The EU starts to disintegrate, with a accelerating speed

The EU starts to disintegrate, with a accelerating speed.
The EU Parlament was almost completely empty for the second time in a couple of days.
(((Junker))) was pretty pissed about that, which is quite funny!

The Visegrád countries already act as if the EU wouldn't exist anymore.
They do what they want, and are now forging diplomatic relationships with Russia, China and many other nations, without even bothering what the EU says.

Hungary build a double fence, the border controls will come back in a lot of countries, and just today Austria send its military with tanks to the Italian border.

The EU almost crashed last week because of Italy, and Brussels had to bail them out.
Greece is a catastrophe, and the EU is now planning on taking in very poor countries such as Monte Negro, Serbia and Albania.

They are also suing member countries, who don't want to do what they want, and are now trying to built a EU army so they can invade and force countries to do what Brussels want.

They are desperately paying news organizations to advertise the EU, and are also organizing and paying pro EU protests.

They have to pay people, because no one likes the EU!

Almost every country has petitions, and political parties that want to end the EU, and they are one of the strongest parties in their countries.

The EU is dying a very fast death, since they are still pushing the ani white multicultural propaganda.
With every migrant that arives in Europe, the EU loses another life.

The EU is symbolically seeing in 1989, it just as the Soviet Union pushing the propaganda everywhere, and is telling everybody how great it is.

I personally say, from seeing how angry the people are (i live in western Europe) that the European Union will fall end of this year, very unexpectedly!!

>very unexpectedly

But no, you're wrong. The EU will turn super facist first, and fight until the bitter end. There will be blood.

i can't wait for the EU to die out.
i want Europe to be free fron that "union"

I just want John Oliver and the rest to cry

tl;dr, fuck the eu

Post some Korwin Polen!

Why? He is russian agent.

Polen, noooo!!

Man, this guy is a joke. He clearly is a genius in his specific way, but he acts like clown. Since 1989, he was elected only once into parliament and only for 1 year. He could easily win the elections if he stopped acting like this mentioned clown, but his job is to keep our right side divided.

bet you feel pretty snug with your armed citizenry and dirty money, medkit
i mean that as a compliment
post the one with the slut on his lap

I'm not his fanboy, I don't have any pics of him.

>bet you feel pretty snug
soooo comfy!

haha, what's the context of this gif?

I've never met a swiss I didn't like, i think it's the guns

Results of our last elections. 5% is required to enter the parliament and he got 4.9%

hi FSB

Yeah, that's just you. I am swiss. And I've met plenty of other swiss I don't like at all. Some don't even have any guns. Fucking pacifists and apologetic cowards!!!

That's... that's just sad. Poor Mikke.

If the EU falls, Europe will rise stronger then ever.

rt russia today fake news

I'm a burger with no guns user
>tfw living in nyc

No matter how powerful you are, if you fuck up hard enough, you will fall to the bottom.

The EU could've had it all if they simply figured out that the migrants weren't going to productively integrate with the economy. There were plenty of Poles, Greeks, Italians, Spanards, etc to draw from if the Western European nations REALLY needed immigrants to shore up their economy. Instead, they imported Islamist barbarians without any skills and expected there wouldn't be consequences to their actions. Furthermore, whenever someone gave them a reasonable objection to the stupidity of this idea, they ignored and shamed them, despite the fact that they were right.

Furthermore, if the migrants actually DID manage to produce for the economy, then the revenue generated would've made money printing unnecessary, thus restoring economic balance back to the EU. But in their blind utopianism for a failed idea, they lost Eastern Europe, and soon they will lose their cities, to the madness that is Islamism.

Again. It doesn't matter if you are the General Secretary of a superpower with a murderous secret police, state propaganda, and nuclear missiles. If you fuck up hard enough, you will fall to the bottom. There is no 'floor' for the most powerful among us. Time and time again, people have made notoriously bad decisions and lost everything. The Refugee Crisis is to the EU what World War 1 was for the Emperors of Europe.

>The Refugee Crisis is to the EU what World War 1 was for the Emperors of Europe.


Put the EUSSR in the dustbin of history.

Great. It should have happened earlier.