Eire/Pol/ Rub em'out - Edition

Thread for any and all potatobros to Discuss:

>Operation Rub em'out
How do destroy the RubberBandits,Joe.ie and The Rabble. Any who has dirt on any of them please post.

This is actually gaining traction. A think tank in the EU has put the word in the public's minds by saying Ireland should follow the UK out. It trended on twitter for a while two days ago. *THIS NEEDS SHILLING ASAP* Keep this in the public's minds. And remember to push it IRL.

>Irish illegal immigrant living Boston arrested.

>Justin Trudeau soc- visit to Ireland.

>Leo Varadkar
General discussion on why hes awful.

The march went ahead with a really good (and pretty young )turnout.

>The National Party
No source but a member lost his job for being part of it. How to promote in general.
No shilling of the NP and no NP hate shilling.

>AFA Ireland
Our Antifa and how to fuck with them.


>Islam and Multiculturalism updates

>AntiCom Now has a chapter here!

>Permanent Eire/disc/ discord server!
Link to the link because this Vietnamese sock puppet wesite hasn't been updated since 1889

>Join the NP

>Learn Irish

Thats all....Get to shitposting Lads!

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone here? (posting cause identical thread got archived instantly with all the CNN threads)

Are you really all busy in the CNN threads?......


Finally! thank god. Welcome potatobro.

Have a bump, not been on much recently whats all this CNN stuff

Thanks, CNN threatened to dox the plebbit user that made Trumps CNN meme. Also some buzzfeed writer is threatening to find our severs or some shit....

Anyway people've declared all out meme war.

Its depressing to bump my own thread. Would you lot get of /aco/ already!?

I don't get it why are CCN bothered by some plebbitor making memes


Btw well done lads for the pro life march looked a good turnout. Commies btfo. This Islam growth is very conerning though.

I think their just trying to make a statement


Yeah it seemed good, around 3500 or something.....I was happier with the age and gender ratio though, really smacked the cisstraightwhitemale narrative in the face.
How was yours

Yeah, and dosen't seem to be dying anytime soon....Save us mommy Justin!

Not catchy enough how about "We think therefore Eirego."


Doubt that will trend. The one that trended before is Irexit. Thats catchier....

If and when Ireland does leave the EU (the EU will probably eat it's self alive in thirty years) we need to be ready.
1) Are miltary needs to be expanded (10,000 7k perment 3k reserver) if were ever going to be taken seriously.
2) Corporation tax should be lowered to 10% or 9.5% to encouarge smaller businesses.
3) bring back the punt.

Thoughts and opinions?


One suggestion I have is extreme investment in managed fishing, our waters are worth billions we're just not adept at using them.

Also careful Natural gas exploration. an perhaps do what Norway did with theirs.

1) not a major priority, we are neutral in everyting, more important to prop up the existing military
2) yes
3) definetly, and end fracional reserve banking

this, we have more ocean territory than land ffs

Also our government just in general needs a total clean out. Its nearly a fact that the pricks backpocket the existing corporation tax.

Daily reminder that wagecucking is killing me and is soul destroying.

We used to make use of them, but overfishing caused us to stop and then EU supertrawlers have never let the stocks recover.

I was more thinking along the lines of joint Miltary ventures with other neutral countries. Then again i might be overthinkg it since my dad served with peacekeeping forces.

>EU supertrawlers

That sounds slighty counter productive.

Tell him thanks for his service!

So counter productive in fact we have barely any modern boats in our entire fleet and most of those, are busy rusting in the harbour.

Car accident got him but next time i visit his grave i'll tell him.

Can someone make a list of the EU screwing over Ireland.
NO: Nuclear plants, peat farming, fishing, controlling borders, owning guns (mainly are goverment but still.)

>Anti-Communisim Éire:
>Dedicated to halting the spread of Communism & its splinter groups in Ireland.
>Patriots, Not Ethno-Nationalists.

What did they mean by this

Shit sorry. Thanks though.

Don't forget the time they let our incompetent government borrow 80 billion knowing full well they could never hope to pay it back. Also migrants.

Oh shit nigga, I was worried it was dead
t. Author of identical thread

Patriots, Not Ethno-Nationalists.

I put that there as kind of a disclaimer incase of antifaggots ever calling me a nazi.....

>borrow 80 billion
We Greece now

If antifafaggots knew irish history during world war 2 they be fucking pissed.

boi, I posted the original thread.

>not Ethno Nationalists

My bad, I checked the catalog and couldn't find one, so I posted it

Justin Barret is a neo nazi racist. He has been photographed at right wing meetings with german nazis.

Well I heard there was a secret chord

That David played and it pleased the Lord

But you don't really care for music, do you?

Well it goes like this: the fourth, the fifth

The minor fall and the major lift

The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Lads I dont know what to do with my life, what are good jobs here? I wouldnt mind joining the army but they arent taking recruits and its supposed to be a bit pozzed. I'm told to go to collage but no course really intrests me I know its silly to ask a load of gayniggers on a mongolian waterpolo fourm but you lot know more than me.

>inb4 underage b&
I'm auld enough dont worry


Tis fine....

This bait is atrocious

>some news
>Heroin Epidemic in Ireland

>A tale of two Faggots: Vakdar and Trudeau meet one another

>Motor insurers raided by EU

>Little girl saved by this woman

>Coveny is a cunt

>this fellow is still missing

Go into Trade, you can get a highly marketable skill that's recognized across the globe, there a fag in NZ right now who's on a holiday working visa per his trade


Is the army not taking recruits? Why? Also I would suggest politics but that might be a bit of a waste of effort.


Good luck paddy. I met that midget of a president of yours at a hurling match what a globalist traitor. Pic unrelated.


The army reserves are always Recruiting. If you do want to go to college, I suggest looking at sectors that are growing in demand like surveyors. But also keep in mind your own interests, you don't want to be stuck doing something you hate. The job market is terrible at the moment, everyone wants experience. If you can't get work but need experience, try volunteering for a charity shop, plenty of useful experience. You could also try apprenticeships, some are paid.

I dont want to be flying about the place leaving any family behind, I have though about it though but I dont know which trade to get into. I'd have to think more on it

I assume they don't have the budget, Politics seems like a doss though, not proper work, or atleast the politicians don't do any fecking work here

I legitimately do hope Truadkar becomes a thing....

Imagine the memes....

>Coveny is a cunt
Not news....

I'm not sure about Ireland in particular but I know in US and AUS Electricians make a killing, and they're in high demand, same can be said for HVAC

Have to leave sorry....

The auxiliary isnt work though, I still might join them anyway though, and I tell my Ma the same thing about experience but she said I have to go to college, as for a charity shop, I'm too autistic for that, I'd have to look into apprenticeships but none jump out at me.

See ya

In regards to an Irish exit from the EU, can it really be done as the OP suggests?

I hear about shite like that yeah hear about mechanics aswell. I'd have to look into it. We arent made to look into trades only college courses.

good luck mate

Same here desu, the college meme is all they push here, and College really is a meme in the US

Just keep a positive attitude, I know how demoralizing it can be to not be able to get work, you'll get something eventually so don't worry too much about it

The liberals should be laughed out of the room. Why do we take them seriously?
Never ever bend for them, NEVER NEVER NEVER!

You give them an inch and they will go a mile. Also by taking them seriously, in fear of being demonized, you feed their self righteous egos and they will take their ideologies seriously. So do them a favour and laugh at them, it is the only real non-lethal cure.

Jews did some number on us all huh?
Like, I have a job but it wont be enough so I can raise a family with. I have lots of time thankfully, we're going to make it

and thanks lads for the help


>How do destroy the RubberBandits,Joe.ie and The Rabble. Any who has dirt on any of them please post.

how about the notorious ulta feminist journal.ie editor and her equally vile sidekick?

how much does soros pay them?

But they cannot be cured, Ridicule will only embolden them, however what you just described is like a vaccine to innocents, so that they don't end up like these depraved individuals
And how

Leave now.

Is there any reliable media source in Ireland at all or has soros got a choke hold on it all

>how much does soros pay them?
This, I'd be very curious to see how much money Soros has invested in your media as well as that of other countries

>And how
What do you mean lad?


journal.ie is absolute shill tier

The big news is:

Now he's gonna say, sorry lads, I couldn't do anything about it, I was urged to give all the illegals citizenships by experts.

Oh, "And how" is an expression of agreement, like "right so"

Private firms housing refugees and asylum seekers were paid €60 million last year


Nah, not for a dumb cunt who can't tell between a joke and an actual black bastard

These people ought to be tried for treason.
NP is your only hope, that or revolution

State to splash out €100,000 to save rare curlew bird. 'Habitat decrease and predators' are the problem. hmmm

What should be our logo? The red squirrel or the curlew?

I understand now, just fucking talking in text the meaning was lost

Correct, we need to meme them into the mainstream conscious as we have no wealthy benefactors and the establishment all oppose them.

Ray Bassett: Ireland should leave the EU


>Three others received over €5 million – US giant Aramark

A US firm being paid to bring rapefugees to Ireland?

ah here.
And how many homeless people do we currently have?
Look, the illegal Irish in America are illegal, nothing is going to change that, it's their own fault if they're deported, but to use them as a counter for the illegals we have here is ridiculous. 26000 is not a small number here!

>what should be our logo, the red squirrel or the Curlow?
Why not both? It'll be like the Australian seal with the Kangaroo and the Emu
K :^)

Once they get to a certain point this does not work, yes. But say your friend is starting to be a bit PC, don't encourage it, laugh at them, say "ach fuck up you bollocks you". You have to do it lightly of course cus you can't fall out with them.

Worked with one of my friends, he is fairly red-pilled now, we had a chat about being replaced and femminists

Lads, does everyone use politicalIrish.com?

It's an alternative to politics.ie where you are never censored for expressing your views.

It's become a bit of base for patriots. All the relevant news gets posted and discussed there.

Lon-running threads on the new plantation of Ireland, the invasion of Europe, EU economic woes, the alt-right, cultural marxism etc.

Well worth to sign up and boost the signal.

Not for a while, support is low is low but propaganda can change that....

>we need to meme into mainstream consciousness
Indeed, have any of you been doing poster campaigns irl?
That pisses me off that they use such an excuse

Of what you're saying is true, it could be a very good avenue to garner more support and noteriety for NP

The ones he dosen't have....Denis O'Brien does.

Hes like our own personal Soros we'resolucky.

Is it Una o'castraigh?

Would it be worth my while making irexit propaganda?

>The committee said it wanted to see a more humanitarian approach adopted towards the plight of Syrian and other refugees who have become Irish citizens but have left behind relatives in war zones.

>It also said the Government's commitment to relocate 4,000 people here as part of the EU's emergency response to the migrant and refugee crisis is inadequate. It said the number should be significantly increased.

who the fuck do these "commitees" think they are? No one elected them. Private bodies trying to dictate government policy, no doubt funded by some nefarious cunts.

Yup, Not a perfect site, but the best we've got....

They have a thread on NP - one of the most popular threads. All NP news gets posted there:

These (((committees))) are being used as an appeal to authority by (((leftists)))

deffo soros funded.
That's how they control the govts.
They set themselves up as experts and then tell the govt what to do. These clowns don't know jack-shit so they just say "well I was advised by experts".

Definitely. It can't even be expressed how much of a difference burgeranons made with their memes.

I'm putting up anticom posters around my campus soon, so hopefully alt-propaganda will become a more regular occurrence.....

They seem receptive of the party but doubtful that it can succeed, understandable. I think the best we on Sup Forums can do is instill faith in them that NP can and will succeed as a party

I don't know about the anit-commie stuff.
Would prefer it it was anti-globalist stuff.
We need to make it normal to be a nationalist, not taboo.

Any idiot can call themselves an expert, it's just ridiculous

That first post was when they first announced last year. The conversation has progressed.

You should try to tacitly associate Communism with globalism while making anti globalist propaganda

Are ye cracked lads? Brexit is good for Ireland. Not so good for farmers (I'm one) but good for the country. An insane amount of office space is being leased in Dublin. Now just to get it to Cork, Limerick and Galway....

And stay in the EU

True so shouldn't we be playing their game?
-Set ourselves up with a name like "The Irish council on immigration and asylum"
Then post a load of hate stats.
suggestions welcome.

If the EU wasn't messing with our corporate tax we'd fill those offices no problem and more would definitely be needed

That's not a bad idea actually, I wonder how it would play out?

Btw, did you all know James Reynolds' Grandfather was a blueshirt?

>This is actually gaining traction.
You can do it you fuckers, show us all you've not lost your potato edge. Fuck the """new Irish""".


Things could had been different, if only them stupid spannish landed in the right side of the island ffs.

Ireland would had been a great country with a great justice system today. Probably wealthy enough too.

There is one communist on that politicalIrish forum.
He's the real deal but he's a total nationalist, probably more so than nearly anyone else.
Makes the point that all communist countries were nationalist and that Marx and Engels were nationalists, hate mass immigration.
He hates all the SJWs and does not consider them communists.
He says they would have been shot as traitors in a real commie country.
He doesn't like the term cultural marxist.
Learned a lot from him.
He's a patriot but I don't think communism is viable although I would not be opposed to having a mixed economy to some degree.

Trust me lad we wouldn't. EU is insanely useful for cutting down on paperwork when you are running a business. Its really the Revenue and low amounts of paperwork that gets us business. Its straightforward to operate here. The 12.5% is a meme for people who can't understand complex answers