15 billion blacks by 2100


>tfw you'll never get the chance to watch the Chinese-African war of 2370.

Glad the blacks in the US practice population control themselves

Chings are fucked as well..their one child policy has beside gender imbalance caused a giant baby boomer generation who won't have anyone to take care of them. They will start declining in 20 years.

Thank fuck i'll be dead by then.

>.their one child policy has beside gender imbalance caused a giant baby boomer generation who won't have anyone to take care of them.
you dont understand the chinese im afraid, they're just gonna tell them to fuck themselves.

Sub-saharan Africans can can barely feed themselves right now, the thought that the population will get that high is absurd. They'll reach maximum capacity sometime soon.

I sure hope Europes welfare system can handle them.

That graph falsely assumes they won't starve.

im not sure you understand that it has been happening for decades and china has a massive social security chaos and gender inequality in terms of male to female cuz of it

did you know that china is the most homosexual country on the earth simply because there is literally 100 million more males than females as woman got aborted due to 1 child policy

Every 1st world country will be forced to feed them.

Better pay up whitey.

the chinks dont care if you're old and homeless.

they just wont take care of you.

Or the rest of the planet,not wanting to be overrun with niggers, engineers a bio weapon to wipe them out.

Never going to happen. If we stopped giving them free food there population would crash by 90% easily.

right, that's why we gotta give them genius sperm to make them smarter. blacks know they're dumb. they know they need better genes. we have them, we can help them.

Projections for the future are based on the assumption that the rate of growth will remain constant. The world will not tolerate 15 billion niggers. Besides, the only reason their population is growing is due to western charity. Things will calm down around 2030 when western economies crash under the weight of 'white man's burden' and jewish schemes.

Planet of the Apes???
> on beach
> rekt statue of liberty
> the fools

15 billion? Nigger, please.

That number assumes the niggers continue to pop out seven kids per bitch AND somehow raise life expectancies to white level. Not gonna happen.

A more likely number is 4 billion---which is still 4 billion niggers too many.

Posting stupid shit like this just makes it easier for globalists to pretend the nigger problem isn't real.

Can we please start branding white as minorities? It would be advantageous and if we were perceived as such and it is factual that we are one of the smallest populations and will only get smaller

Europe and North America are in decline, the only two continents that cares about helping Africa. Once they collapse and are unable to provide aid any longer, no one is going to help maintain Africa's numbers. Asia, especially the Chinese, won't care. Neither will the South Americans. Africa will experience a death toll percentage wise that will make the Black Death look tame in comparison. It will literally be the Blacks' death.

If they are flooding into Europe, seems like capacity has been reached.