In my 19 years of living in the U.S I don't think I've ever spoken to a German-American, are they normie tier? or are they redpilled?
What are German-Americans like?
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Trump voters
I don't know how bout not generalizing a whole group gay boi
A few of my friends are like half-German. They're pretty normal, cool, and white.
One of my teachers in college admitted to living in some kind of German community. He was French-Canadian. But he was also generically white and a cool guy.
>In my 19 years of living in the U.S I don't think I've ever spoken to a German-American
that moment when you realize that white people don't want move to us anymore
the future is bright
1st-gen german americans are redpilled and mourn the loss of their homeland
what the hell is a german-american? the only people who hyphenate their allegiances like that are scum.
As in, recent immigrant from Germany? Those are rare.
Pick any random person from Nebraska, Wisconsin, or a similarly midwestern state, and odds are they will have German heritage.
their homeland isn't lost, Germany is still visibly whiter than 45/50 states
native germans born in germany who emigrate to USA
The only two I know are full-blown cuckold-level shills.
>what the hell is a german-american?
"what the hell is an african-american?"
oh. we just call them "americans" here. there's millions of them and i don't believe that you've never met one.
There is no such thing as a German-American.
German-American = Fake-American
They have to go back.
Most white mid westerners are german descendants. DESU white people in the US are mostly german, english or a german english mutt.
The ones I know are strong protestants with a hidden powerlevel of anti semitism
I used to work in a liquor store and there were two middle age German guys that used to come in and buy beer. They were extremely rude assholes and they would become angry if you were polite or tried to be helpful. Maybe "being nice" is interpreted as "being fake" in Germany or some shit. Fuck Germans.
There are no "German Americans" unless they recently immigrated here. White groups all mixed together.
Very reserved and quiet. My family and I are very careful about what we say in public, but at our parties, we all share our woes.
Your genes don't magically vanish when you acquire citizenship you dumbass. I know plenty of dual citizens who often go back home to be where their true heritage lies. Cry more little bitch, I'm one of them.
you haven't met 14% of the population?
>(related pic)
a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away
I'm German/American.
Hitler did nothing wrong, and the rest of my family thinks that too.
To me, Germany is lost. Things will have to get real bad for anyone to do anything. But those days are long past.
Living in the US on the other hand is great. Living in the south makes it even better. I love freedom.
A smug, condescending, and entitled bunch with an air of superiority about them. Yanks of Celtic and Slavic descent think they're full of fucking shit.
We're all over the Midwest. We're like the South except we're respectable.
Well that settles it. Germany is on the true path to glory!
I'm 1/3 German. My paternal grandfather was German and English. War vet. Not overly emotional, worked with his hands doing carpentry, smoked a pipe, had a stuffed deer head over the fireplace. Let me try beer and tobacco when I was very young. Died when I was young, wish I could chat with him now hear his thoughts on all this.
Acquired citizenship? Dual citizen?
Acquiring citizenship doesn't magically make you an American. Maybe you should go back to where your true heritage lies and stay there.
Fake-American get out.
>In my 19 years of living in the U.S I don't think I've ever spoken to a German-American
Probably because they just identity as American (as it should be), unlike those annoying LARPing cunts, who pretend to be """""Irish""""", or """""Italian""""".
I've a a cool German, he invited me out to drink with his buds. Went on to become a doctor.
I hope Merkel didn't lock him in a cuck dungeon.
This is also true for Canada especially in Sask, Alberta, and rural Ontario.
Immigrants from Germany, or people of German heritage? Either way:
>What are German-Americans like?
They are cattle.
I've traced my linage on both sides of the family, and there is no German blood at least as far back as 1690 (my first Anglo ancestor in the New World).
This is true mostly in the former Colonies and Midwest. That's not counting the Dutch, Cajun French, Scots, Welsh, and Irish.
Most descended from Eastern Europeans came over in the late-19th Century and are mostly concentrated in the Northeast.
>Be me.
>Standing on the back porch, having a smoke.
>Hear loud argument.
>Glance to see neighbor across the street having it out with her kindergartener on the driveway.
>Woman has peculiar accent, sounding Germanic
>Stereotypical, making a common mother-daughter tiff all the more imperative and irate.
>Daughter loses cool, calls mother "the Devil!"
>Mother unleashes a guttural, unearthly, and beastly growl.
>Sounds equivalent to a cow being fisted.
>Smothering my "cherry", I proceed to snigger for a solid ten minutes.
>"Kid, you just made my day!" I laugh to myself.
>Retire back inside.
I know two German-Americans, both of them hate modern day Germany, and one is an unironic Nazi.
If you've met any person with the last name smith you've met some kind of german
They're kinda cool, I dunno what to say because most of the people who are german that I've met are mixed with other europeans or european americans
I don't know if maybe you guys are getting our rejects visiting or I just haven't been to enough crazy parts of the country, but I know literally nobody who self-identifies as anything other than American. A lot of people are sufficiently not mixed to appreciate one or a few major family ethnic traditions.
Even in the case of the Irish, I wouldn't guess one off the street who isn't a ginger, and the only really "Irish" thing that happens pervasively is St. Patrick's Day which is a trans-ethnic national drinking day anyway.
I guess probably the Jews are the most autistically identity crisis people on the whole.
I was born here, but got my real citizenship quickly. Thanks for the Pell grant gibs, loyal tax payer ;) now repeat after me
That's really bad considering their homeland started white.
I'm referring to Americans with German heritage
I just said German-American since I don't know what else to call them.
They're are either:
> Tattooed, biker trash balls
> Consumerist, yuppie, Philistines
But I'm being cynical...
>proud of being a leech
>Sounds equivalent to a cow being fisted.
you're fucking wierd m8
>Your genes don't magically vanish when you acquire citizenship you dumbass
Genes are not the same as ethnic identity. 99%+ of "German-Americans" aren't actually German anything anymore. The only actual German-Americans are in small towns in Pennsylvania or in Midwestern Mennonite communities
>where their true heritage lies
In America. With the rest of the Anglophone white Americans. Where they grew up, in the society that molded them.
>unironically paying taxes and never seeing it again
>claims superior heritage
>acts like a filthy nigger
they assimilate unlike italians and irish immigrants
>well, i'm italian so i kinda know a thing or two about pizza ehehehe
>kys mario
I'm an opportunist my friend, I don't care what anyone thinks. If it bothers you that much, then audit the fed or some shit. Print more money. America is invincible, right?
My father's side of the family are Geman-American dating back to the Revolution. Basically they're all above average middle-class centrists... just normal white folk here...
Most German Americans are probably a mix by now. Americans are just mixed blooded by nature by and large. I saw one kid with a Germany flag shirt on pizza delivery who looked pretty heavily German blooded, pale with a big German snoz, like 6'4''... He didn't answer the door when I knocked, had to call him to come out, apparently he called the store and complained about the time even though he lived way out in the country and got his pizza still in like 30 to 40 minutes. Then he left me no tip. That's all I know about the most German kid I have seen in town (CA). I am partially German, my grandpa was all into German music and Oktoberfest (we would get smashed every year) my other grandparents were apparently a dutch german mix and a swedish french grandma, so i have a bit of French and Welsh blood as well. I would guess most (white) Americans are a mixture of different Euro nations. It would be weird to find a purely German like they came here and only bred within the German immigrant community for the 200 years of its existence. I look kind of blond (blonde beard, dirty blonde hair) and white like the Germanics, but I also have kind of big eyes like a French (frog eyes) but with a Dutch shape. Dutch/German nose. I can see the mutt I am with different features.
The German ethnicity is literally the largest ethnicity in the US. Just about every white person is German or mixed with German to some extent.
Germans are just a discount version of us
a german woman ripped me off on a dishwasher via craigslist. got the thing home and the pump was leaking and fucked up my floor.
>implying there aren't shit tons of Celts here and Celt/German/Italian/French/Greek/Spanish mixes. I don't know if I know a single person who is from one single nation in Europe.
Places like Boston are FULL of annoying plastic paddy fucks, who still pretend they have some semblance of a connection to the "motherland". It's not uncommon for English ex-pats to be abused by them. My ex-girlfriend's brother went to university in Massachusetts and said he received a fair amount of abuse, from these LARPung cunts, regarding "muh potato famine" and "English oppression". Even the REAL Irish have moved on and despise these cringy fucks. If they actually went to Ireland and called themselves "Irish", they'd be laughed out of the country. I'm not saying ALL (or even most) Americans of Irish heritage are like this, but it's enough to make it a noticeable issue.
The last major wave of German immigrants to the country was almost 100 years ago, they are old or dead, and their children assimilated very easily into white society. It might be hard to find somebody who is pure German-American at this point. I myself am only 1/4 German through my father's side (my Grandfather was 100% German, his parents immigrated here from Germany). You'd never know my dad or my grandpa were 1/2 or fully German by talking to them though, because even by the first generation after immigration they had fully assimilated.
The only german guy I know is obnoxiously conservative. His son thankfully is completely the opposite.
my germanic parents won't deny that Jews run the shit media here and own the shit banks, but they kind of won't talk about it because they know they're not supposed to and it could cause them trouble for their business to talk about such things. they don't deny it though, if I come up with some BS they always deny it, but with that they kind of just get quiet, since it is kind of a taboo thing and they want to be safe, which I feel like too.
I was born in the US, but I've got a German last name. I know we came from Germany, but I can't remember which generation came here. We've assimilated pretty well. Most of my family are carpenters, hunters, etc. I'm proud to be an American, but I'm also proud of my German heritage/genetics. We mostly keep to ourselves, yet we're pretty well respected in our community. We're all pretty redpilled too
I guess I could imagine that happening in a place like Boston where you have a sufficiently large demographic dominance. But I'd caution slightly against misinterpreting American bravado.
Growin up in the north, we made fun of the odd kid who came from the south. Even as an adult if I were to move to the south I'd expect to catch flack now and again for being a yankee.
What I see more often is small or larger concentrations of a particular ethnicity who collectively celebrate their self-identity in some way or another. I grew up near a concentration of Polish immigrants, and probably because they were so historically conspicuous, I went through years of customary Polish jokes. I thought they were funny though.
So you mean his son is retarded????
>I've ever spoken to a German-American
You've spoken to plenty. They changed their names when they migrated to the states.
Just wanted to clarify.
They're not German, they are American.
Fuck off - you're as much German as a shitskin with a german passport!
German-Americans do not exist. They have already been asilimized after the first generation.
Why every american with a german surname is a kike? Do true german-american really exist?
I know lots of German-Americans, first gen and later. They're like Bavarians, but outgoing and funloving. Hardworking and intelligent but not as awkward and standoffish as your typical German normie-weirdo. They also don't have the scat fetish.
There's a German girl who works as a waitress at an Austrian restaurant where I like to eat. She's gorgeous and has blue eyes and blonde har a cute accent. She dresses in the traditional dress too.
Be me
Live in very german area
we have events like oktoberfest
is great
QT 3.14 blondes w blue eyes errrrywher
married danish girl a few generations from being an immigrant.
welcome to comfy
PS. no one calls themselves german americans.... thats just gay
Traditional dresses are underrated. There's a girl at work (some kind of Canadian, whatever) who did a stint wearing them and it made me feel dirty for having ustoppable non-workplace thoughts in the workplace.
>native germans born in germany who emigrate to USA
They're normal people and that's why you probably didn't notice.
Germs aren't aliens you fucking fruitloop.
>tfw bean in a heavily German-American area
They range from totally redpilled to extremely bluepilled, however and I believe this is what most Sup Forumsacks want to know, they don't see themselves as German and the only German tradition I see any of them partake in is mostly anything beer related or actively Christian, if thats even a German thing.
Also, a ton of them have some sort of Injun in them since a lot of their ancestors struck out west and mingled with the Natives. Overall they're nice people and real American patriots, also they'll roast the shit out of you and I've acquired some thick skin over the years and it only made them like me more.
>civic nationalist
Lol hope you enjoy having your daughter raped by your brown fellow Americans.
Its great on her too because she has a perfectly sized bosom. Not huge tits, but not too small to make the dress' "window" pointless. She really is a beautiful girl. If I didn't have a girlfriend, she'd definitely be a target.
We out number you Anglo scum. We will revenge for ARYANDIED soon enough
German village in Argentina
It's really all about what fits and what shows off what's good. Anything like a decent figure can look amazing in the right dress.
American-German here
What do you wanna know?
Gerkels are scum so they're at the very least halfcunts
American as hell, you wouldn't be able to guess my German heritage. Steak, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob 3+ times a week. Whole family are trump supporters, absolutely despise modern German
>corn on the cob 3+ times a week
You better fucking not faggot during 3/4 of the year or more. Corn on the cob is for when you can go pick it fresh.
The only Germans I ever met turned out to be joos.
Nah, we don't buy cobs out of season. Who doesn't have a bag of sweet corn in their freezer though?
But we lost our culture.
What is a life if the fucking marxists from the leftys/green Party to remove german identity from the history books.
We have no culture left only muh strong economy and consuming shit.
And them instead of making life in germany more family friendly to fix the demographics, we keep our work ethnicity, integrate women into it, hand have the missing children replaced by refugees & Turks. We have to keep a stable amount of workers.
You don't waste space putting the cob in the freezer, do you? I mean, the land of the free should standardize on a fleet of big beautiful American deep freezers for every household, but I ain't got room for that shit and sweet corn never lives up to the hype beyond getting a taste of it once a year when it comes around.
What the fuck kinda stupid question is that?
We never had any culture to begin with.
They are cucks and fought against slavery.
So... a Hessian, then?
Both sets of Grandparent came over as refugees away from the civil war. One of them was interned at the outbreak of WW2.
"German-ness" was beat out of all of us. So just basically white Americans.
Orange county in CA still has a very strong german community, especially around Phoenix club. If you're a SoCal user, and you aren't a member, you are missing out.
Yes you do. Brainwashing is in effect on you, anons.
Western culture is your culture. Brushing teeth, multiple showers, watching sports, recreational hunting, automobiles, discussing ideas; even ones that aren't popular.
We live our culture every day. It's like the common saying; "would fish have a word for water?'
These people saying that whites are appropriating their culture are fucking idiots. Most of these apparent cultures are actually sub-cultures of ours.
stay mad
I think the Anglos can take far more credit for Western Culture than we can. We mostly just destroy shit. It seems pathetic to take credit for them.
Lets be honest. If you extracted Germans from history the world would be better not worse.
Grandfather was Luftwaffe. Came over to New England after the war. I'm second gen American. I speak, read and understand fluent German. My grandfather never apologized for fighting for his country and his folk. And I will never apologize for my heritage.
Considering German-Americans are the largest group of whites in the US, I bet you have.
This. Surviving as barbarians then mooched off of rome. Then of the renaissance. Then had your thing for a while now act like americans
China japan italy egypt those are ruch cultures.
Hell even mali n ethopia had an ancient civ
Either way Hans, its no excuse for not trying to be the best you can be.
The Midwest is populated mostly by Germans, just go to some of the smaller towns. My family moved over from Königsberg in 1919. If you mean first generation, I can't help you out there much.
The best Germans can try is to make sure we don't exist in the future to fuck everything up for the good Europeans.
I feel like we are on the right track
Oh, get fucked you despicable cunt. If there's fucking anything that pisses me off without fail these days it's you cunts that go around saying that a particular ethnic group has no and/or never had culture. What pisses me off more are the people who say it about their own country. You're either a fucking moronic ethnic German indoctrinated by Marxist universities/professors, or you're a filthy immigrant/Turk who has the audacity to shit talk the country that foolishly took you in.
Please, if you honestly believe that Germany (or more generally, White people) has -- or had -- no culture, do everyone a favour; tie a noose and hang yourself.