ITT we prove how white we are

ITT we prove how white we are.


Half German and half Sicilian.
But born in Brazil, so I'm a nigger.
pic related, my niggerism

hi its me the guy who said ur eyes arent green

what a smol word huh
but they are still green my nigga, that picture makes them look blue.

나도 몰라

Why are you in Brazil if you are white? I do not understand.

I guarantee I look whiter than anyone else on Sup Forums (fair skin plus little sun), but getting Phoenician genes from one of my parents means I'm not the poster child of the Aryan Brotherhood.

Moral of the story: Pics mean nothing.

Hit the gym fatass, stop embarrassing yourself like this,
>being fit>burgers

My nipples are almost purple.

Never understood it.

>tfw male
>my nipples are even more pink than that
>and couldn't make my chest look that flat

just fucking kill me

fat fuck


South Brazil was settled by Europeans from the 1800s until 1970s.
I am diaspora like you.
Argentina is also white.

>I guarantee I look whiter than anyone else on Sup Forums
>I'm not the poster child of the Aryan Brotherhood

You are literally darker than average South Brazilians.

thats not how youres supposed to talk to strangers

>protruding foredyce spots

>A leaf saving pictures of nigger dicks

Color me surprised

>argentina is white

nice joke try again

>this only proves how fat are the americunts

My skin is maybe a shade lighter than that of the guy in your pic, but I have brown eyes.

what is it with fags not having any chest hair these days?

Bloody good kiwi mate

Here's a photo of me in front of my French family in a church when my sister was getting married to another white man.

Proud day

i dont shave, i just cant really grow any chest hair yet, my hair development is still progressing but i have tons of hair everywhere else. people tell me im done growing hair just to call me a hairless pussy, and you know what every time theyre wrong, even the hair on my face is still developing. i remember last year where my beardline was.

It's weird mate I don't know. But to be honest I'd rather look like a 10 year old kid on my chest if it meant I didn't have to have shoulder hair and back hair.

I'd be totally happy with a little happy trail. Having a bit of chest hair come out the top of your shirt is kind of nice but realistically I'd settle for a little bit in the middle or nothing at all.

Tee-hee, I'm I white enough, Sup Forums? :3

Pink nipples doesn't prove your white because Shaun King has pink nipples and he's obviously black


Are you a girl with a lack of estrogen or a guy with too much of it? why do you shave your nipple hair?


prob klinefelter, or just to much (((soy))) food

The latter. Becouse they had grown many inches but my chest has no hair. Maybe I should stop drinking tap water and milk.

i have a father

Please provide more evidence of who you are as an individual.

your mean Mooretrugal?
the Mooretrugese tongue you speak?

If your area is so white why don't you speak a white language?

I love tuna salad sandwiches


Im pretty sure that I'm XY. And I dont eat soy. But milk about a half a litre a day.

Why are kiwi men so handsome?

Its posts like this that make this board great

Me at work

All hail. I'm white it just happens that I got reverse vitiligo and am nigger at the chest but I swear I'm white.



ajumma :D :D :D :D

Who's got the top bunk?

Nice Dashiki


Is thata fucking bunk bed

i never thought how autistic bunk beds were


Hello my fellow comrades of the whote race.

i dont even know what that is

hey r1bro

I have a huge half gallon jar of mayonnaise in my fridge. I also have a Job, and pay taxes.


Mediterranean master race.



>I'm 29

my dick is big
but unfortunately, that's proof that I'm not white

Uncle Ruckus pls

need more tits

I'm black but basically white

oh goodness me.


You look like some sort of middle eastern serb or niggerspic

Stop, you aren't good at this.

Cute green eyes, ever considered becoming a trap?



Timestamp or gtfo


>Being this poor

fuck off

I'm gonna need more convincing

mine is 0.


on vacation at wewelsburg 2016

I'm a mixed race

50% german 10% swedish 40% saxon/anglo


90% European 10% African reporting for duty, where do I sign up to be part of the right wing death squad?


puerto rican

Wow, a white Brazilian. Pretty rare desu


I'm 86% white according to my ancestry DNA test.

"white hispanic"


everyone who clicks on the pic is a faggot

Clip your nails you fucking slob

>what is compound interest

Don't worry about me, senpai, I'm doing just fine

A faggot.

So a nigger basically
14% not white

Sup Forums how does one find out their ancestry because i have no idea my history and my family has forgotten most of our history

itt OP proves he is an estrogenous nu-male with plump lady hands made for HJ's in the gulag


this can' be real, tell me this shit ain't him someone pls

It's real, I verified it personally