A dearth of marriagable men has left an “oversupply” of educated women taking desperate steps to preserve their fertility, experts say.


The first global study into egg freezing found that shortages of eligible men were the prime reason why women had attempted to take matters into their own hands. Experts said “terrifying” demographic shifts had created a “deficit” of educated men and a growing problem of “leftover” professional women, with female graduates vastly outnumbering males in in many countries. The study led by Yale University, involved interviews with 150 women undergoing egg freezing at eight clinics.

Researchers found that in more than 90 per cent of cases, the women were attempting to buy extra time because they could not find a partner to settle down with, amid a “dearth of educated men”. Experts said the research bust the myth that “selfish career women” were choosing to out their fertility on ice in a bid to put their careers first.

In recent decades, the gender balance at British universities has tipped dramatically. In 1985, 45 per cent of UK students were female, but by 2000, 54 per cent were women. This group, now in their late 30s, is finding it harder to find a man of equal status, fertility experts said. And the trend is set to steepen in future generations, they warned, with nearly six in ten current students female.

The research, presented at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Geneva, was based on detailed interviews with women in the United States, and Israel. But the lead author said similar trends were likely in the UK, where women are 35 per cent more likely than men to go to university. Prof Marcia Inhorn, Professor of Anthopolgy at Yale University, said professional women found themselves losing out in a game of “musical chairs” because there were simply too few men of the same calibre to go around.

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article is fucking useless since it repeats the same thing over and over again.
i suspect that these threads are made to placate people from talking about CNN

>professional industry is male dominated because sexism
>too few men of same "caliber" as these professional women so they gotta freeze their eggs
pick one liberals

whatever helps you sleep at night, you NEET slob

tell them the world has enough people on it, you don't need to make more

They will become optional/obsolete.

Most women go to degree mills and take useless humanities degrees and pull in a $50,000/year income as human resources coordinators and think they're intelligent, while most men learn useful skills and become welders or electricians or whatever and make twice what the broads make, but are still too "low-class" for the "educated professional women".

I don't really get it

Education =/ status

Most of that "education" is useless shit

>spend decades vilifying marriage
>complain people haven't put an effort into becoming marriage material
>Marxist feminist logic

>Thinking 'taking our jobs' would force men to be Dad the Mom

Nu-uh Hunny

It's just fucking insane. It's just fucking insane.

>A dearth of marriagable men
they killed them all.
My biggest issue with feminism is how lazy the ideology is. It is half baked at every turn. How did they expect to deal their increased status without being willing to marry down?

This won't be a problem after the collapse and re-establishment of order by mobile death squads

>be a man-hating whore that has a massive ego and chip on your shoulder
>spend entire life trying to "dismantle the patriarchy" and bring the west to it's knees
>surprised when men don't want to have anything to do with you
wooooooow, I wonder what's going on?

Most liberals lack intelligence so all they have to fall back on is their education in some likely useless bullshit to feel superior.

Give me an intelligent person over an educated one anyday.

They thought that if they were 'closer' to higher status men, they would be chosen.

And no man wants to marry a 'Queen'.

Holy fucking shit. That fucking wall. Every fucking time.

it's the standard leftist whining because it turns out that nobody wants to live with those narcissistic cunts

Can you imagine waking up to that?

Also, when they thought that displacing men with 'educated' women would work, did they think about where said men would go?

It's really sadly entertaining watching everything feminism has wrought come crashing down on society. What do you think we'll see first: socially acceptable polygyny with wealthy men officially taking multiple wives at the same time and women going along with, women just abandoning marriage in general and straight up banging black guys because they're the only ones dumb enough and with nothing to lose in this system, a total revision of marriage divorce laws (least likely outcome in my opinion), or women just flat out using fertility clinics en masse. For the most part, the guilty verdict is already in on society. It's just a matter of which execution will be chosen.

Sounds like a bunch of nasty cunts that no real man wanted. It's their fault yet they blame it on men.

How do we fix western "men":

Reminder that WWC is not going extinct, it's liberals that are going extinct.

>Women can do EVERYTHING men can do! There is nothing wrong with being a career woman! We need to ABOLISH outdated gender roles!

>What the fuck, where are all the educated, hard-working men? What, do they think they should be able to sit at home taking care of the kids or something? That's not what men are supposed to do, now get a job and provide for the family you misogynists!

>did they think about where said men would go?
They went into the trades to make fucking bank off these stupid cunts and their obsession with endlessly renovating their houses

Not true modern woman have to choose between alpha attractive Chads who are not interested in commitment and ugly omega male manchildren who refuse to grow up

>it's liberals that are going extinct.
Like a disease they simply spread to new hosts (our kids when they're sent off to the indoctrination camps we call "schools")

The ugly omega male manchildren....... who were raised by single mothers and exhibit feminine traits.

What about those in between?


Yeah, you can see it in the US. They run a state's economy into the ground with their tax and spend policies and then those same liberals who supported those policies eventually look around, see everything crumbling to shit as jobs and industry move to greener pastures and follow them. Then they set up shop in the new states and vote for the same leftist politicians who fucked over their old state. It just goes on like this as the locusts fail to grasp exactly what it is they're doing wrong.

I don't feel sorry for them. They probably turned down 100 perfectly decent guys waiting on the perfect chad to come along and now they are getting old and face a childless future alone.

Little did they know the price of feminism wasn't free.

They are moving towards the oomega male tier there is a shift and greater stratification and "inequality" in the sexual market

>A dearth of marriagable men has left an “oversupply” of educated women taking desperate steps to preserve their fertility
that's what happens when feminism teaches you that all new money millionaires are beneath you

hur dur just get artificaly inseminated and be a single mom none of these cunts are probably marriage material anyway even if they did get married they would just get divorced in a few years anyway.

Don't you get it? You either have to be a billionaire, secret agent, astronaut philanthropist or an ugly, smelly, MLP watching neck beard. Those are your only choices in the false dichotomy of a bad troll.

How is this worse than sperm banks?


> women hold out for a Brad Pitt lookalike making $250.- a year

> ignores the fact the men like that are few and far between and currently fucking a 20 year-old - usually a 20 year-old boy

> freeze eggs and continue to hold out for Impossible Man refusing to meet reality halfway

Both funny and sad.

Kek, here's hoping they never find a "suitable" mate.

Socially acceptable polygamy. Women are naturally inclined to gravitate towards men with wealth/status/power and don't mind sharing him with other men. Harems were common place until monogamy was enforced.
If people think women will say feminism failed them and go back to more traditional ways, they're mistaken. Women are too stupid and stubborn to admit they were wrong in the first place.

>be succesful man
>still accept women from all classes as a potential partner
why is the opposite not true? oh, yeah, women.

There are plenty of professional men, it's just that no man wants to marry someone who acts like a male in a skirt. Females make shitty men

>50 years later
>all professional women die out without leaving any offspring
>no more professional women left

Liberals are on the average smarter than conservatives. Look it up. Typical conservative dipshit, read a book instead of coming up with your own dumbass little theories. No wonder you're a failure, fucking shit for brains.

Nailed it

>literally mfw when

look at those fucking granny hands

There are not "shortages of eligible men" there are men that were ignored and rejected in their 20/30`s (when they wanted to marry) because they were below 8 and that later, when they have finally learnt, don`t want to lose everything to a divorce.
If you have made it alone until your late 30`s you have learnt to be self reliant, and you don`t need a stronk woman that needs no man.

>inb4 muh companionship

virtually a caricature

>Liberals are on the average smarter than conservatives.

Look it up spastics. There's a reason for the stereotype that conservatives are dumbass hicks. You guys are losers in your own system, and can never get pussy.

Honestly feminist women really are selecting themselves out of the genepool. The women of the future are going to be genetically prone to submissiveness and traditional femininity, because the more masculine ones will have died childless.

God damn. Got any more bricks on the wall?


>educated women want an educated man

This is why women should not work or go to school. Men settle down because they know that they are the breadwinner and sacrifice for the family. Women refuse to settle down because they want better than what they can get and because they probably earn a similar salary than men near them, they want better.

Makes me incredibly happy when these women end up alone and unwanted, all because they think themselves worth more than an "uneducated" man.

Biggest Jew scheme was giving women equal power as a man. They doubled the workforce and ruined men and women partnering up. All according to plan.

>Roastie parties through college, gets "business degree"
>Gets a job in HR, parties more, fucks more
>Hits 30, no tread left in them tires, Starts hitting on all her male co-workers
>Won't "date down" cause she's a princess that deserves it all!
>Male collegues are dating younger, more personable girls
>Queue blog post "Where have all the good men gone???"

Here's your answer bitch, we're the tradies and the construction workers, the pipe cleaners and bin men, the very wheels that keep civilization moving.

Without us you couldn't sit in your cushy office getting paid to bitch in Facebook. But guess what? You can't have us either because we're dating the younger models too. I'm 35 dating a 25yo girl who loves to cook, clean and keep a home.


Surprisingly men didnt had an issue with marrying women with worse education or lower pay, they just wanted a life partner.

Even the most educated and well paid woman remains a gold digger by nature.

Its the party girl lifestyle, same shit happened with Lindsey Lohan. Women's lib just ruins women, without men women are just self-destructive.

Are you ugly and short? I bet she's fat.

this is what i though of earlier. evolution will always prioritize traits that makes a person have sex and have offspring. this will result in women in the future becoming more submissive and men more ruthless and controlling. evolution has always happened and is still happening.

Fucking conservatives am I right?

Dont they realize they're on the wrong side of History?? Lmao! Maybe Niel Degrasse Tyson should teach them a history lesson. They actually think experience, rather than what we were told in college makes you smarter. Let that sink in.

Those higher status men just want a good mother for their kids, not another high income earner with no free time and high stress, they already have that.

>Not a single non-white

Liberals clearly aren't including democrat-voting blacks and young women in their sampling.

I heard this on WTOP this morning.

It's propoganda.

He's yet another jew.

>towards the third world
Based Kissinger

There are plenty of professional men, but they aren't as hing up about dating/marrying someone with an equal or higher level of income/education. Men have been dating/marrying down for centuries, if women want to be equal to men and hold the same careers as men, then they will have to learn to do the same or end up alone.

>The first global study into egg freezing found that shortages of eligible men were the prime reason why women had attempted to take matters into their own hands.
>eligible men
Huh??? Here is what should make a man eligible to breed
>not a manlet
>no visible genetic/ mental defects
You have plenty to choose from.

>“Rather they were desperately ‘preserving’ their fertility beyond the natural end of their reproductive lives, because they were single without partners to marry.”


And this may be why European women keep voting to let in military aged migrants. In response to men's MGTOW

>educated women

Is anything except caricatures discussed on this board? It's a shit argument but about as valid as every other argument in this thread.

Also, repeating written segments in a story usually means it was written by a bot. Literally no one alive gives a shit about this story, which ironically verifies the story.

Sage in all fields.

>shortages of eligible men
all these bitches think that they deserve a millionaire stud

Wish I'd saved the collage of all the old swedish feminists with their young migrant boyfriends.

KYS shitty bait really low effort

me on the bottom left

>It's propoganda.
What do you think (((their))) agenda is?

Maybe both is possible, instead of just t anti intellectual bullshit they constantly spout. Facts and evidence matter

dealing with this right now in my early thirties. just gotta keep marching on.

>hur dur just get artificaly inseminated and be a single mom none of these cunts are probably marriage material anyway even if they did get married they would just get divorced in a few years anyway.

Literally seeing this being played out by single women in 30s~ now on Facebook on both sides of the Atlantic.

They ALL claim they won't resort to handouts and that their "strong social network of friends and family" will bail them out in lieu of a father/husband.

They may freeze the eggs, but not their horrible characters, insane feminist attitude, etc.
They wanted it. They have it.
Let them pay and ignore them.
Lot of fine white or almost white women in the world.
Which sane man would like to fuck an insane anglo bitch far past her freshness treshold ?
Not me. Feel free to be a cuck if you like that.

Education =/= intelligence. Never has, never will.

by what metric? IQ, the same metric that says whites are smarter than blacks?

>Facts and evidence matter

There are only two genders

Show evidence for more

I've been feeling the same thing. Every single thread is about germany or hating blacks and working women, which albeit is somewhat normal but there are no legitimate conversations going on right now, just circle jerk, which is not.

That kike is half-based and half-world destroyer. Chaotic neutral

Nope and nope.

>women just flat out using fertility clinics en masse

As soon as the feminists get their hands on this there'll be demands that sperm donors pay child support. Just you fucking watch.

Yeah, true. It's possible to have both. One can be learned.

Yep. That one. I'm not actually a liberal, I'm just sick of the meme that conservatives think they're all geniuses, or have a monopoly on common sense or whatever. Liberals piss me off but conservatives are even worse, just flat out no critical thinking skills, knowledge, or respect for science whatsoever

>implying a non-white would be childless after 30

>women just flat out using fertility clinics en masse.

Already seeing this right now.


Why would I? My life rules. It's great not being a sad little Nazi with no future



its almost like they were encouraging women to leave their husbands and take the kids so that there would be a bunch of overly consuming child men and women so spoiled they don't want to take care of themselves let alone another human being

thats what marriage once did:

allowing beta-males to have wives
allowing beta-females to have a man for their own.

in present-day society there is not enough pressure anymore on women to stay in their marriages. marriage therefor becomes unfavorable for men.

the result is - and we are already seeing it happen - a kind of pre-civilized condition:

few men have many women. many men have no woman. many women have to share a man.

He and Milton are honorary