When you find out all your teachers are sjws

>When you find out all your teachers are sjws

lad you knew they would be SJWs, like I know mine will be.
>"It won't be that bad"
But it is that bad
>"The internet is playing it up"
But this is the story.
>Just join the merchant navy and learn skills before the collapse

It is as if common sense, lack of believing propaganda spewing conspiracists and being unbiased share a correlation with intelligence. Hmm, interesting.

ordinarily femdom turns me on but I don't know what the black and purple flag stands for and it might be some gay shit

I should probably mention that it doesn't help when you're surrounded by total degenerates and numales to


There's a time and a place

What goes on in the merchant navy?

Worse, it's one of the flags for feminism (other than sweden's flag)

Why the fuck are you not in trade school?

Do you really think an SJW will teach you anything valuable?

Do you think a field being taught by an SJW is not already dominated by SJWs?

Do you think you can get anywhere in that field as a person who is not an SJW?

Meh, most of my teachers are but they don't talk about it except you bring it up. Physics is so comfy.

It's exactly like the regular navy, but with bigger noses and more hand rubbing.

Is that Jinx?

(fucking shit taste)

what's wrong with ''social justice warriors''?

they just seem to be against the establishment, plus want equality

do you suppot the current establishment?

One stupidity doesn't make the other more appealing.

Definitely not, they're either female supremacists or black supremacists who hate any opinion that's not their's

>tfw my calculus teacher is a proud atheist and makes stupid jokes about Trump
That's the only one who reveals her sjw side

But women just want to be equal to men instead of being discriminated.

Lets put it in USD terms
>American women earn only 78c for every 1$ an american man earns
>German women earn only 86c for every 1$ a german man earns
>British women earn only 71c for every 1$ a British man earns

do you not think this is worth fixing?

The onlt country on the planet where women earn more than men is Sweden.

>other than sweden's flag


>Why the fuck are you not in trade school?
That is why people like you are around. To dig our ditches, wash our dishes and landscape our yards. We pay you to do shit we do not want to do because we make money due to getting a higher education in something other than art history, theater arts or fucking philosophy.

>Do you really think an SJW will teach you anything valuable?
This is ignorant and holds nothing of value what so ever. It makes no sense to question if a professors opinion on social issues keeps them from teaching facts as it relates to the class.

Stop embarrassing yourself Bubba. By the way, my breaks need changing. See ya soon.

>when you are a faggot who needs college to be successful

Obvious fucking bait.


I was justing thinking of ways to fix gender inequality, and you cam up with a non argument.

>When you find out all your teachers are sjws

If that image is supposed to represent them they should be at least 300lbs fatter than that.

Well durr, you need college to be succesful. Otherwise people wont want to employ oyu

More fucking obvious bait. But someone will take it.

Nice try.


Because I responded.

> We pay you to do shit we do not want to do because we make money due to getting a higher education in something other than art history, theater arts or fucking philosophy.

Most of you fail and end up at starbucks working off debt never even being able to consider buying a house

Any trade will get you a path to home ownership and success because idiots cant figure out how to change their oil or build anything

Your kind also struggles to find time to get to the gym after work while we are fit without extra effort

>Otherwise people wont want to employ oyu
no shit faggot who said I wanted to be employed?
I sucked it up for 4 years working for someone, learned all the skills, saved money, and started my own business.
now I charge a minimum of 65$ an hour when I work. That is the friend rate .
It's called capitalism you tree fucking faggot

>It is as if common sense, lack of believing propaganda spewing conspiracists and being unbiased share a correlation with intelligence. Hmm, interesting.

u mad brown democrat commie sjw tranny? u real mad? gud so cozy

me on the right