Poland on the way to becoming one of the world's richest countries

Poland on the way to becoming one of the world's richest countries.


Everything without taking a single mudslime 'refugee' and staying homogeneous af, feels good desu.

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The key is homo

This is what happens when you don't let a flood of "immigrants" and "refugees" into your country.

Fuck I love you bastards more and more everyday.

Never change Poland. You make me proud to carry a polish last name.

Please become great Poland.

America loves you!

God only knows how dapper that guy will be in a decade or so.

>Ruchir Sharma
Answer me honestly pole, what is going on between your people and the Indians?

Dude, perhaps I should invest in going back to the motherland.... Eh, Polish is incredibly difficult to learn starting from English, and I'm about 5 generations back from anyone actually Polish/German. (They left Europe right around the time that Poland and Germany were having a civil war, so we're not sure whether they came from what is now Poland or Germany; but due to the strong Catholic base, we're wondering if they weren't Polish.)

All this to say that I'm a bit jelly as an American, but I like my religious and speaking freedoms here in the USA too much to commit to moving there. But I wish you all the best of luck in becoming the next super power and trashing Germany.

>tfw great-great-etc grandfather changed our name from Piotrowski when immigrating in the late 1800's

4th reich when?

Do Polish people like American people? How would you guys feel about white American men unironically moving there for opportunity?

polan will into space ;)

Good job Poland! Keep those filthy mudslimes out!

yes we like native americans
fuck off we are full
ps. kikes need to be hanged for their usury and degeneracy

Getem poland

Poland is finally becoming a big guy!

Much respect to poland.

I thought countries with no mass immigration where supposed to crash and plummet. Did my government lie to me?

What Indians?

You mean "again".

We dont like LBGTWTFBBQ here

Poland is going to be second Israel in case 1st one goes down. Here is what is going on if some one took the bait of this propaganda

Brings a tear to my eye. If I ever visit Europe I'll be spending my money in Poland.

For what? Taking handmeouts from Germany that were financed by Britain?

Poland is going too face a problem when the EU inevitably collapses and I'm not sure which direction it will take.

All the same I like Poland a lot and wish it the best, I just wonder how it will support itself without the EU crutches.

I'm actually really curious what Trump's going to say in his speech.

gonna be laughing if he funds the three seas group and undercuts merkel

Moving to poland for conservative wife.

this shit gay rainbow got burned down 7 times before jew president of Warsaw realized its bad idea

and that photo was taken on our independence day

I went to warsaw a couple weeks ago; great chicks but i tried venturing into the poor side (praga) and i had to walk through a flee market run by GYPSIES to get there

>handmeouts from Germany
Fine, we will stop taking them, give back ALL we took, but we expect them to pay war reparations.

I love u fuckers. Saw this video gave me mad feels. youtube.com/watch?v=YHZRBzf-9pc

based polandia

>Poland is going to be second Israel in case 1st one goes down.

Then Jews must truly be retarded at their master planning, Poland has changed hands among great powers just as frequently as Israel has in history.

why does his 2017 photo looks like Penguin from Batman?


>For what? Taking handmeouts from Germany that were financed by Britain?
thats the best part imo. they took the liberal gibs and used them to create a strong anti immigration country.


That's what Varg advocates. Take advantage of the welfare state, then do the opposite of what (((they))) want (i.e, you should have 6 white kids and raise them well)

Praise polska!

>EU finances german/french firms with gibs to get foothold in pland

while the financing of infrastructure (roads, maintetance of bridges etc) was good, they used gibs to kill many local companies

Lidl = german
Biedronka = portugese
Auchan = french

list goes on.


The point I was making is that they might not work so well if the support was pulled out immediately. I think Corwyn is a legend and its pretty funny to see the Germans squirm, but they might end up being killed with kindness.

I think you've probably taken more than the war reparations would pay out at this point, all the same I worry for you that Germany pushed against the wall might go seeking your submission through force rather than diplomacy all whilst Russia sits watching.

I'm a Brit so we gave you a shit tonne of spitfires to pilot free of charge we don't owe you shit, I don't like how we've been footing a large part of the EU bill whilst Germany gets executive decision making and most of the eco benefits, benefits which helped to rebuild its position in Europe beyond that of pre natsoc Germany. Given the capacity I'd push for Britain and Poland to work together if you guys were willing to leave the EU. Same with every EU nation really - except Germany, Germany must be punished. All the same I don't think you'd be able to sustain yourselves without those gibs.

>when you see a Poland flag and think this is Poland anons

But what are some Poland rap you'd suggest?

how do i get a qt polish gf pls respond

>I think you've probably taken more than the war reparations would pay out at this point
War reparations are worth 3,5 billion PLN... so no.

>burn eu flag
Are these Sup Forums Poland anons?
>you'll never have a slav crew to burn shit and walk around on railroads

I like patriotic rap, it is pretty popular here


you can find translations to English on www.tekstowo.org

and of course :D

you do not

it is rather a default state for Poles, nothing unusual there

According to which metric?

>becoming rich
Choose one.

Is poland getting richer or is every other european country getting poorer?

use google translate

in 2004 city's authorities said that it is about $45 billion for the destruction of Warsaw alone


Poland is the fastest country getting richer (+4% of gdp growth, while for other countries in Europe it is usually 1-2%).
But Westerns spend more and more on shitskins and their life quality changed for the worse

so he made a mistake trillion =/= billion?

What major innovations are coming out of poland?

witcher 4

Cyberpunk 2077

>I'm a Brit so we gave you a shit tonne of spitfires to pilot free of charge we don't owe you shit
And then you fucking charged us for using your airports and defending your country!

You guys got lucky with the game dev companies too.

You're fine as long as you're white.

Brits are like the Jews, but less clever ones - in the end, they got outjewed. The same trick won't work on Poles twice.

If Poland is serious about forming good relations they will make a Witcher without fucking loading screens

> got lucky
no, there were no regulations in this field, hence it was very easy to start and run a company because Polish IRS couldn't fuck it up. Anyway, Poles are amongst the best programmers in the world.

buy faster SSD, pal

Good for you. Show the way.
>Gib back their cars to krauts though

What do polish anons think about this?

All the investments in eastern Poland finally paid off?

Remember kolego, polish language is a little messy. Million = milion, Billion = Miliard, Trillion = Bilion.
So the in fact owed us 3.5 trillion.

>Do Polish people like American people?
yes, the general perception is that america is "cool", especially among young generation. poles grew up watching your movies, listen to your music, etc. you were also enemies with russia, which is nice. usa is also the most capitalist country in the world and it's alluring to poles after the disastrous 50 years of communism. during commie times people would see a postcard from america with nyc skyline on it and it seemed like paradise compared to what they saw around them. after 1989 poland always compared itself to usa and looked up to you. sometimes i feel like our general outlook on things is more aligned with america than europe
>How would you guys feel about white American men unironically moving there for opportunity?
you would have no problem fitting in, people will be friendly to you, unless you're an unmitigated autist and manage to fuck it up somehow. whether it would be wise financially for you to come here is another question

True, but it was still fortunate for you guys to have such talented people in your country. It's incredible how much they were able to do, with so little in the Witcher series.

((((((((((((((((((((Gazeta Wyborcza)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

To the trash it goes. Their editor-in-chief is not even hiding the fact that he is 100% Jewish.
His surname is Szechter and in German it means "throat slitter". His coworkers are Blumstein, Applebuam, and I can go on and on like this

Dont fall for Poland meme. Poland is just Ukraine but with German money. Their situation is currently improved compared to past decades because of constant influx of EU money and relocation of german industry because Poland is cheaper - but its by no means "prosperious" or stable. And even with influx of EU cash, life standard for common people is still pretty low.

To be abused and demolished by shitskins? Even Germans wouldn't want that.
>no regulation = booming industry
The thought that never crossed minds of polish government

No my friend, I mean what do you think about Trump visiting Poland before anyone else?

they are being kept alive by soros since no one is buying this shit toilet paper

Anyway hoping outta this thread now. Best of luck Poland, there are a lot of Americans pulling for you.

US should try to stop it.
Every little bit a country in the world gets worse, the US gets better by default.

Dude, we had to struggle to survive and think of how to get shit done, we are really creative nation.

I knew that some butthurt kacap will show up

>The thought that never crossed minds of polish government
yea... But Morawiecki (our finance minister) seems like a very smart fella... lets give him a few years

1) it will piss of Macron and Merkel, that's great
2) it will boost our national pride, which means we will care even less what the eu says
3) he will back up three-seas initiative, which will piss of germans even more
4) he will make deal with us (we will buy American natural gas)
5) in today's night (it is 9am right now in Poland) our minister of defense made a deal with you, bough Patriot rockets for $8 billion and a few other technologies)

tldr: it is very nice that we are slowly going back to the place where we belong, to the Europe's elite

already bought houses in schlesien and pommern for the return of my family when shit goes down ayyy

aye, continue to stay strong polbro

I don't know about the natural gas thing, because that might seriously piss off Russia

if you guys won't start doing high tech stuff you won't hold for long. Manufacturing can only get you so far.

>2008-2012 Sup Forums
>Poland was made fun of, First country that was made fun of on all boards, with poland ball memes
>Everyone loves poland, and is crowned as the savior of the white race.

I love me some polska, but we have to remember that the pols had been cucked by the jews since 1890. They were almost russian tier cucked by 1920.

Merkel is probably going to raze Warsaw to the ground

>tfw it is Merkel's plan to repopulate former German clay and invade Poland to rescue oppressed Germans

we want to buy LNG from America to become independent from Russia. Yea, this will piss them off, but right now we pay for natural gas (God damn it, why did you have to name "gas" a fucking liquid that you pour into your car) more than anyone else in Europe (except for Ukraine). So it is a good deal for us and this Intermarium initiative is basically about this, to become resourcefully and energetically independent from Russia

>but we have to remember that the pols had been cucked by the jews since 1890.
Where did you come up with this date from?
We used to have the largest Jewish minority in the world for 6 centuries

> They were almost russian tier cucked by 1920.
it is not like we stopped bolsheviks back then

> Pooland slavniggers think they can ever be as rich, industrial, intelligent and good looking as Westerners

>Morawiecki (our finance minister) seems like a very smart fella
You've got any links about his plans? I doubt he's capable of doing much if PiS is pushing for socialist memes for popularity (like 500+), not to mention we should radically change our system if we want to have people working here and not running of to UK, Germoney or whatever.
2bh we still deserve being made fun of, just this time we're anti-eu instead of pro-eu. Nothing else changed very much.

the best thing is that you are not talking about vidya gaem
Poland for first cyberutopia, AI GFs for everybody, cyber crusades imminent

"Gas" is short for "gasoline"

It's usually only used in a context where it's clear what you mean. For example "we need some gas", or "I'm going to buy some gas on my next trip". Usually there is no confusion.

A lot of the English language is about context, that's what makes it so difficult for non-native speakers

are we ok if we are half polish half germanic mix breed... I mean it should be ok, most of you guys gotta be half russian by now

you can stay if you can correctly pronounce following:
give it a go on some vocaroo or something
if you fail, you die
>which means we will care even less what the eu says

It's not Warsaw but Wroclaw, and it's bretty old. Here is a 10 year old pic of the very same buildings.

This is what happens when you don't take in a couple hundred thousand gibslims or you don't front the bill for the chads basterd children or pay for gopnik squatting classes

this image isn't a fair compaison. US rebuilt germany after WW2 and gave polan to the soviets.

well done polski

I can do those. Can I shag your sister now?

here's a before after
blame communism

she is married, so no, but you are free to settle in Poland
>you cannot say Slovenia without saying Love
>you cannot say Slovenia without saying oven either

Damn. Can I shag you? No homo.

My mother works in Ministerstwo Rozwoju so she tells me a little about him. It seems like his plan is to improve tax collection and in 3-4 years to plan country's budget without a debt, which is a very good thing. But other than that, nah, I don't know about his plans.

Thanks, have a picture for your effort

>A lot of the English language is about context, that's what makes it so difficult for non-native speakers
Agree. For example Present Perfect (have + 3rd form) is a bit unintuitive for me. In Polish there is no such "fragmentation", "I was in America" and "I've been to America" do not differ in my language.

Revanchism is driving you crazy and poor.
The plan is pay more for gas, try to block trade flows through eurasia, and host nato missiles.
You'll be lucky to clean nato bases with the niggers
-if you don't pull the world war trigger on yourself again.
Poland always fucked it's allies so no one is complaining anyway.

>becoming one of the world's richest countries

>per wiki, Poland taxes anyone making over 85,528 PLN ($23,000) at 32%.

>32% tax rate on any respectable income

Pick ONE. Only fucking ONE.