Full MSM Blackout on CNN Blackmail


What the fuck dude we are closer now than ever to civil war.

I want the blood of leftists and Democrats on my hands.

Other urls found in this thread:


go back to pleddit normie fuck

Sicker than your average nigger killer
Twist nigger's heads off
Niggers fucking stink niggers and gayers
Chicken wing eating players
Triple K hooligans like Moon Man
Dead right if they head right
Fucking your mom every night
Moon man's been smooth since days of killing jews
Never lose
Never choose to lynch jews who do something to us

Talk go through us your mom walked to us
Get on a rape bus; screw us, screw us
Yeah, KKK, nigger babies i don't give a fuck
Stick it up the butt

Dare I not see at your ripe cherry pussy
Bang every porch monkey easily, busily
Recently niggers fronting ain't saying nothing
My cock nigger
Suck it, Triple K mafia, we're on it

Hook [2x]
Moon man, Moon man, can't you see
Spics and niggers need to hang from trees
And I just love your racist ways
I guess that's why their mom is black and you're so great

I put niggers underground without a sound
You minorities can't step to me
All spics need to go back to Mexico
Never to be stealing money from you and me

Now who's the real dookie
All you niggers smell like shit
You niggers can ride my dick
Spear chuckers pushing up sticks
Ooga booga, go back to Africa

If HanAssholeSolo somehow commits suicide, it will be very good for us. We can than blame CNN that they bullied him to suicide.

Kek demands that the redditor be sacrificed!!!

fuck off faggot shill

Shit for brains

What, you're surprised? Like lefties covering for each other is something new and unexpected?

Here free Ammo for your meme war:






Rob Kardashian
Blac Chyna
Amelia Earhart
N. Korea
#CNNBlackmail ######@#@

It's Over? KISS MY ASS

Incoming Meme Resupply! !@@#$

and the astro turfing continue
even if you underage newfag calle everyone shill and faggot it doesn make you any less of a cringelord newfag


The Daily Caller website has been reporting the story. Tucker is the owner of the Daily Caller. and he will cover it and his TV show gets a lot of viewers for a cable show. CNN is done and the good thing is it's Wednesday so they won't have the weekend for stuff to die down.

>A fucking leaf

with out fail

Ted Cruz said something about it so now fox has a article

The blue spots represent mud puddles.

>The 2010 Georgia code, Dahnald.

in the end fox breitbart and all the other pozzed "conservative" outlets are just as bad as CNN and will cover for the other jews

Dont we all comrade? But the time is not now. But fear not, the Day is coming.

>tfw i live in one of those 57 spots.
I think I need to move, it doesnt feel like i am a true American

>NY § 135.60, Dahnald

>kikes kiking as always

Leftists tried for years to make what's happening to CNN right now happen to FOX.

I wonder how many of them realize this now, and I wonder how chapped this reality makes their assholes.

Any of you CNN shills on Sup Forums right now have the balls to show us a picture of your chapped asshole?

Funny, It was all over Google news this morning, with every major outlet reporting on it. The fucking Wapo is reporting on it.

Isn't it past your bedtime, CNN?

The main MSM networks and cable news wont cover

we need to delta delta October sierra already

Most ALL of the media is run by Jews. Of course they won't let one of their own go down.

rt made a video and article about it, fox made an article about it, plenty of coverage on it.

His redemption arc is amazing.

The fuck you talking about? Washington Examiner, Washington Post, The Hill, Fox, Chicago Tribune, The Boston Globe, Washington Times, AOL, New York Post, ABC, CBS, NBC News...
Fucking retards