So some user who namefagged as SomeoneTheyDontWantYouToHear created a thread to bring attention to the possibility of a false flag, I could tell he wasn't from here just from the ways he posts but he brings a very strange and possible message.
Previous thread: He said we might experience some type of event related to project blue beam but nothing like it, that during this time (7th-17th) we might experience an alien invasion/first contact, but that they will be very subtle or not at all what we would expect, that they are demons more than classic greys. /x/ posting ensues. Very interesting. He also kept mentioning of a site that kept 404ing his threads (on the title)
NGR IS ETERNAL 7/7/17 - 7/17/17
Other urls found in this thread:
7th-11th, what we call aliens are ancient demons that do not exist with us in this 3D plane as we know it. Question their arrival, and know that they are not alien, and ask why they would want you to believe they are.
>LARPfest 2017
>Believing some random namefag without proof
Fuck you faggot
First contact or GTFO
Fuck that, I'm waiting for the 9/9/19
See you in September user.
Gay niggers from outer space
Thanks for this OP
>muh demons