Trump is 70 years old and President of the United States

Trump is 70 years old and President of the United States.

He is acting like a angsty 15 year old, what is wrong with him.

Obama never did gay ass shit like that, or GWB for that matter. This is not very presidential

Other urls found in this thread:

Merkel went to a literallywho university

Trump graduated from Ivy League with honors

your mom's not very presidential

I know

Europeans will never understand, this is why we have to grow apart. Well, I just hope you are happy with the future you have chosen

If she's so smart then why did she destroy a continent

German blood

Do either of these people strike you as unintelligent?

It's an act to appease to their demographic.

Read George W Bush and the CIA.

Only one of them supported gay marriage.

>Obama never did gay ass shit

what do you call taking michelle's tranny dick up his ass every night?

I don't personally like Trump, but this is presidential, he's the fucking president, so whatever he does is "presidential".

Trump's goal was to be beat Hillary and be elected president, which he achieved.

The rest of the ride is just for shits and giggles which there has been an endless supply of :)

germany is one of the better middle eastern nations.

>Obama never did gay ass shit like that
Obama was a total faggot and a nigger to boot

checkmate atheists

Im not a big fan of obama but this is true tho

>what do you call taking michelle's tranny dick up his ass every night?

Angela Merkel worked for East Germany's secret police. Her Dossier of her work there is still not open to the public.

she has jewish ancestry

>gay ass
Ffs. If only you ass clowns knew how wrong you always are with this

>quantum chemistry.
lol hook it up with that thesis for her doctorate plz

>Obama never did gay ass shit like that,

no he just went through 60K worth of Chicago hot dogs in a weekend

fucking useless faggots

this bitch's whole family moved to east germany from hamburg, which even today is the 2nd or 3rd wealthiest city in all of europe.
that's sketchy.
any of the smart Sup Forumsacks should know that REEKS of jewry/satanism.

everyone outside Germany knows Merkel is infact a murderer and clinically retarded.

>degrees in physics and chemistry

Then why doesn't she become a physicist or a chemist? Running a country is more like running a business than a lab.

any chimp can get a business degree though. Merkel actually has a degree requiring intelligence

>unpresidented™®© autism

literally, the quintessential burger king kike cυck

D E E 1 3 3 7

running a country is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman

>merkel has a doctorate in chemistry
I'm suddenly a lot less excited to be in that field.

Yea thats all nice but you know what Trump has that Merkel doesn't?

Kids, in short Merkel has no stake in the future and I simply cannot trust a person like that.

it's modern day presidential. he's also winning because you're talking about this and sliding all the other stuff he's donig.

>Obama never did gay ass shit like that
He fucked a dude for all 8 years he was in the white house, nigga.

trump is against mass third world immigration and mutliculturalism
merkel is a literal crypto-kike

Who the fuck thought a physicist would make a good leader

>requiring intelligence
.Throwing Europe wide open for all of Rapistan
. stomp the Greek people like bugs
.Re-arming the The Eternal Hun
. at least opposes gay marriage

Much intellgenzes!

>not mentioning the prestigious school Trump graduated from
>not mentioning his business achievements
>not mentioning his billion dollar business empire he built
>not mentioning him writing the book on good business deals

Cherry picking at its finest

And look how much better he's doing. Neck yourself shillbot.

>Obama never did gay ass shit like that
were you 10 his entire presidency?

Sounds like Merkel is an affirmative action case. If she's the only female then it's likely she was given a pass and was subjected to lowerr standards so they weren't called a boy club.

Token pussy.

College education is only a proxy for actual intelligence.

>Worth 10 billion USD
>Failed casino owner

literally pick one

there's a vast difference between a person fully speaking and the 30 second sound clips the lying press pushes out. Pretty interesting but no one just accidentally comes into power of course

>gay ass shit
>poster is a literal flaggot

Oh Sweetie

>angsty 15 year old
Yeah, he's pretty high-energy, it's part of why he electrified the masses.

>what is wrong with him
I don't think he's pushing hard enough on the majority congress he's been blessed with to accomplish his platform.

>Obama never did gay ass shit
Except wreck an already damaged healthcare system, sell drugs and guns to cartels and terrorists, extrajudiciously bomb and kill people in soveriegn nations, support a federal criminal in trying to steal the office of the presidency, get caught trying to orchestrate a shadow collective to undermine the legal Trump administration, and tell all of the normies to lay back and take it and stop being "unfairly patriotic".

>GWB for that matter
Whole other retarded bag of cats, but at least he was pretty blatant and open about his bullshit, unlike President Chimpout and his two-faced walking conspiracy OBGYN.

>This is not very presidential
Except to the ~66% of Americans that currently have something honest and worthwhile to believe in again, you mean?

She's a woman though.

Obama used to shit on conservatives and commonfolk with crude jokes all the time, he just did it at big Hollywood/Software Kike dinners so it went mostly un-noticed. Also, the leftist media kissed his ass the entire 8 years. He had an easymode presidency.

Dementia. compare old interviews to today, covfigureitout

many points were made.

Merkel is a DDR deep agent. She shilled her way up the communist party to get her start in politics. That's why she loves importing sandniggers so much.

EAST German Academy? That explains alot.

her degree is not in political affairs though. You can be the smartest person in the world but if you're put into an industry without proper knowledge you're still going to suck.

>Merkel actually has a degree requiring intelligence

With absolutely no relevance to her job whatsoever.

Go away flaggit, no one likes you.

Govfthefufuck back to /r/eddit.

>muh shekels
Trump dad was rich...


>he fell for the Ivy league meme

Many Ivy leagues are rife with grade inflation and no matter where you go a degree in STEM is gonna take more smarts to get than a degree in business.

-has been the Chancellor of Germany for 12 years, and soon to be another 4 more
-has a Ph.d in Physics
-leads one of the world's most innovative and admirable economies
-the nation under her has maintained the best trade surplus and manufacturing grip for a developed nation. German manufacturing is renown for it's quality from their education and apprenticeship system, as well as social capitalism system, that values quality
-literally one of the best negotiators and arbitrator figures alive, has managed to keep the EU alive
-Germany has one of the world's lowest unemployment rates for a developed nation thanks to her
-is internationally respected and is admirable representative of the German people

Donald Trump
-politically inexperienced
-border-line illiterate
-probably suffering from dementia as we speak, and maybe bipolar
-literally went around on twitter for years saying shit like 'Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault' like some nigger rapper
-has child-like impulses
-needs foreign collaborators to get into office
-lies and breaks his promises literally everyday
-is a laughing stock of the world, and has ruined the global image of the US FOREVER
-is morbidly obese that it's a public health concern
-is a bad and corrupting influence on our kids and a poor role model
-talks like someone just got done choking him
-reveals national secrets to our enemies while breaking trust with our allies
-jobs have already been outsourced overseas since he started
-is ruining the environment
-has moobs
-spends 20% of his time at golf-courses like a orange nigger that he is
-has granted asylum to over 100,000 Haitians
-employs illegal immigrants and contracts overseas manufacturers to make merchandise for him
-has a fake slavic mail order bride
-his business schtick is literally putting his name on a few buildings--and a lot of them still go bankrupt

he used to be brilliant:

>This is not very presidential
He won the electoral vote faggot. Wipe your
ass and get on with life. He can act however
he feels like acting you assblasted demi queer.

This is a great point, idk why it's so often overlooked

Lol who gives a shit about academic achievement? There are tons of "intellectuals" who are totally incompetent in the real world
the let's count "real" and "very" game

>Obama never did gay ass shit
Remember when Obama traded 3 isis soldiers for 1 goddamn traitor?
Remember when he met with BLM (who are confirmed cop killers)?
Remember when Obama paid fucking ransom to Iran?
Remember when Obama promised to pull everyone out of the middle east, but continued dicking around there for 8 years?
Remember when Obama said, during his first presidential campaign, that he believes government surveillance on it's people is wrong, but did a complete 180?

I don't know about you, but what he did was fairly gay ass shit.

Merkel has no kids, as far as I'm concerned she has no business holding public office. Having children should be mandatory for anyone running for public office

That's retarded. Trump has kids and yet sees no reason to care for the future of anyone's kids except his own who have a nice golden parachute.

>be merkel, waste what little intelligence you have on degrees created and run by libtard unis, wrecking your own and other countries with crippling debts and rapefugees
>be Trump, realize early on with your 156 IQ that wasting your inheritance on shitty "schooling" is pointless, proceed to do nothing but build societal infrastructure, make a killing, make yourself insanely rich and famous, run one of the most utterly successful first-time political campaigns in human history, and now attain the highest office (in arguably the world), and get the chance to reverse the damage that has been done to the country that you love by fucking idiots and leftists

Yeah, I think I wanna wait and see how hindsight reflects back on this time in our history.

>can't green txt
GTFO summer-shit.

what he did in the 80's - 90's doesn't prove his capabilities today.

At least we know that he generally cares about the direction that his country is taking, why should Merkel give a fuck what happens to Germany? She could see the pain a family goes through after Ahmed brutally rapes and murders their daughter but she'll never understand it herself.

Fuck that, she has no stake in the future and can never understand what families have to lose.

And one was a east German communist

>At least we know that he generally cares about the direction that his country is taking

lol, no. He just wants more gibs for his family. The rest of the country can fuck off for all he cares.

The Presidency, and other leadership positions in the country, were meant to be held by amateurs. That being said, the man is a fucking national embarassment, he has no interest in learning about things he doesn't know, and is probably going senile.

Anyone who ever went to school, studied hard, worked hard to get a job, showed up for the job, and worked for every opportunity they had to struggle for, should be offended that he is President. It offends me to my very core, it should offend you too, and it is ultimate proof that America is not the meritocracy it claims to be, instead the domain of rent seekers and charlatans selling you a bill of goods they will never deliver.

When you take that flag off, I bet you are a EU indebted greek butt-pirate.

He didn't?

This is predominantly from 2011. He wasn't even a political opponent at this point.

The left doesn't know how to pick a target and they don't know when to stop before looking like petty children.

hm, you just lost an argument.

pretty much

Not an argument.

He has never been better. He doesn't gaffe, he doesn't forget things, he doesnt trail off. He isn't making mistakes with the things he says. He does not have dementia.

All you are showing is that none of what we see today is his true personality. It's purely a character than fits the bill and gets the job done.

buried our country in another trillion. ill take a billionaires couple of rude comments over a guy who "organized" and sealed all his college records in his first executive orders.

Not really, you just had no real point to make what-so-ever. Just like the greek.

You do see that the man's lifetime of turning ideas into super-success is why he the leader of the free world now, right?
You can't be THAT dumb, right?



lol you got owned. Trumpcucks go straight to insults when they get cucked like the faggot dick suckers they are :)

He's only a "leader" if in your world that word means being a jackass con-artist who managed to cuck a bunch of rednecks by promising a wall to keep out the big bad shitskins who are TURKING ER JERBS

Republicucks like you are born dick suckers who will gladly give your life to a literal jackass with an (R) after his name so you can feel smug and superior to everyone else. But you will never have the self-awareness to realize that everyone else is just laughing at you.

There is no denying you fucks scored a big win with Donny. But in the grand scheme of things, you have and will always remain on the wrong side of history.

sometime my dog starts flopin round on da ground is dat cuz he retarded

>leader of the free world
what a joke. you're getting more and more isolated. xi and vladimir can't hold the giggles much longer about kim & trump. who's bad? quatar or saudi arabia? that's not leadership, no strategy, govt not aligned. the US has never been so weak.
you didn't have a better choice after the primaries, enjoy the ride.

Nigga that's gay

Shills outed.

Trumpcuck cucked, resorts to UR A SHILL! screeching

I win :)

like clockwork.

Can't tell who looks more barking fucking mad in that pic.

>Obama never did gay ass shit
He married a tranny and admitted to considering a gay relationship in college.

>I win :)

You're on Sup Forums, kiddo!


Better than fucking your own daughter :)

I agree, media shaters all very predictable. No facts, all accusation and anecdote.

>He is acting like a angsty 15 year old

you need to stop sucking your dad's dickhole, son.