This is what makes America great

This is what makes America great

Why does this make america great Sup Forums?

What others might see as accepting the sand niggers, I see a mother holding on to her child for dear life because she's being threatened by sand niggers.

Keep taking that blue pill, nigger

For the same reason "diversity is our strength"

It isn't, it doesn't, but it's a comforting mindless platitude for liberals to return to. It's the mental equivalent of rosary beads.

Yes, white babies are what make America great.

>American liberals think two people of different races smiling at one another is beautiful

I shook hands with a black man today.
Luckily American liberals weren't in proximity or they would have cum.

Bunch of fucking weirdos.

Because scenes like this give Sup Forums something to talk about.

Did you wash your hands afterwards?

White babbles.


umm he was a based black man sweetie.
I let him fuck my wife.

The level of autism in this place keeps getting higher. Have you ever interacted with people?

"Diversity" causes social turmoil, and makes society much less productive. Liberals rarely think very hard about these things

I see a shitskin that is docile because they aren't outnumbering the white woman 50 to 1. The only way it works.

just another oikophobic whore who is quite literally addicted to exoticism.

A white baby, finally.

>butthurt response

Found the sand nigger

>take a good look they will be gone soon

>look, two groups of people on a train giving pleasentries!
>see, this is why diversity is great!
>...but pretend the voluntary dividing of every different group of people in every "multicultural" city somehow isn't the case

That's because the ones that advocate for it the loudest live in comfy all-white neighborhoods with walls and rent-a-cops.

>sand niggers
pick one

I 100% agree with OP. White babies make America great.

>sees pic of shitskin on train
Quick get a picture of us next to these third world scum for brownie points and retweets

Look how jealous the first wife is of the new wife.

One on one, yeah, they're harmless (unless you're a female alone at night).

When they get into a group and then get all religious authoritarian, they're a problem.

Is she a single mother?
No wonder they love this picture.

Why would she let animals near her baby


>Sand People

There I have done it low IQ peasant


>interacting with people

That little pajeet has fire in its eyes, staring at that baby like it wants to hack it to death with a machete, pure evil.

it¨'s a joke u retarded bong

there are already tweets with more retweets who are shitting on white people. when will white people realize that non-white people hate them?

