“Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,” Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO’s Big Little Lies...

>“Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,” Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO’s Big Little Lies, in Los Angeles. “He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia.

>“They all know each other’s dark secrets. There is no way out for any of them. It’s a lifetime bond. Even if one of them wanted to go straight, repent, so to speak, he can’t. His peers will bring him down. They are in it until death, driving the world to ruin. That’s kind of how Stanley explained it but it was all very complex. I’m probably not doing it justice.”


Other urls found in this thread:


We knew that though.


Why pedophiles though? It would explain why there is so much CP out there but I can't understand why this >predilection exists.

>18 years after everyone else figured it out.

Thanks Kiddo

It's intergenerational. A child molested at a young age has much greater predilection for pedophilia, though I'd suspect a large genetic component as well.

>you can also apparently molest children to turn them into supersoldiers


Something to do with occult knowledge about acquiring wealth and power in exchange for one's soul. Dark stuff. Research King Salomon's Seal and its use in black magic.

people who get to higher positions tend to never content with what they have, nothing satisfies them. And this extends to your sex life as well. They can have any woman but that is not enough, they go from one fetish to another until they eventually end up having sex with children. And when this happens (and may be further promoted by the elites), the pact of silence and collaboration between them is sealed. Someone made a thread a time telling about parties and sexual orgies with kids in Hollywood.

The European Union and especially Germany is no longer a safe site to host the G20 Summit of world leaders. Europe is currently infested with invading Israeli foreign army assets otherwise known as the terror group ISIS while Israel & Jews are in a clandestine war for global power with both Putin, Donald Trump and the West. Putin and Donald Trump are too much of a threat to worldwide Jewish power.

Europe has utterly failed to protect their nations from Israeli ISIS incursion due to political malfeasance and the public needs to know that Israel is directly responsible for ISIS's actions. At the very least this link must be investigated first before important independent leaders enter countries where ISIS operates.

Donald Trump and Putin should meet in Russia, Poland or America but not in hostile territory - that or conduct the meetings via video conferencing for now as the EU has utterly failed to kick out ISIS from the continent.

What's his name again?

so the elites are redpilled? why do we hate them again?

Remember guys, when celebrities say Trump is racist it's because they're fucking dumb and ignorant

But when they agree with me they're fucking super highly intelligentjust like me and prove my argument

she had to let her thought mature.

I'm surprised it didn't die of loneliness.

Dan "the Based Man from Cunny-chan" Schneider.


welcome to Sup Forums, where all the expert cherry pickers reside.

Is the board too saturated with bread and circus for an /ewo/ thread today?

Dan "show your feet get a treat" Schneider

>why kids

Because these people are fucking corrupt, rotten, hateful, and vengeful to the core. They have everything they could ever want in life, but find no meaning in it. When you have everything, the struggle becomes pointless. With nothing left to do, nowhere else to go, they can no longer lie to themselves about life. They have no purpose other than to just exist. And when you combine that with some of the things they had to put themselves through to reach these positions: lying, destroying lives, sometimes literally killing people and selling their souls. Then they reach the end of the rope, only to find that it wraps into a noose. So they fall to despair and nihilism, a strain so virulent that it consumes them and turns them into something truly demonic. This turns to rage, rage against the world for not being enough, rage against others for being so weak, rage against themselves for being so stupid.
And in their rage they want to destroy. They want to destroy that which is the total opposite to them in every way because that's the only way their vengeance will be sated.
So they go after kids. Innocent. Pure. Full of potential. All of the things that these monsters no longer possess.

These people are evil. Pure and simple. I would give more sympathy to a school shooter. At least those kids don't suffer for very long.

Thread Theme:



Ouch, I think I pricked myself.

There will come a time when God fearing men will purge this sickness from planet earth

THIS . perfectly worded senpai.

>It's impossible to agree with someone's opinion on something if I disagree with them on a completely different topic
>If I disagree with someones opinion on one thing, I automatically have to disagree with all of their other opinions on everything else



literally none besides screencaps of some LARPer on reddit

Everyone also knows jet fuel can't melt steel beams yet here we are.
Don't be a conspiracy theorist :^)

You convinced me.

>“Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,”

So, the Vatican rules the planet?

Really makes you think.

I've found that some Lutheran and Methodist churches are implicated as well.

It can weaken steel beams though allowing them to bend and buckle under weight until they break

so... from what you are saying, climbing to the top 1% only turns you into a demon. You literally sell your soul, that's the price you pay.

Fuck that. I'll stay poor then, at least i can appreciate life more this way.

Indeed, they believe the more pure something is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt.
>see the infuriating finale to Twin Peaks S2

It's fake news. By that I mean that YourNewsWire is fake news. Not that there isn't a shit ton of powerful pedos working together.

I'm not going to spend time arguing over this, so I'll keep it short.
Any jet fuel that survived the initial explosion and fireball burned up in 10 minutes max. Also, jet fuel cannot cause damaged steel to destroy the other 90% of the undamaged structure beneath it within 12 seconds.
Also, one building wasn't burning from jet fuel.
>inb4 but muh damaged corner

could he be referring to lolita express / bunga bunga parties type of operations?

Have you ever known anyone in the 1% who was, all at the same time:
Happy with themselves
Happy with their place in the world
Mentally and emotionally stable

I've found many that possess 2/3, but the most common place they all falter is mental and emotional stability. I'm honestly shocked with the number of rich people i know that are on at least 3 antidepressants.

Dan "The younger, the tighter" Schneider

Holy fuck, Willy van der Steen knew all along

>get pedophiles into position of power and/or make them part of some elite
>make them the owners of industries, companies, entertainment, politics, etc
>easily control them using blackmail
(((they've))) been doing this for years


Like Betamax or Compact Discs, right?

Ya and her dad was one of em

Did he fuck jamie lynn spears

this is a fake quote i can only find it on dog shit sources

literally fake news

yeah, but pedos can be any gender... any one of the two


>that link killed my sides
>Rabbi Foreskinstein


Pls tell me he didn't hurt her ... my stomach nigger!

interesting take on it

Dare I say...


The Talmud approves of pedophilia.

Mein friend ever tried to get to (((Hollywood))) with a movie or tv shit script, but he's bluepilled

Should I tell him?

Great, I'm a failed supersoldier project, my life wasn't galling enough.

They probably look for pedos with certain skills that would help them rise in politics

Move along Goyim, nothing to see here.


more likely they just have genetic psychopathy

makes me question anything she says as possible false flagging but i do think shes correct about this and that stanley was in the know

>you can also apparently molest children to turn them into supersoldiers


Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider

Dan "A Man, A Plan, A Canal - ..." Schneider

>so... from what you are saying, climbing to the top 1% only turns you into a demon. You literally sell your soul, that's the price you pay.
>Fuck that. I'll stay poor then, at least i can appreciate life more this way.
Well there is another way. You can climb to the top and then prey on the other demons. Become the ultimate predator. I think you'd have to be near a god to pull it off though.


Dan "get in the van" Schneider

>Start blackmailing them into doing the just thing
>make them stop their evil ways by force

I wonder if it is possible. Truly, you would have to be godlike in power, charisma, and guile. What an amazing way to get revenge on them, to take away their capacity to get their own revenge!
Would make a great movie or book idea, desu.

>hate the vast majority of """culture""" produced by jews
>love almost every single kubrick movie
>dr strangelove remains my favorite kìñògràph
where do i turn in my nazi card, lads?

>>dr strangelove remains my favorite kìñògràph
pure pleb

>implying jews aren't the final anti-jew

i like how you get in the batting box when child sex slavery is on the mound

demoncrat puke, you are going to burn very badly.

b-but i even used the accented letters and everything

I thought Eyes Wide Shut was a great film. Haters gonna hate. Or should I say pedos gonna hate.

If you're a victim who are you supposed to talk to

asking for a friend

keep believing what your dad told you desu

>One celebrity is all celebrities
>Nicole Kidman totally hates Trump just as much as Colbert and rants about him as often and fervently
>Celebrities can't have their own opinions
>Especially a celebrity who starred in a movie on this sort of subject directed by a man who some theorize might have been killed for making the movie and other conspiracy theories

Really makes you think

Get fucked.

the world is not run by pedophiles

all men are pedophiles

the world is run by men

the difference between those men and your average joe is that those men have the power to be pedophiles and no one coming after them

pedophilia only became an issue in western societies for two reasons

1. Kids no longer belonged to their parents, but to the state. Parents used to trade their children for dowries, and lost that ability. Parents would be the ones to decide who gets into their genetic pool, and lost that ability. Even today parents don't usually aprove of their children's sexual partners most of the times at any age.
So parents asked for pedophilia laws so that they could "control" their children for longer. Notice that how long is arbitrary, and no matter how long no parent usually likes their children's sexual partners.

2. Feminism.
You know where this is going, but for the slow ones here it goes:
Women have an expiration date.
When you go to the supermarket to buy milk, do you buy the milk closer to expiration date?
It just so happens that the milk closer to expiration date now has a voice and power and it wants to be bought.
Said milk can't force you to buy it, but it can make it that the fresher milk isn't being sold.

Pedophilia is not wrong in any way. You, as a parent just think it is because you no longer have a say in your genetic future. If you could force your child to marry your choosing, you wouldn't care.

Pedophilia is just wrong because children are victimised. Day in and day out they are told they were victims, and abused and like every normal person, they grow to believe it.

Notice that the only reason people find "logic" to make pedophilia a crime is linking it to rape, aka messing up genetic pool, which is the basic fear. And they make this connection by saying kids and "kids" have no free will.

Don't define yourself by their standards.



This cunt's VERY OWN FATHER is a NOTORIOUS MKULTRA Doctor of Developmental/Cognitive Psychiatry... and a High Priest in some weird, reverse Druze Cult of pedos in Australia.


The above link is from 2015... WAY before "pizzagate" was even a thing... google Fiona Barnett, who was one of one of Dr. Kidman's victims/subjects.

Shit is fucking crazy... but if his daughter is talking... it's a limited hangout, since she's a part of the cult.

So I either have to agree with all celebrities or no celebrities? there isn't a middle ground? You can't form your own opinions and support famous people who agree with you?

>you can also apparently molest children to turn them into supersoldiers

If the world is run by pedophiles, then why did they shut down most of the pedo sites a few years ago? And why do they keep raising the age of consent?

you just gotta watch more movies, man.

Strangelove isn't even his best. (although it is great)

KYS please!!!

I can't it understand either. Remember the human trafficking operation the Clintons had running in Haiti.
The fucking sick elite enjoy inserting their penis into a little nigglet's anus like it is the most wonderful thing in the world capable of giving uttermost pleasure. How fucking insane do you have to be to fuck a nigger in the ass? And to think they pay so many thousands of dollars to do that.

who do you think made that baby?

because the people running the world
a.) don't jerk off to porn
b.) aren't beholden to laws.

Sounds pretty accurate. I'm sure a majority are of a certain (((origin))) as well.

>all men are pedophiles
Stopped right there. Kill yourself

Ok so if you're a victim of this who are you supposed to talk to

your feelings on this matter are unimportant

Pedophilia is a stapple of ALL societies, even in western societies up until the days of feminism and state controled children.

Your grandparents or the friends of your grandparents probably married at a very young age.

None of them are traumatised.
None of them are victims.
They were not told to be.

>dr strangelove remains my favorite kìñògràph
Close second for me

>my sexual orientation is a number related to the times that person rotated around the sun

Nature experiments in the extremes.

Pedos have the highest IQ of all sexual orientations.
Seriously, you guys must have visual spatial IQ's in the low 10's to think that adult women are more aesthetically pleasing than young girls.

The men at the top have a mind of their own, and thus they have overcome societal brainwash, whereas the average peon, like yourself, must be told what to think.

The number of child rapists in this thread sure skyrocketed quickly

aesthetics have neccessarily nothing to do with sexual lust.
Also i can bet you the smartest people aren't pedophiles, this is made up shit.
Complete bullshit.
försök inte förklara din mentala sjukdom.
