Serious question. Not trolling

I'm all over social media (always anonymous, of course). I regularly post alt-right, white nationalist, etc., content. I've got a ton of followers over many platforms. But I've started noticing a common pattern. Many people within the alt-right, kekistan, and WN groups are homosexual males. They'll rail against niggers, Jews, Mexicans, etc., but then turn around and post homosexually suggestive images and naked women with penises or dudes sitting on a fat white cock. It's disgusting.

WTF is the problem here? Why are there so many gay men in the White Nationalist movement? I think they're just trying to be trendy and ironic but I'm not sure. Don't they realize that those of us who want to take back our nations don't actually like these people? Do they think that they can be a faggot and a white nationalist at the same time? If Hitler came back today, he would burn those motherfuckers... and I would cheer him on.

I'm not exaggerating here but I'd venture to guess at least half of my followers are fucking queers and I never post anything remotely suggestive of sex, much less gay sex. In fact, I often rail against faggots just like I do with other darkies and degenerates.

Anyway, some clarity here would be nice. Anyone got an explanation for this?

Also, how is Richard Spencer not a closet homo? He even acts like one and likes to sing homo retro music in karaoke.

Gradual degrading of sexual interests

I mean, it makes sense. White culture is the friendliest to gay people in the world. With the death of whites comes the death of gay people.

The first thing that make me consider going right political was, "oh shit, Muslim people literally kill gays."

Common Filth was right.

>Common Filth
>the guy who spends several hours a day "researching" gay fetish porn and unironically supports ISIS

Hmm....interesting question.

While I've seen a couple of queers here and there, I don't think the problem you see is rampant. I think it's just poor shitposting. As for the actual fags out there who are right wing, I don't like them, but they aren't my enemy. I don't appreciate them contributing to the emasculation of the western male, but I legitimately see niggers fucking our women and the muslim hordes as a bigger problem than some queers that have taken themselves out of the gene pool.

Sometimes I'm not sure if I really like men or just really can't stand women.........

Why do you hate gay people?

I despise islam.
I hate the damage it does and the freedom it takes. I hate the ugliness it creates in the world and the filth it breeds.
I'm bisexual. I don't mention it to many people. Most people are surprised to learn it.

You should fight ideologies and not what people are born and can't help.
And if you feel that's incompatible then fight for a seperate but equal society.

Gays are degenerate. They are part of the leftist group even if they say otherwise.

One is not "born gay". That's a fucking myth with absolutely zero science to back it up. It's also suggesting that human beings are not capable of manifesting their own desires and interests, even if we didn't intentionally create them when we're young.

Moving on... faggots advocate for egalitarianism. They would never agree with any view that seeks to destroy them. To faggots, sucking off 20 year old white nationalists with chiseled jawlines, and cut chests with badass tattoos is all part of the aesthetic. Those are the boys they like. Plus, they think it's fun, apparently, to fuck someone they're not supposed to. It's part of the allure.

I can't begin to illustrate just how common it is to find some white nationalist dude with a swastika tattoo, taking it up the ass and showing everyone his scrotum piercings.

Keep your eyes out for it. You'll begin to notice eventually. I really believe that a big part of the rise in so-called "white nationalists" are homo trolls trying to be ironic.

What the fuck is "white culture"?


Weak attempt

If you are serious...its the culture of white people, which is American slang for European-descendant culture. If you can't identify it, you are drowning in it. It's our language, customs, music, fashion, politics, anything and everything that originated in Europe. If you can identify African culture or Middle Eastern culture, you can identify European culture.

That's stupid tbqh.

>be OP
>go on Sup Forums
>every board is filled with horney guys posting dick pics
>the sexual images of (women) have penises
>people larp as anime girls
>trannies everywhere, especially the NEET boards
>find Sup Forums
>think Sup Forums anti-fags
>in a literal cesspool of fags
do you not see the satire here

^ see what I mean. These faggots are everywhere.

Historically a lot of fascist movements have been gay as fuck. Hitler's best friend and right-hand man was a raging homo who fucked his own troops. Hitler even had to have him executed because he was too extreme and tried to co-opt the movement with his own agenda.

> why are there so many homos in wn movements recently
Milo. Seriously, that stunt after the faggotcull in pulse did have an effect.
> why are there only homos in collectivist movements ever
either because they are clever and want to rule over the stupid or because it's a malfunctioning male instict. You choose.

>Why are there so many gay men in the White Nationalist movement?
It's because gay men are primarily motivated by superficial aesthetics and physical genetics falls under that. And since gay men are also turned off by excessive brutality in the actual sense, they tend to be averse to the more brutalistic primitivism of the non-white races and more attracted to the cultural and aesthetic refinement of the whole Germanic gestalt.

With the Aryans, you get rugged good looks and angelic physical beauty, alongside cultural gentility and all sorts of other superficial niceties that homosexuals tend to like, and just enough ruggedness to appease their lusting femininity.

best fucking answer so far

Some decent b8, for once!

Nazi uniforms were tres chic. They were designed by Hugo Boss.

To be honest with you, I think most people don't know what is what anymore.
I mean, the crazy left comes up with new terms every other day. People just get lost. For all they know, maybe some LGBT people think that "Alt-right" just means "Anti SJW"

Cause who the fuck cares

Naziboos are just liberals who hate niggers

i filter all the fag threads

nazism and white identity shit is only for mentally ill faggots at this point because no rational person would support it


There is no way I can change the desire. The annoying thing as well is fags are always the most sexual and aren't afraid of whoring there self's online and this board as well. Like have some decency senpai and don't post that stuff here.. Even though it's sorta lewd

jesus is middle eastern
Italians and Spanish aren't white
americans are 66% Hispanic

>the enemy of my enemy is my friend

The thing you're trying to destroy

>Why are there so many gay men in the White Nationalist movement?

>Jewish flag
>what the fuck is white culture

Thanks for the laugh
