September 23

>Bottom line: From the standpoint of astronomy, there’s nothing unique or unusual about the sun, moon and planets – or the constellation Virgo – on September 23, 2017, despite claims on the Internet of a unique and significant celestial event, supposedly “mirroring” the Bible’s Book of Revelation. In the past 1,000 years, this same event has happened at least four times already, in 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.

looks like you were all wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

only retards believed this shit.

I want to believe

it's ogre

alright, this is an astrology thread now

who here a Cancerian ;^)

Its happening you cuck, its the inspiration for the virgin birth story. The Christian faith is derived from a religion much older than Judaism.

>there’s nothing unique or unusual about the sun, moon and planets – or the constellation Virgo – on September 23, 2017

True, but it's not just a single sign. It's dozens of them. Look at mass animal die offs, increasing earthquakes and other disasters, the blood moons, the mass solar eclipses, the state of the middle east and Syria, the alignment of nations against one another, the world's obsession with Israel, the silent Muslim invasion of the West, the shaky house of cards called the economy, the boom in automation and quantum computing, the absolutely staggering amount of supernatural events (UFO sightings and exorcisms), and I'm sure there's more.

I could be completely off, but If the Earth isn't in a place of unrest now, I'd like to now what your version of a shitty world looks like. Best bet is to know of these things but not obsess over them. Live your life as you would, but don't get blindsided if something does happen.

>>Bottom line: From the standpoint of astronomy, there’s nothing unique or unusual about the sun, moon and planets – or the constellation Virgo – on September 23, 2017, despite claims on the Internet of a unique and significant celestial event, supposedly “mirroring” the Bible’s Book of Revelation. In the past 1,000 years, this same event has happened at least four times already, in 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.

>>Bottom line: From the standpoint of astronomy, there’s nothing unique or unusual about the sun, moon and planets – or the constellation Virgo – on September 23, 2017, despite claims on the Internet of a unique and significant celestial event, supposedly “mirroring” the Bible’s Book of Revelation. In the past 1,000 years, this same event has happened at least four times already, in 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.

>>Bottom line: From the standpoint of astronomy, there’s nothing unique or unusual about the sun, moon and planets – or the constellation Virgo – on September 23, 2017, despite claims on the Internet of a unique and significant celestial event, supposedly “mirroring” the Bible’s Book of Revelation. In the past 1,000 years, this same event has happened at least four times already, in 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.

>>Bottom line: From the standpoint of astronomy, there’s nothing unique or unusual about the sun, moon and planets – or the constellation Virgo – on September 23, 2017, despite claims on the Internet of a unique and significant celestial event, supposedly “mirroring” the Bible’s Book of Revelation. In the past 1,000 years, this same event has happened at least four times already, in 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056.

Pluto in Capricorn marks the down fall
of corporations... a rebirth of society's order
the time of the elites is coming to
an end

Say what?

how new are you

7 months or so


Blaspheme on blasphemer
Blasphemers gonna blaspheme!

that's the Jewish New Year.....9-23-2017

It the Jewish year 5777 right now

>what were you saying, OP?

The old gods shall return

Jove will be rehatched 92317

To be devoured by his jealous father

The titan will be shred from the inside-out and the pantheon will be released

>the city of you guys

tell me more please

We will acknowledge each god as specialized and commander of its own domain

So is it time to repent or what Sup Forums?
I've seen so many of these doomsday predictions not come true, I'm getting a little tired of being jerked around.


>mass animal die offs
>increasing earthquakes
>other disasters
climate change
>the blood moons
lunar eclipses, moron. they're predicted years in advance
>mass solar eclipses
in the entire time we have been recording solar eclipses, there has not ever been a single one we haven't predicted perfectly
>the state of the middle east and Syria
there has been a holy war going on there for 5000 years
>the alignment of nations against one another
>the worlds obsession with Israel
the jews want everyone on their side
>the silent Muslim invasion of the West
I'll give you this one
>the shaky house of cards called the economy
>the boom in automation and quantum computing
>the absolutely staggering amount of supernatural events
There are less 'supernatural' things happening now than in the past
>I could be completely off


Astrology is retard-tier divination for girls.

I'd like to point out that just because we know the causes of such things does not make them pointless. I find it hard to believe that you can look past all of what is going on in this world and say "meh, it's pretty normal". Take out the spirituality and we still have a massive amount of weird shit going on. Is it not disconcerting the pollution across the globe? Rivers of shit and chemicals in Asia? Nuclear runoff at Fukushima? Tons of pesticides and herbicides flushed into rivers across fertile farmland? There is an increase in severity of natural disasters as well, especially stronger earthquakes. The Mid East has always been a harsh place, but you can at least admit that this proxy war between Russia and NATO is a very troubling things. Iran, Russia, and Turkey are building relations and alliances to counter the U.S. hegemony, and Israel is at the center of this conflict. Syria is just a buffer zone, the Turks and Persians want the Jews dead, and Russia wants a pipeline and oil trade in anything other than Petrodollars. We are seeing a polarization in the West unlike anything in recent times. People are growing to hate each other over ideology. Civil war doesn't seem far off. Financial Collapse is a countries' bankruptcy away. We're at a tipping point, and if something crumbles the support structure isn't there to catch the world.