot

rape this place harder than the japs raped nanking

You guys should have started an armed revolt yesterday, then we could share fireworks :)
In all seriousness I hope we can supply you with all the rope you will need to hang your traitors with. Maduro needs to have his balls roasted off while he kicks and flails.

nop, in worst cases it will fall in the hands of people who dont know how to use them or in the hands of communist people thet tricked you into giving them weapons

So do you have no food? How are you surviving?

Do you think maybe your country could pull a Maidan and beat the government with shields and sticks?

Isn't Maduro a Jew?

Was it ever alive?

His Vice President is a legit sand nigger with ties to Hezbollah.

me and my family prepared if the food runs out thankfully

>do you think maybe your country could pull a maidan and beat the goverment with shields and sticks

i honestly think that the only way to stop this is if we acumulate enough dead people so that either the U.N or the U.S.A will invade us

Sounds like Canada. Should we preempt and invade now?

Will 200 well armed Americans make a difference?

If we can connect with locals we can take out some communists.

Are police and military cucked or will they launch a coup?

you guys are fuct, and you'll fuck us all as you migrate. latin america is in for a shit storm of venezuelans, beggars on the bus are majority venezuelan now, house cleaners are being replaced by cheaper illegal venazuelans, the whores are being out competed by the cheap venezuealans. basically we're like california full of mexicans, but we don't have the economy or upper class to support the migration of hungry desperate people. please have a swift revolution, maybe buy some guns from the FARC before they turn them over to the UN. go through the sierra nevada to get them.

no but seriously you are going to need a biiiiiiig military force to take this country down beacuse aparently

our goverment doesn`t have enough money for medicine or food but it has enough money to buy russian/chinese tanks,jets and weaponry

I hope you will be ok user

everybody related to the military is a commie so`s cucked

>spending so much on your military that everyone in the country starves to death

i was totally pro brazil forming a coalition with other countries to help you guys out. problem is, we dont know how well equipped you guys are. i guess venezuela has been buying guns like crazy (even with brazil help i must assume, since one lobbyist from our former president said some of our money went to help maduros election). Sory but i guess brazil is too much in a shithole position to help you guys out, and probably cant hold an assault since we are badly equipped to do so. mabe trump do something about it when he gets bored with the NK situation. Hold on guys i wish you best. Oh also try mining cryptocurrencies, i heard energy in venezuela is cheap as fuck. you would be wellcomed in brazil, problem is we are fucked too.

They kill Gook-Chink mixed babies (Chinese-Korean that the female NK refugees have when they escape to China and prostitute in China and Mongolia.

>Violent abuse started in apartments near the border with China, from which the women are then moved to cities further away to work as sex slaves. Chinese authorities arrest and repatriate these North Korean victims. North Korean authorities keep repatriates in penal-labour colonies (and/or execute them), execute the Chinese-fathered babies "to protect North Korean pure blood," and force abortions on pregnant repatriates who are not executed.[13] After 2009, the percentage of female North Korean defectors with experience of human trafficking decreased to 15% since large numbers of defectors .

you need military strategy and a fuck ton of armored vehicles believe me

Is there any opposition remaining that could realistically run the country? The leftists here will try to create hippie 2.0 if our gov't openly invades a commie state for the sake of stopping commies. That leaves us with other options like helping the opposition and CIA bullshit that usually just fucks a country up to the point that they aren't capable of being a threat. If war breaks out, there's more of an excuse to go in under the guise of peace keepers, but then there's still risk of things just stagnating until we pull out.

Stay safe bro.

We once survived the same. Communist invasion, new consitution etc etc.
I hope you will do well.

Yeah, chimping out won't help. The commies are holed up and just have to wait until people get bored. At some point the protestors need to eat.

What is needed are focused protests outside and in police stations and army bases. Obstructing their business until they get fed up with the commies.

Once the commies lose the leash on the armed forces they'll go bellyup before you know it. This is how every revolution against commies has worked.

Are communications routinely disrupted? Could you effectively form and coordinate with a guerrilla force if you wanted to?

If there is mass censorship and communications disruption, could there be a technical solution (p2p encrypted channels, etc) or are people too scared to talk anyway?

>Will 200 well armed Americans make a difference?
fucking kek

>they fell for the communism meme

Is military really brainwashed by Maduro?

Military coup seems as only way of saving your country. Military coups throwed over many commie regimes.

why cant Sup Forums do something to help venezuelans bros ? i mean we could :
help them by creating a website where they pay us in bitcoins and we send them stuff like food and medicine. Helping capitalism, ourselves and them in the process. the payment is in cryptocurrencies, they can mine it because energy there is cheap. we should use the money with some profit, since its work and we are not gommies. How does the post office works in venezuela ?

we could also send shitton of letters to trump to do something about venezuela.

pic related people are mining cryptos in venezuela like crazy.

why don't you just move to Trinidad & Tobago?

I hope you're wrong and I hope that by some miracle you manage to get your country back.
I blame my country and other South American countries for just sitting by and letting this happen

Desu, what if you record videos from venezuela broadcasting everything and I upload them to my channel. Then we profit and I send you money in bitcoins?

if interested [email protected]

>If there is mass censorship and communications disruption, could there be a technical solution (p2p encrypted channels, etc) or are people too scared to talk anyway?

there is censorship and people is to scared to talk in a channel or websites

>cant you cooperate with a guerrilla

nope...mainly beacuse there is none

This doesn't necessarily show increasing volume. Bolivars are just more and more worthless so you're seeing more of them traded in for BTC.

Could be the same amount of BTC, just for more Bs.

I feel so badly for Latin American countries, maybe because they're so close to home. I just think of the beautiful land, the innocent women and families, all of which is being thoroughly corrupt by bureaucrats and individuals with not their people's interest in mind

But I suppose this is the nature of humankind

>>beacuse this retarded italians wont give me my passaport
Hey wait. Italian user here, explain me your situation, maybe I can help.

so embarrassing to call myself a leaf

Its worst than that, PT helped to fuck venezuela. i mean we should help them out how.

96% brainwashed and the ones who are against the goverment are noobs that cant even quickscope

But the people is not brainwashed, Maduro has like 90% negative image.

What do you think the result of the constituyente will be?

well it would be right but i have more info:

on a crysis buying bitcoins is a good idea. it helped people in argentina in the past. people were buying cars with it when the inflation was huge.

Pon fotos de venezolanas buenorras que conozcas. Así adopto una y la salvo.

What is happening there son? Venezuelan asylum seekers are now more numerous than syrians and ukranians in Spain.
Why is Maduro still alive?

Time for archive

>youtube com/watch?v=1dEGyxM8xbc
>aljazeera com/indepth/features/2017/04/venezuelans-turned-bitcoin-mining-170415124105593.html

My country is spending billions on useless shitskins. I'd rather that money went to Venezuela in aid.

so when do you kill your masters?

Venezuela is gonna develop nuclear weapons? HAHA

shhhhh its ok user just by knowing that some day maybe the U.S or brazil or colombia will do something about my country makes me wake up in the morning every day

Oh shit, is this the same Venezuelan that regularly makes these threads to spam Sup Forumstards out of Bitcoins?


How are you getting internet?
What is the economic situation there? Is it total communism or can you still buy stuff with USD?

Mainly asking because I was thinking about outsourcing some web based work to venezuela. Paying good money, paying in US dollars.

>the communist shilling autist is mysteriously absent from Venezuela threads


Stay Alive bro kill if you have to.

Interesting project. Let's organize this to help venezuelan bros.
d i s c 7ZNrt4e


mook should range ban venezuela

All anyone has to do is assassinate maduro and his little dictatorship will fall apart instantameously. The military can then perform a coup de tat and then salvage the political machinery.

Become a leader and convince your people into actually fighting the government

maybe here are the reasons they don`t give me my passaport

1)they dont want to give passaports beacuse im from a different country
2)im not worthy of it

I don't know if this T&C user is true btw.

Britbong how can you even post on here when Muslims are gang raping your daughters while the police and media cover it up?

You can't even own a butterknife.

You are in no position to be making fun of anyone.

>Is military really brainwashed by Maduro?
The military gets first dibs on food.

you should have fought back when you still could
>nuclear weapons
>when you cant fucking run an oil based economy
i suggest you start growing potatoes in your own shit to avoid starvation

lobby the kikes and libshits out of your establishment!

curiously the 10% is the one that has weapons and the military equipment

Consider it done.


you dont fucking know whats happening in venezuela so kys you wea faggot

i know whats happening there cus i have few friends there, and im not joking here.. people are dying everyday cus of vandalism, military or cus they have nothing to eat, the day i saw venezuela hit rock bottom was when i saw online pages with tutorials on how to make toilet paper...
i had 7 friends in venezuela and last year 2 of them died like dogs (one got shot for a fucking toothpaste and the other one died on a protest).. 3 came to my country and 2 are finishing their degrees and have to work for 2 years to so they can leave as a pro.
leave that shit venezuelanons, it looks like chile in 1973 but here they have the support of the militia so is far worse

Didn't some cop launch a helicopter attack on some government niggers?

we're probably going to start shipping you guys weapons if we havent already

Will win the yes on constituyente?

>why maduro is still alive
beacuse other presidents in latin america want him to live


You know whats funny how the BRITISH ARE ALWAYS SAYING THEY NEVER LOST A WAR......


How does that make you feel?