Need your support

Help the war effort with your memes! CNN will fall!

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek wills it! Shadilay!

Can Reddit please go away?

not from reddit but Sup Forums needed a happening

Reddit must leave

These posts were meant to go together.

seriously, if you havent noticed, the only people on Sup Forums that likes you faggots are your refugees.
and hell theyre probably already over you fucks.

Fuck sakes you frogs all see each other in a frog as yourselves also in hivemind. Remember echooff in regards to your substance? Or is it all digital did echooff offend some of you, yet none of you are ai? See what I mean I know the future also.


Bag 'em and tag 'em

For more coordination, join the official discord guys :wFx6Ug4

This is pretty violent.






original thread full of memes and tactics^

GD it... threads keep getting archived... Shadilay M'Bro's'N'Hoe's


What people should really be doing is finding every embarrassing thing that you can about CNN Personalities, Contributors, Producers, and Executives and bringing as much light into it as possible.

We need to target MSNBC right after CNN, and after MSNBC target Buzzfeed, the Meme War Train's not gonna pull into the motherfucking station until we've taken out fake news once and for all!

Let's stick to CNN please.

The point of taking down CNN is specific... not because it's fake news but because they are trying to control the Internet.
