Sup Forums BTFO

Are we gonna pretend this didn't happen?

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can someone translate this nigger nonsense?

most retarded video ive seen all year

we whites chose to have fewer babies because thats the better way of securing the prosperity of that child.

also we focus more on our careers and we arent on wellfare

its natural for high iq people to have fewer people but an african wouldnt understand that since the average african iq is comparable to that of a 12 year old aryan child

>making a video while driving



Tummies are the true redpill

I've always noticed non-whites love to do do this. My guess is their homelife is so shit they can't record videos in their house.

>how are minorities hurting white people's ability to have kids? lmao fucking white people smdh
>*buys his groceries with an EBT card after collecting his weekly welfare check*

he's right Sup Forums if we dont start haing more children we are done. we have nobody to blame but ourselves. immigration control alone wont save us.

it's time to pump out as many babies with as many women as we can. forget trying to have a proper family that is not the priority right now. procreation is paramount, a nuclear family structure is a luxury we cannot afford at present.



>aviator sunglasses
>making a video of him talking
>while driving

Part of the reason whites don't reproduce is they can't afford to or they increasing feel displaced from their own home countries.
Kill diversity, kill feminism, end white genocide. It's literally that simple.

I think it's not more kids for us, but far less for them 0-1 limit placed on non whites, and give a generous tax credit to 2+ white children.


He is absolutely correct. White genocide is just evolution. White women are the weak link among white race.

That's not Thicc, that's fat.



Why? Why do you have to use force to subvert nature? Why can't you just reproduce like every other normal race is supposed to do?
Whites are inferior race that has suicidal genes built into their women.

WOAH.. Big..

go home lenny kravitz

great response, maybe if we say nigger a bit more our homelands will be saved

>Kill diversity, kill feminism, end white genocide. It's literally that simple.

dont be dense, nobody is going to be killing anybody anytime soon, by the time things get to the stage where conflict arises, it will be too late. if other people can afford to have 5 babies then so can we. we just dont want to. we will have to be ruthless about this. we're going to have to just start putting babies in women and then running off to do the same with another woman etc etc. we cannot look to women to save help us so we must use them instead.

what is the point of building a decent life and society if our children wont be able to inherit the fruits of our labour?

Don't insult white children. They're not that retarded.


T H I-
>click thumbnail
oh uh


r/K selection keeps whites from breeding like niggers. This might end up dooming whites as quantity overwhelms quality.

this video is so fucking good. gotta admit he is a master shit poster. big ups to this nog

What explains this than?

Felicia Clover


This is dumb and overstretching. If r/K Theory was correct, there would be more liberals, but there's more conservatives currently in the US. Nice egowank, though. Don't let your imagined victory spunk get all over the wall, you brave wolf you.

The one "hopeful" thing to keep in mind is that blacks and browns will not be able to sustain billions of themselves without a certain number of whites to keep industrial agriculture going. When whites fall below a certain percentage, it'll be global Zimbabwe. Billions of dark skins will perish as the population crashes, possibly into the hundreds of millions. As long as there continues to be a viable breeding population of whites, which would only need to be a few thousand, society could be rebuilt. Humanity to regress a thousand or more years into the past but whites would build it back again. Perhaps this time learning from the mistakes of the current overly altruistic white population.

We are self aware, therefore nature does not apply to us AS MUCH. Therefore we need to do what us necessary in order to boost the population. China has a one kid rule, and they need it. The US needs something similar.

The United States is not the entire planet.

I don't think he's correct, the birth rate in Europe and the US used to be massively higher when living standards were lower. As they improved (especially infant mortality) birthrates drop as women were having like 6 kids to compensate for 2 or 3 of them maybe dying young and for somebody to look after them when they were old.

Birth rates were trending towards equilibrium but are lower in countries with lots of women workers because some delay childbirth until they've got a career in their 30s and some don't want kids/find a husband.

Black birth rate is more or less at replacement levels in the US even with slightly higher infant mortality, when third worlders move to first world the birthrate drops more or less in the first generation.

There are exceptions, child-producing cultures like conservative muslims, orthodox jews, some evangelicals, amish and Mormons who put a lot of effort into getting women to have lots of kids and giving those women support etc. They are at replacement + levels.

Another exception is in some parts of Africa like Nigeria where drop in infant mortality isn't followed by drop in kids per woman. There the rise in living standards and family planning services that usually accompanies drop in infant mortality hasn't happened. Women still want 6 kids to bring them cash and status, and look after them when their old.

Some places in Africa are having a demographic transition like Rwanda.

And those "conservatives" are mostly a far cry from actual conservatism.
Gavin Mcinnes and Milo Yiannopoulos aren't "conservative"

Uh, correction. It is. Did you not just see how we kicked down Syria's door and made ourselves at home?

The White female is racially suicidal. Its in her genes. She is also low offspring yielded. Whites are just inferior race and they will be extinct according to natural selection.

t. Common Filth

>Another exception is in some parts of Africa like Nigeria where drop in infant mortality isn't followed by drop in kids per woman. There the rise in living standards and family planning services that usually accompanies drop in infant mortality hasn't happened. Women still want 6 kids to bring them cash and status, and look after them when their old.
That's the real problem. It seemed to be working but recently it reversed and now reproductive numbers in sub Saharan Africa are up despite all of the programs that showed hope of getting them under control. No one really knows what to do now. My guess is continental scale war is going to happen in Africa to take care of the excess.

>white people were only meant to come and fuck shit up and then leave
Lmao, without them you would have been starving since birth until you were stoned to death for being a fucking faggot.

We can genocide a large percentage of dark skins if we want but we won't. We simply don't have the stomach for it anymore. Perhaps over time as population pressures increase that feeling will change.

we raise children, not litters

You can apply your rules to your own race but can't force shit on others. You want a setup giving incentives to whites for reproduction, do it with your own race's private resources. Can't use govt laws and resources to prop up your dying race, while suppressing others. Enough of it has already been done. And whites are still losing.

More like they are doing a bunch of illegal shit.

What happens to the dark skins when the whites are gone? A: Zimbabwe on a global scale.

what these cunts said. there are a tiny group of conservatives in america and america is a tiny portion of the world. people who became "conservative" from gamergate arent conservative, they are in fact classic liberals. thus not day of the ropeable, but still garbage

The future is here. Get used to it whitebois

Asians can do everything that whites can do, but better. Whites are too full of themselves.

>made on earth to fuck shit up and get out-bred

Yeah but after we are gone 90% of sub-Sahara Africa is going to starve to death and the niggers in the US are going to be slaughtered by the Spics and Chinks....

I guess there will still be niggers in Europe but they will be slaughtered and enslaved by the Pakis Persians Arabs and Turks.

>pol btfo
>pic of girl dressed slutty

two clear rule violations. please proceeded to the next available suicide booth and kill yourself.

Degenerate scum


Most white women prefer white men.

It's actually white men that are out breeding the white race with Asian women.

WW/BM is just popular with western media because they still get the popular white women sex appeal, but can check off their diversity marker that over sensitive backs always crave.

the nigger has a point, a race is only as strong as its women, and white chicks aren't exactly shitting out babies

Either way. Whites will be gone. Doesn't matter if white women breed with Africans or white men breed with Asian women. The result will be a non-white kid.

Enjoy prison when you can't afford your child support payments

post moar felicia clover

Felicia Clover

>Either way. Whites will be gone. Doesn't matter if white women breed with Africans or white men breed with Asian women. The result will be a non-white kid.

Designer babies are coming. Once people can design their child, there will be no more niggers, every child will be white. Even the niggers will want a white child. And at any rate, race wont matter when you can design your baby to be 6'5, light-skinned, 150 IQ, and resistant to diseases.

>she retired in 2014 and had her last scene at PP in 2013

I hope she comes back after half a decade, desperate for money and 50 pounds fatter


u white bois sooo mad

She OD'd on drugs, and crashed her car with a bad back injury. She did gain something like 50lbs and did a few mfc sessions. She's since disappeared mostly because she thinks she's too fat and scars from the surgeries.

This is stupid. The problem is the number of entitlement programs and not minorities.

Damn I was born 4 decades early.

Maybe then I would have not gone bald. Although, it's really not as bad as I thought it was going to be. You just have to keep your head shaved and stay more fit.

>strawman, the video

>she thinks she's too fat


She's alive? I swore I heard she died in that car accident.


I thought that was Eric Andre.

Eric Andre isn't that THICC