How do we end the gun violence epidemic, Sup Forums?

How do we end the gun violence epidemic, Sup Forums?

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By shooting people who commit violence with guns.

>gun violence epidemic

This doesn't exist. It's a nigger violence epidemic.

(Read the asterisk for the statistic on non-Hispanic whites, it's even lower.)

make it illegal for niggers to own or carry guns.

wow, why is Neil degrasse tyson so anti-science? he's using figures to shape the narrative without being honest about them. We all know that the majority of those deaths are suicides and surely he does too

What point does he think he's making. Most murders are individual acts againts usually other individuals. We can't stop of fight that.

We can do what we can to stop one act of terrorism that can kill 3,000 more.


Basically killing niggers, and spics to a lesser extent, as they're the main drivers of gun violence in the US. Honestly, we don't have a gun problem, we have a "minority shooting shit up" problem.

It's not even bad

By ending niggers.

Niel Tyson doesn't believe in God. Who cares how many people are going to die from X, Y, or Z? In the end they'll end up dying.

Get rid of the guns.

>b-but criminals will have guns regardless!

Only because they're so easy to get in the first place and there's so many in circulation you dipshits. Once guns are removed from civilians criminals will have a much harder time getting them.

Great this faggot is on qanda next week.

Why is he only listing from 2001 on the islamic thing, he wouldn't be trying to skew the data because he doesn't like the results would he?

Can I get a quick rundown on how many of those gun crimes were carried out by blacks?

>Australia passes sweeping gun control legislation
>Crime skyrockets for a period, then stagnates back to old levels
>Sexual crimes go up, unarmed crimes go down
>Criminals and gangs still have access to automatic weapons
>Gangs of Africans regularly hold wars against each other in places like Melbourne armed with swords and spears
>Farmers can no longer defend their property from wildlife and pests as effectively

B-but at least w-w-we showed those Americans...

concealed carry everywhere so it won't just be criminals with guns.

And the Criminals THAT DO get them will have a much BIGGER advantage

I turned on the news the other night and there were two reports of shootings here one a fatal road rage incident. Banning guns doesn't do shit.

by blasting black spaceman into space to watch over us

we obviously need to return in time, and kill more people. or, stop all net positive population growth and associated exponential rates

Fucking THIS.

Someone should tweet to Degrasse that most of those deaths are caused by NIGGERS.

Niggers are out of control.

We should of picked our own cotton.

Look, you rural retard, all we need to do is politely ask the criminals to turn in their guns again. Criminals who commit crimes would never want to be caught with an illegal firearm, it's a crime.

>gun violence

It's not the guns that are going out and killing people by themselves, bro.

Killing Degrasse Tyson obviously

I'll do it

Damn, I didn't realize there were so many racists here

The 2nd amendment gives the rights to a firearm to every citizen, regardless of skin color...

If democrats stopped shooting people gun crime would drop by 95%, prove me wrong.

we should also point out that 1.4m 7+ years ago is worth a hell of a lot more than 1.4m today. i mean, if we're just gonna reduce people to a number

Wouldn't change anything. 97% of guns used in violent crime aren't legally owned.

>implying criminals will be able to get guns when nobody else has access to them

Most guns used in crimes are stolen dipshit.

>guy brings gun to roadrage incident
>guy doesn't bring gun to roadrage incident
>nothing happens

Gee it's almost like guns are a natural violence escalation tool.


70+ years

no but they are using guns. it is convenient

Why does he keep capitalizing firearms and guns? Isn't he supposed to be super smart?

Firearms are just the means in which to suicides, homicides, accidents, etc, are carried out with. People would be using knives if they had no guns. America is just inherently more violent than some other countries. That's the problem to solve not banning guns. That being said, I do think that proper teaching, licensing and storage would significantly cut down accidental deaths.

>police should be the only people with guns
>systematic racism in the police and abuse of force

Never mind. That tweet is from 2015.

It seems that reality has a racist bias.

He's an affirmative action degree holder who hasn't published a paper since his plagiarized dissertation, why do you think he's anti intellectual? Since his understanding of science is all poor analogies that aren't quite correct, normal people eat up his shit tv shows.

Of course there are racists, here are you dumb? We don't put up with people holding whites responsible for other groups crime.

Gun violence is at a 40 year low.

Fuck this asshole

Longer prison sentences for violent crimes?
No parole?
Three strikes laws?

>Damn, I didn't realize there were so many racists here

Congrats on your first night on Sup Forums! Does your mom know you here? She might get mad, champ.

America is 70% white and commits roughly half of the world's gun related homicides, if you took basic kindergarten math you would know that white people are the problem.

Relevant video.

By getting rid of niggers and muslims.

>posting a gif instead of a jpg or png
If you think this is ok you really need to rethink your life.

Most of them in Australia are manufactured. How hard is it to put pipes together dumbass? You going to ban machining tools and household cleansers too? That's all you need to make a gun and ammunition.

stay out of big cities and trailer parks

There is no epidemic. Black science guy is a nigger and a liberal slave.

Black Science Man: "Terrorism is no big deal because gun violence is a bigger number of dead".

Uncle Ben: "But that means because traffic deaths and cardiac problems kill far more than guns both guns and terrorism are irrelevant?"


>guns in Australia are manufactured
>guns everywhere else in the world are magically poofed into existence

Average NRA intelligence.

Suicide is a human right

>There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.

>Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

>Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.

>The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

kill all niggers then

By manufactured he means homemade guns, even a retard who doesnt have two brain cells to rub together, can manufacture and assemble a luty or sten machinegun with basic machining tools, make ammo casings by cutting copper pipes, make propellant by scraping match heads and make a bullet tip by melting lead in a homemade mold.
Literally the only decent Kekistan flag post ive seen so far.

How do we end the "can't read the constitution" epidemic?


Technically speaking, they're barely even alive. Blacks are more like plants.

>how do "we" do or stop X?
By saging or reporting all prescripted one-line writing prompt bot-spam, of course.


>implying half of those aren't niggers caught burglarizing
>implying the other half aren't niggers just being niggers
Show me the stats about innocent people being gunned down by registered firearms and then we can talk

1.) Tyson = cuck

2.) Guns don't kill people, mean tweets kill people.

Also, there are a little over 8K gun related murders a year, how do you get 3,400 "every five weeks" ?

Nice Mauser I have one too.


1. These stats aren't adjusted for todays population numbers
2. le ebic black science man xd
3. Most of these crimes are committed by blacks anyways so who cares
(Black man commits shooting = oppression
The small minority of times a white man commits shooting = ban all guns)

he better be careful, libs don't like it when you use terrorist statistics from before 2002

Baby's first night on Sup Forums

How many white dudes died in WW2 so you can talk shit 'bout your rights Neil ?

Its alright, most niggers are criminals so they lost that right anyways

Cut out niggers and spics and America is probably one of the top 3 safest nations in the world.

Don't have a good counter argument for the first set though so gg on that.

Continuing on
Terrorism doesn't happen as much as people accidentally shooting someone or themselves, it's planned out and takes time while accidentally shooting someone takes 2 seconds.

1939 - 1945 = 6 years
2001 - 2015 = 14 years
It took more than twice as many years for people to die by household guns to equal the amount of Americans dead in WWII. Plus there's 321 million people and an estimated 310 million guns in the U.S. almost a 1:1 ratio of people owning guns in the U.S. So it's a lot easier to just kill your neighbor with a gun than it is to fly overseas to shoot someone/get shot.

And crime rates in all categories will skyrocket. Review the 18th Amendment to get an idea of how Americans respond to a ban or prohibition.