Would you ban pornography in your ideal society?
Would you ban pornography in your ideal society?
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No because realistically it won't make it stop, people will find ways to access it or channel their sexual desire into something else, look at how K-Pop in Korea is basically softcore porn because porn is banned there.
You'd be way better off trying to create a healthy society where most people could get sex regularly and be in healthy relationships without the need to view porn so regularly.
No, why would I?
so you like getting pegged?
post feet
>My vids are in xhamster.
Yeah we're gonna need more than that.
ideal society wouldn't be swayed by porn nor there wouldn't be much demand in the first place
why bloat my perfect lawcode with unscientific puritian bullshit
Without porn I wouldn't know what to do with my life.
Post some links so I can fap again.
>being polish
There wouldn't be laws against it but there would be a massive social stigma attached to it
>being african
Only 3DPD porn
Yes I would ban it
It ruins men and it's extremely hard to stop watching porn because porn preys on men most basic instincts and is literally 1 fucking click away. Not including that it's immoral; every fucking body knows it even the biggest fedora tipper knows it deep down.
I wouldn't use massive ressources on it thought. people here would probably still be able to bypass whatever restriction is put in but its gonna be enough to block 13yo and your regular normie adult.
in an ideal society there wouldn't be a question of banning it. It simply wouldn't exist.
yes, but I would also ban promiscuity.
I made a thread about this once and it got deleted by our retard mods because it looked like a bait thread so ill ask it here
Is 2d porn less harmful ?
I'm with this guy. Porn is evil.
post xhamster
totally shopped
I just need my waifu
Yes. It's degenerate and evil and we need to get ourselves and fight our instincts to become better people. As hard as that may be. Saying "HURR DURR THIS IS THE WAY IT IS LETS JUST EMBRACE IT" is what weak-willed faggots do.
I have no problems with footfags. I think it's a perfectly acceptable fetish. However, I take issue with the absolutely horrid taste in feet that so many of them seem to have.
OP, those feet are terrible. Delete your pic. And if you're the same one who posts arabs, niggers, and spic's feet, then you should be gassed. Only white and asian feet are even remotely attractive. And even then, there are just too many here that are too masculine, too wide, too lumpy, and not delicate enough. Fucking stop it.
Feet can be beautiful. But because they can be so sexy, they also have the ability to be gross beyond measure. There's nothing more disgusting than a crude parody of a potentially sexually appealing thing. Delete this pic and go get some taste in feet.
Agreed, the majority of footfags have awful taste. Rarely do I ever see a pair of pale slender feet with high arches and long shapely toes. It's always peasant feet, flat and calloused, large uneven toes. Disgusting.
Why? Well why do you think people so get naked on camera and make love?
Its fucking degenerate, its unnatural, its a Judaic invention of the 20th and 21st century.
>he only likes fake women
When did you find out you were gay though?
Cand wait for the Fourth Reich to invade you smug faggots again
Probably yeah actually, despite looking at it all the time.
A ban won't stop it, but it'll reduce it's prevalence and I believe it does more harm than good.
Porn is gross, use your imagination you imaginationless pussy.
Don't ban it though then we'll halve no one to call imagionless pussies.
Same thing with pussy-paying baricle colonies.
You know the rules newfag
Imagination is for the poor.
Clips4sale is bad. Stay away unless you hate yourself and want to die.
What's the deal?
>would not ban porn
>would ban (((porn industry)))
Problem solved, you're welcome
Most probably yes, it is no different than a drug and very hard to moderate and it leaves pretty much annoying effects on your personality.
If you ever question yourself why you are getting hard to men, traps, feet, shit, giants, fatties, dead things, squishing animals, trampling people, femdom, maledom, castration, cuckold, hentai, animal mating etc.
the answer is %99 porn abuse, %1 a childhood trauma of sexuality.
Can we just gas americans and jews
All problems solved in one fell swoop
>Would ban interracial porn industry.
Fixed that for you.
In an ideal society, you wouldn't need to ban pornography, people would not watch pornography in an ideal society.
No, I wouldn't. I would have schools teach porn's addictive effects on the mind, but banning it would be kinda dumb. It would be pretty damn hard to ban something that can be uploaded on the internet as easily as it can be now.
This would require an extremely extensive network of online "moderators" keeping porn sites from popping up, and shutting down the ones that do. One way around this would be to have a state controlled internet. Even then, there's dozens of ways around that, so you'd need an extremely good administration to govern what can be put on the internet, combined with the tech required to fill in the loopholes of porn access, which currently isn't feasible. I'd personally prefer it if the government didn't regulate EVERYTHING we do. China can only do this with moderate success, and it only works in North Korea because
Probably someone who doesn't exercise self control
>t. virgin
All degeneracy will be punished in an ideal society
Along with anything counter to the interest of the community
unironically kys footfags
No nation has ever been worse off for having banned pornogrpahy while many have been worse of for allowing it.
We can't make murder stop either, but we still illegalize it.
We can make murder stop by eliminating the cause of murder (i.e. drugs)
How embarassing to see things laid out that simply.
Teh based roach
Yes, it's degenerate and responsible for the decline in masculinity among young men.
No because I wouldn't need to.
In my ideal society I would slay hundreds of pussies every day, so who gives a shit
I'll tell you more, apart from porn, you can fix every social issue by simply not allowing Kikes to infiltrate and hijack it with a stream of money. Religion? Immigration? Politics? Justice? School? Academies? Pick any you like. Either you gas/deport all Jews, or you make sure they stay away from the shit you want to keep in control.
I bet you couldn't, still
I would only ban the sale of porn and prostitution.
If people wanted to record themselves having sex, it's not a big deal.
I don't understand why porn isn't banned from sales already... It's pretty much a proxy of prostitution.
Why, *or why not*
isnt that huma
I wonder what size shoe she wears
there is no reason to ban something that wont be necessary
>he thinks drugs are the main cause of most homicides in the U.S.
I'd only allowed black bed maid white master porn and black males gangbanging jewesses while a jewish male sits in the sidelines crying -porn..
White on white porn is allowed only as amataur home-made stuff. Everything else is strictly forbidden and will resort in non-white male being castrated and white male being imprisoned. Females are sentenced to public whites only house for comfort women.
If we lived in an ideal society women wouldn't be degenerate and getting laid/married would be easy. Thus porn wouldnt have a use anyway
No, but in my ideal society the only porn it would be legal to produce would be with a man and his young child daughter or with a man and his wife because all other sex would be illegal.
No, because there's aren't enough traps on Earth to satisfy my ravenous sexual appetite.
Jews are good people.
Why would you ever want to ban the sale of pornography?
No on the contrary i would break apart all human relations by interposing mechanical minds between them. I would seize control of the first generation and their reproduction by driving them mad with pleasure and with their sacrifice as foundation i would build the next one by pairing each child with a self learning AI for them to grow and mesh with each other over the years.
Each individual of two minds. Now i just need the robots, doubles give me artificial sentience.
this isnt a thread about CNN??
Truly ugly.
Ban it - no.Redpill people on why it's degenerate and they will quit it, no demand - no supply.Problem solved.
>pic related
sorry cletus, not landwhales here
Yes. It is a cancer for society.
No I would not. Pornography would become obsolete just like women became obsolete when we replaced them with loli sexbots.
You mean niggers
Ban companies from making porn,
Ameutur home produced stuff is ok.
I find 2D porn less degenerate, because you dont see actual naked real life people. I dont feel as disgusted after fapping to it compared to 3D, maybe i feel guilty because you know those people in porn are most of the time pretty sad people irl and you 'use' them just for pleasure, I dunno
post some feet that you like then pal
You wouldn't need to ban it in an "ideal society".
Propaganda is much more effective than banning things usually.
You sound queer.
The only porn I would ban is the super weirdo shit they seem to be pushing now.
>mommy catches son jerking off to black men and helps him out
Porn today is used as propaganda for race mixing and general degeneracy.
As with smoking it should be allowed but not encoraged nor made easy too get!
No fap day 25 here, happy as a clam.
Also, lack of porn forces men to find better ways at achieving orgasm, ie; meeting women. Which makes them more sociable which in turn makes it easier for them to find a wife at some point and continuing the white race!
>Would you ban pornography in your ideal society?
It's unnecessary. Things were fine when it didn't exist, maybe even better. Porn is also an addiction (see , many people actually feel like that) that damps men and is the easiest way to pass subliminal messages since you can barely do basic thinking when watching it.
Also by removing porn you will enable some of the hunter instinct on men again. Getting things easy may be nice on the surface but is utterly depressing. Hunt/grow and make your own food vs be fed like you're a baby. Chase, win a woman and please yourself (and maybe her) vs just clicking a button and ephemeral pleasing yourself only.
I always felt like shit after I fapped to porn. After intercourse (or better yet a blowjob) I feel great and smile like an idiot.
only 3dpd
No good father wants their daughter to be a prostitute.
>No fap day 25 here, happy as a clam.
I'll give you a hint if you ever decide to become a father. Fap twice, 3 weeks earlier than the date you start going for it. Eat at least 2 fruits per day and try to avoid red meat and too much fatty acids. Your new sperm will be god tier and you'll cum so much you may get triplets even. Good luck!
(bonus: women love when you cum tasty buckets for them)
No but I would make government regulations, like a pack of cigs before every video there has to be a 10 second blurb on it's negative effects. ideally it would be socially frowned upon. But government making it illegal is infringing on rights.
Making it forbidden would only make people want it more.
In an ideal society, you would simply engineer your society's education system/morals/philosophy such that your citizens have no desire for porn.
god i want huma to sit on my face
>It's unnecessary
But Sup Forums is necesary