Central... What?

The world may never know.


South central L.A., cholos for lyfe

intelligence agency


wew lads

Central Park Zoo




niggers btfo

Central Asia.
They wuz actually Mongolz n shiet.

Showing the results of a basic search that anyone could perform hurts the joke.



Central Europe is Germany, mate.

Don't forget, Pawel. We wuz hindus too.

oh wow, thanks for saving the day faggot!


Other way around really.

YFW the 60s movies with white Egyptians are now accurate.


Daily reminder that the Jews genocided Aryan Ancient Egypt via encouraging racemixing. Daily reminder that this is what the Jews are covering up with their "We wuz slaves in Egypt, and they tried to wipe us out until Moses saved us!" propaganda. Most likely they were run out of the land, as they have been run out of every other land on earth.

>Alinksy tactic: accuse others of doing to you what you are in fact doing to them.

And they did the same thing to Rome.
The Jew only knows how to destroy. It's why Israel is still a shithole. They are incapable of building Societies because all they know how to do is tear them down.

fucking Alex Jones is fighting the KANGZ revisionist history goddamn its glorious

Pharaohs were r1b, which is characteristic for modern day western Europeans, Germanic cuckolds and Celts.


How far back has this been verified? Need to BTFO a KANGZ coworker


papes to celebrate


>we wuz
they still are, we were but evolved. what's difficult to figure out?

>modern day western Europeans
yea they look like kebabs

This is genuine fake news. Big up yourself!

>arguing with Blacks

At least do it in front of others, so that your words might not be wasted.


We didn't evolve while they stayed stagnant, we both became something different. Life never just sits still.

Where is the rest of this

Literally kings and queens. Blacks BTFO.

Poles are the most powerful race


You are aware that 425BCE was couple thousands years after ancient egyptians? In 425BCE egypt was as shity as western Europe will be in couple hundreds years

>Hdt. 2.104
>For it is plain to see that the Colchians are Egyptians; and what I say, I myself noted before I heard it from others. When it occurred to me, I inquired of both peoples; and the Colchians remembered the Egyptians better than the Egyptians remembered the Colchians; the Egyptians said that they considered the Colchians part of Sesostris' army. I myself guessed it, partly because they are dark-skinned and woolly-haired; though that indeed counts for nothing, since other peoples are, too; but my better proof was that the Colchians and Egyptians and Ethiopians are the only nations that have from the first practised circumcision. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine acknowledge that they learned the custom from the Egyptians, and the Syrians of the valleys of the Thermodon and the Parthenius, as well as their neighbors the Macrones, say that they learned it lately from the Colchians. These are the only nations that circumcise, and it is seen that they do just as the Egyptians. But as to the Egyptians and Ethiopians themselves, I cannot say which nation learned it from the other; for it is evidently a very ancient custom. That the others learned it through traffic with Egypt, I consider clearly proved by this: that Phoenicians who traffic with Hellas cease to imitate the Egyptians in this matter and do not circumcise their children.

Read it real slow and make sure you grasp the implications of what the moron who made this image was trying to do with careful editing.

>Diod. 1.1.1
Of the two preceding Books the First embraces the deeds in Egypt of the early kings and the accounts, as found in their myths, of the gods of the Egyptians; there is also a discussion of the Nile and of the products of the land, and also of its animals, which are of every kind, and a description of the topography of Egypt, of the customs prevailing among its inhabitants, and of its courts of law. The Second Book embraces the deeds performed by the Assyrians in Asia in early times, connected with which are both the birth and the rise to power of Semiramis, in the course of which she founded Babylon and many other cities and made a campaign against India with great forces; and after this is an account of the Chaldaeans and of their practice of observing the stars, of Arabia and the marvels of that land, of the kingdom of the Scythians, of the Amazons, and finally of the Hyperboreans. In this present Book we shall add the matters which are connected with what I have already narrated, and shall describe the Ethiopians and the Libyans and the people known as the Atlantians.

To summarize: leftist niggers never think to read the quotes their professors make them memorize.

We're all related to Charlemagne fuck off, statistically improbable, 1 one Charlemagne there would have been literally thousands of other cunts alive in Europe at the time. Although the further back in time the higher the likely hood of getting a royal ancestor increases 1300 years is not enough to gaurentee kangship.


>we were but evolved
>in4b a 200 kg white guy

This is the correct answer.

That's just due to the sheer amount of white ancestors we have though. The majority of our ancestors were probably just regular ass farmers and peasants.
