Sometimes, I really do wonder if I'm on the wrong side...

Sometimes, I really do wonder if I'm on the wrong side. I've got strong convictions and clashing political ideals of freedom and America's original formation that will never mesh with the left, I hate how they've lied and portrayed themselves as the better, more educated way. But sometimes I just wonder if I haven't thrown in with the wrong people. Jesus Christ.

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There are idiots in every ideology. And they're typically the more vocal ones, despite being a minority in that ideology.

ITT: Concern trolling.

In all fairness to the guy who got offended, it was a less popular part of the declaration of independence and I'm sure seeing a tweet of that sentence out of context, 99% of people out there wouldn't know the source.

Liberal get offended at the pledge of allegiance, national anthem, and every other patriotic thing, so I don't know why they think they have a leg to stand on

>Most Important Document
>The Declaration of Independence
That's not how you spell the "United States Constitution and Bill of Rights"

>There are idiots in every ideology.
Every ideological faction has its useful idiots and its intellectuals.

It may seem like the left has more and smarter intellectuals, but right wing thinking is inherently more esoteric, and so the right wing intellectuals are much lower profile.

Nah, dude, I'm just sick of shit like this. I hate having to defend the plebs.

That's a fair point. I don't know, I just feel so beaten down by everything lately, even if this CNN thing cheers me up a little. It just feels impossible that we'll ever be allowed to be seen as anything other than fucking idiot monsters and shit like this doesn't help.

To be fair, I actually perfectly understand it because of this. I could have seen how people though it was some smarmy, aimed attack under guise of patriotism or intellect. Problem was, they apparently tweeted the whole fucking thing and always do read the whole thing, so nah.

Twitter was a mistake. I feel like it made people think they all had an opinion that's worth a shit, and they all got uppity. I feel like I'd have more faith in humanity if Twitter never existed.

Twitter was a mistake. It makes me feel like Democracy was a mistake.

I know this feel. For me it took taking an election course in college along with daily chats with lefty friends to confirm that these people are insane, hell-bent on crashing this country with no survivors, and are never going to see anything with an unbiased view. Fuck them this side is the right side.

Yeah, they were tweeting it bit by bit. Pic related was the bit that was responded to. I've never read the Declaration of Independence, so I'm just not familiar with this bit, and most people aren't. Twitter is a shit place, it doesn't allow for meaningful discussion, all it's good for is meaningless quips that are good for sounding smart pieces at a time

Fuck. picture