Syria General /sg/ - Good Morning Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Raqqa CS Jul 5
>Palmyra Jul 5
>Mosul Jul 5
>T3 Pumping Station Jul 4
>SE Syria Jun 29
>GolanH/Quneitra Jun 24
>Daraa Jun 14
>E Ghouta Jun 14
>DeZ Jun 10

Developments Jul 5
>2nd day of Astana talks wrap up with rumors of ceasefire prepared, SY armed opposition joins talks
>Palmyra: SAA advances in NE Palmyra, they reached the Hulayhila area, will advance towards Sukhna. 1km to Al-Hail gas field
>DeZ: Nonstop RuAF bombing of IS
>Raqqa: SDF breach IS defenses, captured the Palace of the Maidens and the Abdul Malik School
>E Ghouta: SAA resumes attack, capture several buildings in Taibah sector, NE Jobar
>11 rebels from NW idlib surrender after contacting Ru recon center. 1 said HTS kills those that want to reconcile
>RU Tu-95MS strategic bombers hit IS targets
>FSA starts new attack on IS in Yarmouk valley, Daara
>Ru military police to patrol de-escalation zones in Syria
>military source:Kurdish police detain SAA personnel in Hasakah
>N. Korea promises more ‘gift packages for Yankees’ after first ICBM test
>Yemeni Army, Houthis Launch Missile At Saudi-led Forces Military Camp In Jizan


Other urls found in this thread:

first for a free syria under the SAA now and forever

First for Assad

>cant defeat couple of ragheads in 6 years with help of Russia


>Pakistan launches surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Nasr’

@leithfadel 58min

Syrian government constantly clashed with the Turkish delegation at the Astana Peace Talks. Really no progress.

Turkish delegation seemed to only be interested in increasing their presence in Syria and diminish the Syrian government's future role.


Literally no one can "defeat" them, which means "make them give up". Because no one is willing to either exterminate close to a billion arabs, or get medieval and impale alive the families of anyone who fights as well as crucifying entire towns and cities if they harbor the enemy.


>the absolute state of the catalog right now
>multiple threads bitching bout "muh ebil CNN" and "MUH EPIKZ MEMEZ WARZ LOLLOL"
>check "that general"
>people unironically implying the U.S should attack NORK despite them having nukes
please just make it stop

I remember the last time he said shit like that.

We have met the idiots and they are us.

i can see it already
>U.S makes a vauge statment made to sound "peaceniki"
>commit false flag
>"you see dem ebil assad regime and iran and russia batted away our olive branch of peace

and talking about NORK
russia and china have now guaranteed at the U.N their NOT sanctioning NORK (effectively confirming NORK is here to stay)
i tried to explain this to someone on "that general" and they didnt change their mind
so apparently "that general" likes the concept of starting a massive proxy war involving russia and china on the russo-chinese border

fucking idiots dont get me wrong Americas a great country but yeah..... live long best korea AKA the DPRK dont give an inch

>Americas a great country
Was. War with the Norks would be shitty even if no one helped them. Their defensive capablity is unbelievable so only idiots would willingly do this.

fuck off shill

we'll never stop winning

We stopped long ago.

>even if no one helped them
but it dosent even really matter because the U.S isnt going to attack NORK like come it just wont happen theve got russia the chinks and pakis helping them

>America elected the leader that is getting absolutely played and BTFO'd by Norks, Russians and Chinese
then again, joke country needs a clown leader

brighten your days with some A S S A D W A V E

Don't bet on us making good decisions. So far we haven't gone full retard, but we can. We're a rogue state.

>that is getting absolutely played and BTFO'd by Norks, Russians and Chinese
but we're not getting BTFO, Trump has countered all three at every opportunity

but wait
>NORKS defensive capabilities are great
wait what? proofs? i thought most of their equipment was obsolete and the nukes were-are their main defensive tool and that was about it?


Countered? You're getting played like no other, Trump unironically stopped calling Chinese "currency manipulators" and Chinese didn't have to do shit about it. Kim keeps doing missile tests because he knows Trump is weak and Russians are closer to the Chinese than ever before.

You're a joke. DPRK gets to keep doing tests and that makes Trump look really weak.

>hes countered all three at every oppurtunity
hes countered russia i agree but NORK and china are still trading/allied with each other and are growing stronger/more developed over time and NORKS missle program seems to be jumping ahead every few months at this point with all the chink scientists helping them

>Trump unironically stopped calling Chinese "currency manipulators"
Because he got China to stop buying north korean coal. You're pretty fucking dense
>Kim keeps doing missile tests because he knows Trump is weak
He does it because he's getting desperate, he can see the end in sight and the nukes are his only card he can play. The walls are closing in on him so to speak.

They have dug in artillery positions with 15,000 170mm howitzers pointed at Seoul. Anything within 37 miles of the DMZ is in their artillery range. They have tunnels capable of moving armored units underground. They also have 1/3 of their population under arms in paramilitaries. That's a bitch to take over no matter what you have. Also I got hit with an earthquake while typing this.


>Because he got China to stop buying north korean coal
Oh wow, China stopped buying coal from DPRK this year when they did already buy almost the amount of coal they usually buy from Norks yearly, that'll sure make DPRK weaker! Dumbass, China stopped doing it because of this very reason, they know it won't hurt DPRK.

>He does it because he's getting desperate, he can see the end in sight and the nukes are his only card he can play. The walls are closing in on him so to speak.


dont forgot the 40% (increase of trade between NORK and china) over the first quarter and trumps reaction to it
>"well at least we tried R..Right G..Guys? SAD!"
lets remember since NORKS economy is stalinist/communist in one country/ model that means all that money goes straight to the NORK gov military/missle program

>"muh coal shipments"
trade between NORK and china has increased 40% the last few months
kims testing missles openly now because he more confident then ever
i hope you guys enjoyed kims "4th of july gift" as he called it

may they rest in peace

Jesus Christ.
When will it end?

>trade between NORK and china has increased 40% the last few months
>already buy almost the amount of coal they usually buy from Norks yearly
(and no CNN does not count)

>"i..i just dont get it? muh proletarian revolution and sheit"

forgot his pic
>On February 21st China’s foreign ministry softened the message somewhat. It said imports were being suspended because China had already bought as much coal from North Korea this year as it was allowed to under the UN’s sanctions, to which China gave its approval last March

>proof for the 40% figure
he (trump) fucking tweeted it id fought you would know being a super fan of his and sheit
just check his twitter second tweet down
>"w t f i thought china was helping us at least we T..Tried R..Right?"

fuck off both of you


hah hah you got blown away by your "god emperors" own tweet hah

whats pic related?

>Say, is not fully clear the situation with the Russian contingent, which performs supervisory functions in the canton from the center of reconciliation of the parties. According to one source, at first there were withdrawn the military in eastern Aleppo, and then re-deployed, on the other - the Russian troops never left and has been strengthened.

>Sometimes contradictory information comes from the same source, but the Kurds and the experts believe that Russia is ready to give a "green light" to Turkey to carry out the operation. The reason - the Kurds have taken an unequivocal policy of developing relations with the US and they are having fundamental contradictions with Russia and Damascus.

Now this is real 4D Chess. Russia is playing both the Kurds and the Turks to keep fearing each other so the advance of the YPG in Raqqa is delayed while the Turks are not sure if they should invade Afrin or not.

Sup Forums catalog at the moment.

my name is kyle denton and im from alabama
i have the balls to put my face up here and cnn will never get me because they are bluffing
your move media

oh sorry forgot you could ctrl+f for a moment
>65 threads contain the word CNN somewhere in the title
is this a joke? is this a legit fucking joke? can the "joke" please fucking end soon thank you?

It's true, 2017 Sup Forums is defending a ledditor who apologized to CNN for a shitty meme. We've crossed into the surreal.


By the way I survived. Thanks for asking.

fuck this like seriously
but to be honest since the trump shit i dont really browse anything besides /sg/ for interesting shit considering 90% of other shit asides from /sg/ (and obviously the boards not related to poltics like Sup Forums or /x/ or something etc) is just around the clock trump cancer

>Fate of Empires

my nigga

also checked
and checked

Colonel Sanders?

>Fate of Empires
It's a great read. Also it's super short so no one has an excuse for not reading it. I guess kek has a sense of humor.

>his name is literally the filename
(if bait nice bait enjoy the (You))

In Trotsky Fried Chicken, you work for your fried chicken in labor camps

And only the communist party actually gets to eat it

I gotta hand it to tr*mp he sure knows how to make a cult of personality



He looks like a kurd

nice map links you kike

5 replies seems about right. You'll reach your bump limit with clickbait though. Considering the 2 aftershocks I've just dealt with the tectonic weapon seems more interesting.

Assad will be gone within the year

>r*dditors in charge of geopolitics

whats gonna habben @ g20?

Obama is this you?

>only the communist party gets to eat it
no you forgot its trotsky so..
german socialism

they are all false only the perfect infalliable brand of communism that is trotskyism is true
and as trotsky proved one of the main tenants of trotskyism is accepting help from the gestapo ss and FBI to help destroy the soviet union

>this is the man modern socialists worship then wonder why they are so sectarian all the while decrying "ebil stalin" "muh molotov-ribentrop pact"

>5 replies seems about right. You'll reach your bump limit with clickbait though.

true, especially these days (nu-Sup Forums, reddit emigrees).

>Considering the 2 aftershocks I've just dealt with the tectonic weapon seems more interesting.

what's going on? maybe nuclear test?

the Norks have a massive volcano too, speaking of tectonic weapons;

>Roger Clark, lecturer in geophysics at Leeds University said in the respected journal Nature in 1996, responding to a newspaper report that there had been two secret Soviet programs, "Mercury" and "Volcano", aimed at developing a "tectonic weapon" that could set off earthquakes from great distance by manipulating electromagnetism

>US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, said on 28 April 1997 at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, while discussing the dangers of false threats, "Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."

>North Korea's nuclear test 'could jolt volcano back to life'

>Experts say one of Mount Paekdu's previous eruptions was 'one of the largest explosive events in human history'

>Sacred Volcano in North Korea May Be Waiting to Blow

>Sprinkled with villages and blueberries, Mount Paektu has been rumbling, prompting an international effort to study its underbelly.

My guess is that the earthquake occured naturally. Confirmation bias makes this seem more interesting. The possibility exists of Nork chicanery though.

Just got another weak ass aftershock.

>just went on lionels vid on the CNN shit
>go in comments
>"hurr durr muh MEMEZ WAR NOW HURR DURR"
>hurr durr Sup Forums and reddit teaming to take down CNN(COMMUNIST NEW NETWORK libTARDS) yay hurr durr
>hurr durr Sup Forums reddit alliance now hurr durr
>hurr durr MUH GIVE ME A SHADILAY hurr durr
>hurr durr muh EPIKZ FROGZ MEMEZ hu durr
>hurr durr muh Sup Forums and reddit need to team up to take down muh anti-trump media hurr durr
>about a thousand more obvious redditors talking about "awakening Sup Forums" and "muh weapozied autismo maymays" and "MUH DANK MEMEZ WARZ"
pls make it stop i beg of you
just please...

just stop looking, it may go away

if the empires have a "splendor time" of 250 years, how many years are left for america?

i have a job interview today lads. wish me luck.

hint: it is bullshit written by studying few examples.

You'll get hired.


Hello my fellow magapedes XDDDDDDDDDD

>Infighting between HTS and other Rebels in Ghouta.

It's time for the pocket to be sewn shut.

i was just reading those posts on the iraq war thread
now i have more than enough reason to want to scorch all of JEW S A
my point is /POL is plagued now
and we can't do a thing to fix it

>China warns North Korea another nuclear weapons test would take relations beyond 'point of no return'

especially a day after their first ICBM test.

it's approximate. ww3 soon, see above. qed

the duration is debatable but the nature of the cycle is correct

rollerini for best korea

Just stop

actually fucking kill me

"That general" needs some gore. FFS this has gone on long enough. Don't to it right now, but remember the idea.

Did you like the new mad max movie?

I watched it late one night in a hotel. This seemed to distill the experience.

whats up with sam now a days?
did he make any money back from the book to make up for world peace being(((cancelled))) or is he down and out for good?
i saw him shilling the book on JUSTube a bit back

no, fuck reddit

i actually watched vid related a while ago
he actually points out a pretty major plot hole (under the warlords the settlement is pretty stable and has a decent water supply then max and his ladies fuck it up and waste all the water probably killing everyone)
cant watch the movie now that pretty much killed my attempts at watching it from then on out because of how cynical it made me

This is bait

Sometimes I forget how much the rest of this board hates Assad and Syria for being Arabs.
This thread is like an Arab refuge on an anti-Arab website.



>This thread is like an Arab refuge on an anti-Arab website.
But I'm not an arab, nor are most other posters.

E;R is too smart for his own good. He hates all the things I hate.

Not to mention that the most privileged people of the community, the wives, have to be liberated (who also happen to be pretty and white) while the plebs are left to die. :)

Nor am I, nobody here is Arab, why would an Arab visit an anti-Arab website?
I am just saying this is the only thread where people aren't vocally and explicitly anti-Arab.

Nice to remind yourself, least you get surprised when you open another thread.

>but erdogan is our guy
>he will exterminate the feminist kurd terrorists and give the land back to assad

>check "that general"

The r/Donald thread? It makes me so confused. They will excuse anything, any statement, any action that the president takes, and attack anyone who doesn't.
Like cartoon cultists.