CNN is currently incorporated in the State of Delaware File number 2976730 as a General Domestic Corporation. Their registered agent is The Corporation Trust Company THREE-ZERO-TWO-SIX-FIVE-EIGHT-SEVEN-FIVE-EIGHT
More information about CNN can be found at the Georgia SOS website, including their Principal Office Address: "One CNN Center, Atlanta, GA, 30303, USA", though their primary jurisdiction is now Delaware. CEO is Jeffrey K. Zucker, CFO is Charles Mostella, and Secretary is Louise S. Sams.
Step 1: Get rid of your cucks who are apparently just as historically illiterare as anyone from antifa >pic related >mfw it really makes me think that cernovich, posobiec, breitbart and paul joseph watson never use communist or marxist imagery, not even on the side after creating 20 nazi-photoshop pieces
lol Delaware has more incorporated LLCs than the next 10 states combined, the DE AG and DoS are buried in discovery requests and C.filings all day from around the globe, they definitely won't even open these, don't be retarded
Stop trying to divide and conquer, it's not going to work. All of America is mad at you now CNN, not just the Internet nazis.
Jackson Smith
Kek confirms and demands another Bump.
Colton Bell
Charles Moore
Oh for fucks SAKE! Delfag here, Jewbook is incorporated here too..sorry lads.
Owen Nelson
Oliver James
Everyone is, your state is a haven for this kind of stuff.
Anthony Powell
Delaware here. Anything I can do in particular?
Juan Martinez
Andrew Evans
After seeing those stores fuck that tender white guys asshole, I am personally never shopping there ever again!!
Tyler Bailey
You do realize he's just using the left's own tactics against them? This isn't meant to be a completely logical argument, just an emotional one.
Ayden Mitchell
Daniel Evans
And you didn't get digits. BTFO Leaf.
Jaxson Morales
Shit 77 is always best get. Here's a (You).
David Ortiz
This shit really pisses me off. "HURR DURR LEFTISTS ARE THE REAL NAZIS!" No, you fucking cunts. They're goddamn communists. Stop with the nazi imagery. By using this sort of argument, you're agreeing with the left's fundamental premise by saying "yes, we also agree that 'fascism' is wrong!" rather than just telling them to go fuck themselves.
People should be using soviet imagery. Commissars in NKVD/Stasi uniforms, for example.
For fucks sake, national socialism does not mean "everything I don't like and everyone who I think is a big meanie doo-doo head"
Liam Jenkins
Swat their chiefs' houses in the middle of the night kek
Aiden Hernandez
Except that's fucking retarded. The conservatives have been using the "democrats are the REAL racists!" argument for decades. It does not fucking work.
There are precisely ZERO leftists or CNN journalists who are shaking in their boots over being called a nazi.
Charles Ross
Parker Russell
>Delaware mentioned >swell with irrelevancy and nobody knowing DE exists
Joseph Johnson
Le Epic!!!! LE EPIC FOR THE WIN!!!!
Great job Sup Forumstards and MAGApedes alike! We did it reddit! we shut down CNN for good! I'm so glad we had Sup Forums's help on this one! 400 new threads every hour over this horrifying controversy was worth it in the end! WOOO HOOOOOOOO WE DESTROYED CNN MAGAPEDES! Let me just say, as a long time redditor and short term Sup Forumsster, I must say I am so proud of everyone, I wish I could give you all a big hug and a new hat! No one is taking our coats tonight! Now, lets continue on the path we've chosen, defending the honour of our subreddit from all sorts of rapscallions and others who choose evil (like liberals!)!!! We're in this fight together Sup Forums! You're our greatest ally! Thank you for your support this day, and may we have a victorious 'morrow!
Kevin Barnes
Fuck you, bruh. I like my state.
Brandon Phillips
Bump for another uppercut to the chin
Dylan Clark
this post was actually somehow more annoying than the 100 threads
Gabriel Cruz
Kek, yes let the butthurt flow through you
Asher Cox
I bet you live in northern Delaware with all the liberals. Middle DE is where it's at.
Pretty much, yeah. Our old welcome sign said it best.
Angel Morris
No one says "middle DE". I'm actually at the beaches. Still comfy, although it used to be comfier back before all these jew york transplants started flooding down here with the shake-and-bake neighborhoods popping up left and right. Sad!
DE is about a 2.5 hour drive from top to bottom. Much more convenient than living in a sparsely-populated wasteland like you, Bruce.
Samuel Ross
Leaf/10 Nice Job
Christopher Garcia
So Delaware is used for loopholes or what?
Jose Myers
Nice job Nip. Save all relevant information and archive. Meme War 2 Day 3 is approaching.
Camden Jackson
Seriously shut the fuck up australia
Evan Walker
we have photos?that would be a good, "his name was..." meme
Jose Scott
Low taxes, so yea
Ryder Collins
You're being autistic. The CNN logo as the armpatch is a golden opportunity.
Hudson Fisher
welp rip CNN
Wyatt Carter
Why exactly? I've heard this referenced
Kayden Johnson
>I'm actually at the beaches Ever been to Nicola pizza at Rehoboth? Good stuff at that place. The beaches are pretty comfy/10 but I only drive down when I have the time on my hands.
Nathaniel Jenkins
Chase Brown
I guess we can add CNN to Sup Forums's BTFO count. >Scientology >FBI >CIA >Tumblr >Bleach drinking princess >Other teenage attention whores >An heroes >Animal abusers >One French catacomb's skull >Reddit >Multiple children social games >Sup Forums >Hillary Clinton and the other presidential candidates >Multiple vocal activists >Shia's capture the flag game >ISIS
>Currently (((them))) and CNN
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. We sure are racking up quite a list. I know there should be a lot more here.
Colton Mitchell
David Ortiz
>CEO is Jeffrey K. Zucker
so THAT'S why this network always struck me as unusually "kosher".
Cooper Reyes
Grotto Pizza FTW
Zachary James
Form letter I typed up. Feel free to use on advertisers.
I'm frustrated that your company sees fit to support CNN with ad dollars.
They have recently been exposed as a vindictive and anti-American organization. Maybe you have read the recent news about #CNNBlackMail. They as a news organization are targeting regular, non-public figure American citizens for their political views, and threatening to expose them to the world if they do not adhere to CNNs woldview. It's scary stuff, and as lifelong (well since I was 21 :) ) Stella drinker, I am saddend by the fact that my favorite beer supports such a reckless and vindictive company.
Sadly I have no choice but to stop drinking the beer I have grown to order without thinking, and switch to a more apolitical beer company.
Please let me know you reveived my message, it would be nice to know that after drinking your product pretty much exclusively when it comes to beer for almost a decade, that my voice might be heard and acknowledged.
Concerned Stella Drinker.
I have unfortunately chosen to remain anonymous due to the threats CNN has been making against normal citizens like me. When billion dollar companies start going after the little guy, I have to be cautious. I hope you understand.
Anthony Wood
The one time they OC researched
Henry Rodriguez
I've got pic related I'll swap in the CNN logo, who should we change the heads to tho?
Mason Nelson
Can we get some on CNN being racist, whether implicit or explicit?
Jeremiah Thomas
Arigatou! This is for people who don't understand that the burger government already own all the major corporations through pension investments. It's a long presentation but it might help red pill a few of you about how you already live in a fascist state - just not the one you hope for. tl;dr - CNN is probably primarily owned by the pension investment funds of your local governments. If TW is going to go down, you might want your local governments to divest their shares...just a thought.
Joshua Stewart
Before Sup Forums teams up with TD, I would personally like to see TD admit that hitler did nothing wrong, except for failing to complete his mission. Also, they need to ban the kikes and kike lovers from their sub.
Then and only then will they gain full support.
Asher Butler
Yeah, basically this.
Securitiesfag reporting in
They have a separate court for equitable matters which TL;DR developed into having one of the few (and best) dedicated corporate courts in America. I'm not actually an American but Delaware is basically the Mecca of corporate law.
Jaxson King
This is not a bad idea but make sure you're behind 57 proxies if you do this, they made an example of that Lizard squad kid when they were able to connect all the ones he did to him
Mason Davis
Get em!
Matthew Williams
They're more useful to us as centrists and civic-nationalists, it is in the Jews interest to divide people in to 2 extreme opposite camps. Bluepilled faggots are quick to dismiss us and our redpills as that of extremists, it is more effective to have light redpills being administered to them by more moderate intermediaries
Dominic Jenkins
When user referred to "BASED BLACKS" it didn't bother, even though I knew he was wrong.
When user referred to "BASED POOS" I smiled, even though I knew he himself knew not what he was saying.
But when user referred to "BASED JEWS" I knew user was himself a Jew, and understood that somewhere deep inside of my soul, I was coming for him.
I am.
Logan Martin
This is it boys, soon Sup Forums will make history! Praise kek! Soon, we will slay a giant, and help save western culture!
What can President Trump himself do to stop CNN and (((them))) from continuing to poison American minds and inciting violence? The 1969 US Supreme Court Case Brandenburg v. Ohio allows for the censoring of the press when there is "imminent lawless action", meaning that, when there is a clear and imminent intent to incite others towards violence, the President and/or Congress has the right to bypass the First Amendment and restrict speech and press. If we can convince President Trump that CNN and other news media are using stories that attack him to incite violence, as we saw with Berkeley, he would have a reason to issue an executive order to ban CNN and news media from saying shit about him. TL;DR Freedom of Press/Speech is overruled when violent faggots are trying to incite violence
Cooper Murphy
This strategy that I am about to explain will decimate CNN for all eternity. They will remember this day as the day of the rope, this thread will be used to teach newfags for years to come. For on this day a God amongst Men has risen to annihilate CNN. (An I'm that God). Here's how. CNN has no defence. How do I know that? >They've been outed as a liar. There platform relies solely on accountability. That leaves the poor defenseless media giant wide open for a disemboweling shot. As for there offense goes it's completely atomized. How? >Again if your offense Is solely built on denial. Then the only way you can forever be defeated is to be found out as a liar. This is what we have a defeated giant waiting to be slaughtered. Now that the foundation of the plan has been put in place. This is the first building block to victory What must be done is this, I need one glorious troll, who isn't afraid of giving up his anonymity. Preferably a young user or in his early twenties. What you will be doing is pretending to be Hans from Reddit. in the video that will be uploaded to YouTube needs to have emotion nerveness, empathy, concerns, polite, proper grammar, have proper etiquettes and show real fear you will have to convince the audience that CNN DOXED you. An you're beating them at there own game and just coming forward. Because you don't want to live the rest of your life with this incident over your head. Next I will need other trolls to come forward as Hans as well. But here's the catch you're going to be outed as CNN actresses/shill. DONT POST ANY VIDEOS FOR ONE HOUR MAKE SURE THE ORGINAL HANS AKA THE REAL HANS STARTS TO GET TRACTION THEN START POSTING VIDEOS (ANONS DEFEND THE ORGINAL HANS AT ALL COST) Other anons here's where you come in When this is all taking place CNN will say something like 'that isn't the real Hans,' you immediately accuse them of doxing and lying. (Attack all the reporters) HASHTAG is #ThisEndsNow
Grayson Hughes
No, we should be both slowly and by compulsion, desensitizing the masses towards the suffering of non-whites.
Wyatt Powell
It's unfortunate that this is a great idea
William Campbell
Beat brain expansion meme yet user.
Carter Morgan
Make it Kathy Griffin and Christopher Cumguzzler executing e-celebs