So how is the wall going, trumplets?
So how is the wall going, trumplets?
how CNN holding up nigger?
>sure, Trump didn't hold any of his promises, but at least CNN something something
Isnt that a discriminatory suffix against people from poor countries in the middle east?
Fucking hell
>that list
what redeeming quality does thug culture have?
Sounds pretty good to me.
Sign me up, nigger
still assblasted that those two laws just passed?
seriously how would this not be paradise?
Angrywhitemenistan sounds fucking great. How do I apply for a visa?
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this
Literally nothing wrong with that list
I always found it ironic that the list on the "no" side describes more or less every single country outside the western world, particularly the ones the shitskin minorities are coming from.
Sign me up mate
Hows that basic income and entitlements coming along demfag?
They forgot jews on the NO list, otherwise it's pretty spot on.
Stop stop I can only get so erect
So, is that supposed to sound dystopian or...?
I bet that sounded bad in the artist mind
trial builds are being tested in california. it's going fine
How's Madame president doing fagglet?
Only one problem with this: You can keep the damn bowling trophy. There have been too many libshits trying to say that it's some sort of charge about how our foreign policy is supposed to work.
Lil lady here using the same tired "trump can't get anything done" argument. Nowhere close to the truth, he's actually accomplished quite a bit. But your master wants you to focus on only what makes your smug level rise.
Hahaha awwww someone is nervous! These things take time and you know it. prediction; and you heard it here 1st, the wall will be used to get him reelected and remove the remaining never trumper rino fags. Prototypes are going to be built this summer if not next year
I was thinking the exact same thing.
they think the word"thug" replaced nigger now.
lol, your anime loving degenerate ass wouldn't be let in
They couldn't even bring themselves to write "niggers" on the no list.
Rome wasn't built in a day. Enjoying the travel ban?
Israel is very prospect country had wall,pure racial laws and feminist couldn't hate Jews men because is antisemits
Faggots, type sage in the options field while responding. There is no point in continuing this thread.
>OP, you can Google the answer
actually it isnt. the ending -istan is the traditional ending to many countries in central asia meaning "land of" in farsi and some other languages. countries such as kazakhstan, uzbekistan, and afghanistan are highly influenced by persian culture and as such take on the -istan suffix; the prefixes come from the peoples that inhabited those lands - uzbeks for uzbekistan, etc.
I can't even read that shit spic
So America before the 1960s?
Explain how everything would not be instantly better with everything on the left "NO" list gone.
If you support trump you are a retard
Seriously this nation would be amazing.
Why does reddit keep coming here? Is it that boring over there OP?
>Nowhere close to the truth, he's actually accomplished quite a bit.
Even took the effort to create a copy of the statue of liberty and/or move the original
This looks pretty good.
>No Lyin' Press
Shit, you mean the press would have to print facts instead of trying to steer the public via narrative?
>No Thug Culture
A crime-free land?
>No Elites
And no jews too?
How are these things bad?
Angrywhitemenistan sounds awesome! When can we start creating it?
>look how crazy these white men are! So backward and racist!
>but we are still going to travel the world over to the wall to line up for entry in your retarded country
This comic really juices my lemons
>nation in picture
Paradise! Where do we sign up!
>political correctness
>thug culture
Those are quite western, unfortunately.
>no thug culture
what's wrong with that?
Sound really good to me
Hello Shlomo. Muh holohoax and stupid goyim right XXXXDDDD.
Sounds pretty good to me
why are you made about reducing the welfare state, creating jobs, and improving our image globally?
This list is filed with LIES!
> Mexicans WRONG - illegal Mexicans
> Muslims WRONG - Radical Islamists who we can not vet from 6 failed states that do not have governments we can vet from (per Obama admin)
> Refugees WRONG ( Legal immigration from safe counties we can vet from)
> Homos WRONG Trump was the first president to support gays as a candidate. Hillary adn Obama just joined the party a few years ago!
- Immigrants who follow the law and bring skill and love America
- People with common sense who see we have to balance environment with economy and jobs
Oh no! Not thug culture being banned! Holy Kek.
>holocaust frogs
It shows the delusions of the left.
The Chinese, for example, have come up with an insult (baizuo) just for them. They think white leftists are so retarded, "white leftist" became a swear word in China.
What the muzzies would do with out leftist is pretty obvious as well.
Why do these people think they speak for the world? Everyone despises them, some use them because they are useful idiots.
Nice try kyke!! The pic was pretty accurate and no we don't want any more fuckin spics or Africans. In fact, a lot of the people that have claimed rapeuge statues over the past few decades could be eligible to be sent back to their countries. Deport all non whites
The irony of this comic is despite all that evil oppressive whiteness, the world is still begging to get in.
>that NO list
Has this person ever been to a country outside the US that isn't european?
is this supposed to be anti or pro white men?
>one example
>"lulz, drumpf didn't accomplish anything so far!"
Try harder next time, k?
>people from all over the world still want to join
Really makes you think
>being this much reddit
Remember when King Nigger got his socialist healthcare plan passed the day after he took office? Oh wait, it took him 2 fucking years to inflict that blight upon us. If you were patient enough to wait for Obongo to fuck up our healthcare, you can be patient enough for Trump to build the wall and kick you over it.
ICE apprehension is up and illegal immigration is down. Kate's Law has passed and Texas has banned sanctuary cities. Even if the wall isn't there, the fact that the intended effect of it is working.
When September rolls around, we will see how it works.
How's your travel ban appeal to the Hague going?
>No Political Correctness, Feminiazis, Thug Culture, Lyin' Press and Elites
>Yes Guns
Sounds like music to my ears.
The rest of it sounds like speculation created by the Dumbocrats.
>Flag was American
>2 posts by this shill
And if you support Communism, you are not only a retard but you are also advocating for murder.
Didn't an article just come out saying they're accepting wall proposals to include a wall which would gather solar energy?
I hope not. That's fucking stupid.
>Waaah Ameica is such a horrible place for PoC
>What do you mean that we are not allowed to be inside America! Its our right!
Remember that if given the choiuce non-whites will never chose to leave because they know they coul dnever have the prosperity white people make by themselves
20% of the reason I voted for him is to make people like you angry
Angrywhitemenistan sounds pretty glorious
*Ahem* *raises paw* Yes, what about the slaves?
>the picture
If its so bad there why do they want to angrywhitemanistan?
Literally nothing wrong with the list.
So if the non white are not welcomed, why do they want to come in?
Because the angry white men barely won, and they win by a technicality.
>A big pile of dirt is labeled as The World
Most illegals fly or drive into the country
So.....the wall serves no real purpose other than being a massive racist symbol to discourage immigrants and when it is torn down, it will be even more symbolic than the removal of the Berlin Wall.
Is any of that supposed to be a bad thing?
Why didn't you archive?
>Take your daily redpill
Part from the no homos and no Mexicans that's not a bad list. Do they think they are mocking the people who believe that? That's just a list of reasonable things.
Why should I? I posted a legitimate website. People see archeive IS, they're going to thing it's some blogpost.
>Calls poster a girl
>Says Trump has done a lot
>Posts no examples
Why do shitskins want to get into "Angrywhitemenistan" if it's so horrible? They should be happy they aren't allowed in since it's such a dangerous, racist, ableist, homophobic, Islamophobic place.
Yup, bye bye.
>implying the no's are a bad thing
Was the wall a real thing or a figurative in a sense you're going to pay for it by damaging their economy or in another way?
No, it'll be real. And it'll be topped with solar panels. We sell solar energy to Mexico - they pay for the wall :)
This unironically sounds like paradise
This a real place?
Would move there in a heart beat
i dont see the problem
Angrywhitemenistan sounds like a paradise,i would love to live here
If what those signs described were attainable it literally would be paradise.
You libtards really need to stop just presenting your opponents arguments with nothing more than mugging at the camera as a rebuttal.