Are they the good or the evil guys? They fight ISIS and are for Assad and fight the evil Americans, so are they good people?
Redpill me on the Hizbollah
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Hezbollah did nothing wrong.
Choose one
Says the leaf
Found obama
I live in the mountains, not a negro in sight
Your country has just let a child be born without a gender.......
Hezballah are an Iranian Proxy army made up of Shia muslims. Their primary goal was to keep pressure on Israel from the North, but Iran will use them in other conflicts as needed. The bombed the US Marine barracks in Beirut when the Marines were there on a UN peace keeping mission.
Hizballah and Irans leadership both need to die.
t. the best goy
>implying america are the good goyim. I mean guys
the od yinon plan must go through. hezbollah are the first bug to be squashed in the way.
Iranian scumbags. Would hunt.
fuck off kike
>i can't wait to spread more death and destruction around the Middle East at Israel's behest! Death to those Iranian bastards amirite my fellow goyim?
neighborhood watch basically
>Hizballah and Irans leadership both need to die.
The US and Israel need to die, Bubba...
Hez never attacks the west (unless they are in their territory) they are a fighting force against the IDF they are freedom fighters imo. As long as they don't act like the rest of the terrorists idc what they do over there
The Hezbollah is actually protecting Christians in the middle east, you bunch of goddamn half-retarded rednecks who always listen to alt-lite kikes...holy shit, this site is getting dumber by the day...
A thread like this got shoah'd for no reason yesterday. Just a warning to not get your hopes up.
Aren't you Jewish user?
rake yourself
*I wasn't disagreeing with you necessarily. Just curious to your position.
Lel a ''pur laine'' from Quebec of pure Norman ancestry, Bubba Dean, nothing else. These fuckwits who support Israel and the US army blindlym need to be stopped. They're the same retards who push wahabism in Occident.
>The bombed the US Marine barracks in Beirut
>moves military forces into a warzone without permission
>is surprised when they're attacked
Americans are such crybabies.
All they fucking do is whine
>muh lebanon
>muh IDF invashiun
That was a fucking CANADIAN baby you buffoon
>Evil Americans
I don't think us Americans are evil. Perhaps stupid, willfully ignorant, and happily mislead, but not evil.
But what DID they do?
>Norman ancestry
Me too user.
>These fuckwits who support Israel and the US army blindlym need to be stopped
No one believes that their side is the evil side.
That being said, we're not evil. Just being puppeteer'd by evil people.
Hehe change some pronouns and you sound just like a Jihadi
You sound like a Jew weasel, no need to change any pronouns either.
>>These fuckwits who support Israel and the US army blindlym need to be stopped
The number of people who don't realize that the US and Israel are fininacing the worst wahabist groups in the middle east is sickening. And yes they're are good ''muslim''. Shia muslims like the hezbollah are not psycho headcutters like the goatfuckers of (((ISIS))). They're good people who only want to defend their home country against Zionist domination.
They are Muslims so no..
>Are they the good or the evil guys?
Ask the folks at TWA.
>That being said, we're not evil. Just being puppeteer'd by evil people
>actions aren't so bad, just look at our sentiment
Muslims are fine as long as they're left in their shithole countries which they normally do when left alone.
Kike killers
Eat a dick pedro
A fucking leaf
I saw a thread about it recently. Hezbollah was condemning the attacks on Christians by Jihadis and it really made me think. I wish more burgers could see news like that. MSNBC, CNN, FOX or Drudge would never reveal such a thing to the American public.
It's worse because Burgers are a barely sentient race politically speaking. They would be easily swayed to stop this geopolitical destruction if any truth about these groups came through their MSM filters.
What about those Olympic atheletes
Shouldn't you be getting raped and murdered by a roving pack of feral nigs like the rest of the white South Africans? Or are you just a proxyfag?
My G-d...
>I saw a thread about it recently. Hezbollah was condemning the attacks on Christians by Jihadis and it really made me think. I wish more burgers could see news like that. MSNBC, CNN, FOX or Drudge would never reveal such a thing to the American public.
Off course, they're all kikes-owned. The point of this medias is to push a (((narrative))), not to tell the truth. Kikes are talkking about white slavery and producing the most disgusting porn but everyone seem ok with it.
Gibs me golan goy
fuck off heeb
gibma golan you antisemite
is this some new psyop you're trying out? Call anyone who defends Hezb a kike or heeb? Bold strategy, lets see how it works out for you.
6 gorillion worth of oil
muslims are garbage
no decent person is a muslim
Wow, that vid you linked was pretty fucking disgusting user. Anyway, normal faggots are rarely sentient, regardless of the group. The problem with America is that so much geopolitical power is concentrated on a people who have been made void of legitimate identity and dumbed down. They have been molded as the perfect consumer slave.
My family is Christian and mostly stands up for Jews. And I never had anything against Jews, but these social manipulations are terribly destructive and disgusting, and they seem to be behind much of it unfortunately.
>muslims are garbage
>no decent person is a muslim
Jews and Muricans are garbage
No decent person is a kike or a Murican
>The bombed the US Marine barracks in Beirut when the Marines were there on a UN peace keeping mission.
This is how fucking delusional burgers are.
>My family is Christian and mostly stands up for Jews. And I never had anything against Jews, but these social manipulations are terribly destructive and disgusting, and they seem to be behind much of it unfortunately.
Read this and you're gonna have a big fuckin problem with them...
>This is how fucking delusional burgers are.
No, be a good goy, remember when (((Egypt))) attacked the US...
ok Mohammad.
Listen to the fuckin vid, stupid fuckin redneck. It's because of low IQ backwood hilbillies like you, that the fuckin kikes are running everything.
God, i love when i destroy a bunch of kike shills by myself...
This reminds me of
>A thread like this got shoah'd for no reason yesterday. Just a warning to not get your hopes up.
60 posts and still going. JIDF isn't reporting it yet.
>I don't think us Americans are evil.
20 million dead civilians since 1945.
Dude, if America isn't evil, who is?
I studied at McGill
They did a study on Quebecois genealogy. 85% of you dudes are mixed with native;
Your ancestors were "coureurs des bois" they were so deep in native pussy that they brought in "les filles du roi" to stop em for race mixing.
Think you need to go to the national archives in Ottawa sti.
Vous etes des Métis tabarnac
>They did a study on Quebecois genealogy. 85% of you dudes are mixed with native;
Lel non, im a pure Norman. Stop spreading an old memé from butthurt anglos, Joao.
Ps:show me the study
Ps2:a fuckin huehuehue talking about mixed races....lel...
Your leaf tricks will soon not work on the masses, you fucking leaf.
Sorry it burns your native ass, I was just informing you on the pure laine meme.
Do your full genealogy at the National Archives in Ottawa..prepare to shit red bricks.
Another stupid thing about the Quebecois: You were not from Normandy (you think you are from Poitou right? HAHAHA)
That was the main port people were leaving from you fucking idiot, therefore your family was not from Normandy.
You don't even know your history...fucking sad
Une vrai épaisse
Tabarnak...voila mes deux noms de familles, Jew boy...Petit Juif frustré de se faire découvrir.
je ne suis par juif..HAHAHA
Don't get mad at me hue sister, we both got native blood in our vains.
Makes you special.
Ecoute, je voulais seulement t'informer.
tes links = de la merde. Ceci n'est pas une généalogie complète ma belle Linda
J'aime beaucoup les Québécois en passant. J'ai étudier la langue Française chez vous, la belle province.
Mon point est que 4 trappers est fourrer des truies sauvages il y 400 ans ne fait pas que 85% des Québécois ont du sang de sauvage, c'est absolument ridicule. Mais tu le sais déjà vu que tu troll. Anyway, je n'ai meme jamais vu un couple interracial au Québec.
Ps:j'attends le link de ton étude
Good guys at present. Facing the threat of Sunnis they've befriended the Christians and are BTFOing ISIS.
That's fine, but leave it to the Iranians and Lebanese though.
Nordic + native blood = aesthetic, high IQ and cultured.
Moor rape baby + lowly south American cannibal + Afro slaves = hue hue hue
400 ans??? le Québec n'existe pas depuis 400 ans!
Ma faire mieux, ma trouver ta généalogie.
Ma faire mieux qu'un link, je suis en train de faire une recherche sur tes nom de famille.
A little lesson on genetics: Your traits and DNA can be expressed for 18 generations
Another fact, no matter how much white paint you add to red paint will never give you pink girl!
and I don't know you think I am a troll, I just wanted to share something with you.
She does not even know how long ago Quebec colonization occurred...
does not speak well for her IQ
And I can't be that dumb, I speak 3 languages and went to study medicine in the USA
>400 ans??? le Québec n'existe pas depuis 400 ans!
Oh tabarnak....bon apparament tu es juste gros mongol sans éducation. Aucune chance que tu sois vraiment allez a McGill...
>(((Necro))) and (((Ill Bill)))
>She does not even know how long ago Quebec colonization occurred...
Mon dernier commentaire...
L'histoire du Québec commence avec celle de la Nouvelle-France. Pour le roi de France, en 1534, Jacques Cartier plante une croix à Gaspé, prenant symboliquement possession du territoire. En 1608, Samuel de Champlain fonde Québec.
Yeah i know, Nigel...they're 2 disgusting kikes...
They didn't even exist kike. This has become the go to mantra of delusion for Israeli sore bums whingeful at being BTFO'd by a much superior force.
McGill puis Yale après.
Tu sais même pas l'age de ta province...tu n'es pas vite vite Linda.
pis tu me parle de mongole sans éducation HAHAHAHA
The modern example of successful NS. They get things done and make things happen on time.
Delicious tears...
First colony was Quebec City founded by the French explorer and navigator Samuel de Champlain in 1608, commencing a string of French colonies along the St. Lawrence River, creating a region named "le Canada"
pas vite vite
>Are they the good or the evil guys? They fight ISIS and are for Assad and fight the evil Americans, so are they good people?
If you can only think in terms of good and evil, you will NEVER understand shit in the middle east.
Key phrase to parse from user here.: Shia proxy army for Iran, based in lebanon. They also have a non millitary wing, but they're irrelavent unless you're like in Lebanon.
Keep hiding behind your fag flag burgercucks
It is complicated, but to make things short, hezbollah is a resistance movement defending lebanon and its inhabitants against the kikes. They Also help baathists and Shia countries, but only when invited. Biggest missile arsenal of the middle east, Israël being unknown factor. No warcrimes but no rules in the art of war. They do not attack civilians targets. That's all, for the rest, exitus acta probat.
They are praised by both muslims and christians, immensly popular worldwide for good reasons, and their leader, Hassan Nasrallah, is a badass warleaderand wise politician .
They do not support the invasion of foreign lands.
In short the mythic good muslims no one think could exist.
They have a very brave and efficient militia, that makes kikes crap their pants.
Famous for the "merkava massacre ".
Defenders of their people, of their lands.paying the blood price of true martyrs. I cant say anything bad about them... Except i would like to be christians rather than muzz.
Stick to your monkey language
>Jacques Cartier (Breton: Jakez Karter; December 31, 1491 – September 1, 1557) was a Breton explorer who claimed what is now Canada for France. Jacques Cartier was the first European to describe and map[1] the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the shores of the Saint Lawrence River, which he named "The Country of Canadas", after the Iroquois names for the two big settlements he saw at Stadacona (Quebec City) and at Hochelaga (Montreal Island).[2][3][4]
>good people
They are NS local resistance of Lebanon who drove the Israelis out...the proxy army thing is just some sort of deranged attempt by Israel and her puppets to save face and assuage the the pain of their embarrassed egos.
Also it is against the rules but please pardon me...
Aux québécois, la France ne vous oubliera jamais. Puissiez vous prospérer cousins, battez vous ! Vous êtes plus français que bien des nôtres !
Chapeau bas.
This pic is just sad
That isn't a Hezbollah fighter but a brigade fighter volunteer probably in Iraq.
Love this video from Hezbollah's entry into defending at the guy at the end but hopefully he didn't shit and piss his trousers like the Israelis did.
Heh. I see what you did there goy.
Good guys
Only kikes hate them as only kikes are threatened by them.
Death to Israel
Hezbollah are the good guys. They kill kikes, Americans and ISIS.
Good job Hezbollah!
>be American
>get bombed by militia with homemade missiles and bombs
>leave with your tail between your legs crying
Good one Shlomo now get back to fucking your sister's laundry hamper bras.
Quite convincing Chaim! A nice gold star for you.
Amazing video with Hezbollah completely exposing Israel's false flag assassination of Rafik Hariri. Brutal information rape.